about the dating show


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Dec 4, 2007
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when my tamagotchis are younger and have not reached the adults stage, i tot that maybe they were too young for matchmaking to access the dating show. but now that they have already reached the adults stage, why can't i access the dating show? :huh:

because you have to wait 2 full days after they have become adults

Here's why ... :

Baby to toddler: 1 hour

toddler to teenager: 2 days

teenager to adult: 2 days

adult to marriage stage: 2 days

hope i helped!

PM me if u have any questions! ;)


pretty simple. all u have to do is wait 2 fill days because if ur tama has just turned to the adult stage u cannot use the dating show straight away!! ^_^ :angry: :angry: :angry:

hope i helped! :angry:

memetchi7 :angry:

:angry: :angry:

You have to wait 2 FULL days after they become an adult.

i've had my tamas for over 3 days and i tried to put my shelltchi on the dating show but i get an angry game show host.... :huh: :huh:

i've had my tamas for over 3 days and i tried to put my shelltchi on the dating show but i get an angry game show host.... :huh: :huh:
i havent paused my game ever...

i heard that it has to be exactly 48 hours after your tams turn into adults. so if your characters evolved at say...7 pm you have to wait 2 days from 7pm to accest the dating show. its so dopey.

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