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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2006
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Right around the corner
Love these! Have fun ;]

Btw I shortened it a bit.


1. A cuddler?: Sure? lol

2. A morning person?: Noo way

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Depends

4. An only child?: Technically yes.

5. Catholic?: nope

6. In your pajamas?: haha yes

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: Yes.

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: Nope, lol

9. Left handed?: Nope

10. Addicted to this site?: Yes!

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Nope ;]


13. Get paranoid at times?: Nah, not really

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Nope

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Yes.. xD

16. Enjoy country music?: NO

17. Enjoy jazz music?: yes

18. Enjoy smoothies?: Very much

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: after a while my ears start ringing a bit

20. Have a lot to learn?: ya

21. Have a pet? 3 :]

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: I guess you could say that..

23. Have all your grandparents?: no..

24. Have at least one sibling?: well..

25. Have been told that you are smart? : Everyday at school :lol:

26. Have a broken bone?: not at the moment.

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: yess!


28. Changed a diaper?: sadly no

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: no

30. Talked back to your parents?: too often!

31. Had surgery?: nope.

32. Killed another person?: no?

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: Almost

34. Had the cops called on you?: noppee


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: nose, cuz it looks cooler

2. Be serious or be funny? FUNNY!

4. Die in a fire or drown?: drown.

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: parents.


1. Simple or complicated?: a litte of both

2. Smart or dumb?: school smart, street stupid, haha

3. Hardcore?: Yes! Haha I don't know.


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy!

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: depends on the style of the photo

4. Lust or love?: love

5. Sunrise or sunset?: sunset, I wont be awake before a sun rise.


1. Nervous Habits: crankiness, scratching, and the list goes on

2. Are you double jointed?: sorta in my hips

3. Can you roll your tongue?: yess.

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: pfft no

5. Can you cross your eyes?: yess

6. Do you make your bed daily? not when it's 6 feet off the ground

7. Which shoe goes on first?: i dont know?

9. Ever threw up on someone: nope

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? about 30 bucks or more depending on where im going

11. What jewelry do you wear?: 2 necklaces and bracelets

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: neither!

14. Favorite ice cream?: vanilla!

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: like 1

16. What's your favorite beverage?: ice tea =]

17. Do you cook?: kinda

18. favorite song?: too many

Last edited by a moderator:
This should be fun.


1. A cuddler?: Uh...

2. A morning person?: Heck no

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Yes

4. An only child?: Nope

5. Catholic?: No, I'm Jewish

6. In your pajamas?: Yes

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: Nope

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: Depends

9. Left handed?: Nope

10. Addicted to this site?: Not addicted, but I like it a lot.

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: No.


13. Get paranoid at times?: Yes

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Nope

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Yes.

16. Enjoy country music?: NO

17. Enjoy jazz music?: Better than country, but not really

18. Enjoy smoothies?: Very much

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: I like texting better personally

20. Have a lot to learn?: Yes

21. Have a pet? No

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: I guess you could say that..

23. Have all your grandparents?: no..

24. Have at least one sibling?: Yes

25. Have been told that you are smart? : Yes

26. Have a broken bone?: Nope, just a sprained ankle.

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: Doesn't everyone nowadays?


28. Changed a diaper?: Yes. (to tamtamkitty07, what do you mean sadly?)

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: Yes

30. Talked back to your parents?: Yup

31. Had surgery?: Kind of

32. Killed another person?: No. I'm not psycho.

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: Nope.

34. Had the cops called on you?: No way


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Nose; I don't want to talk with a lisp.

2. Be serious or be funny? Depends on the sitch.

4. Die in a fire or drown?: That's a horrible question lol. I don't want to think about it.

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: parents.


1. Simple or complicated?: Complicated

2. Smart or dumb?: Smart I think

3. Hardcore?: Depends


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy!

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: depends on the style of the photo

4. Lust or love?: love

5. Sunrise or sunset?: sunset, I wont be awake before a sun rise.


1. Nervous Habits: Shaking

2. Are you double jointed?: In my pinky

3. Can you roll your tongue?: Nope

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Sorta

5. Can you cross your eyes?: yess

6. Do you make your bed daily? No I'm hecka lazy

7. Which shoe goes on first?: Whichever one I pick up first?

9. Ever threw up on someone: nope

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? NOYB

11. What jewelry do you wear?: Earrings

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl

14. Favorite ice cream?: Cookie dough

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: None; all the cereal's on top of the fridge.

16. What's your favorite beverage?: H2O

17. Do you cook?: kinda

18. favorite song?: too many


1. A cuddler?: Haha. No.

2. A morning person?: Oh, that's funny.

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Sometimes.

4. An only child?: No [older sister]

5. Catholic?: No.

6. In your pajamas?: No. Oh darn.

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: No, not really.

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: Oh, no way.

9. Left handed?: Nope.

10. Addicted to this site?: At times, can be.

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Sometimes, usually.


13. Get paranoid at times?: Yes, in certain situations.

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Nope

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Yes.. Well, and get the urge to kick the closest thing. Or person. ^__^

16. Enjoy country music?: Ahaha.

17. Enjoy jazz music?: Usually, no.

18. Enjoy smoothies?: It depends.

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: Nooo.

20. Have a lot to learn?: Oh yeah.

21. Have a pet? 6.

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: Not exactly.

23. Have all your grandparents?: Yes, thank goodness.

24. Have at least one sibling?: Yes, one.

25. Have been told that you are smart? : Yes, but that was before I met my friends. xD

26. Have a broken bone?: Bruised tailbone, but not broken.

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: Home phone.


28. Changed a diaper?: No.

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: Yes.

30. Talked back to your parents?: No. Disagree silently, and wander off to my room or basement. xD

31. Had surgery?: No (yey)

32. Killed another person?: YES. AHAHA.. No. I would hope not.

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: No.

34. Had the cops called on you?: No..


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Tongue. (I don't know.)

2. Be serious or be funny? Funny.

4. Die in a fire or drown?: I hate heat.. And not being able to breath... Drown, I guess. -,-

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Parents.


1. Simple or complicated?: Both. Confusing.

2. Smart or dumb?: Both. Confusing. xD

3. Hardcore?: I don't know.


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: Black and white

4. Lust or love?: Love

5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset.


1. Nervous Habits: Twitching when I shiver (haha), spacing out while reading, or even when being talked to.

2. Are you double jointed?: In my fingers, sort of.

3. Can you roll your tongue?: Yes.

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Yep.

5. Can you cross your eyes?: Doing it while typing now. Yes.

6. Do you make your bed daily? Haha. Usually too lazy/in a hurry.

7. Which shoe goes on first?: Left..?

9. Ever threw up on someone: No, thankfully.

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? $25-ish.

11. What jewelry do you wear?: Hardly any. On occasion, a bracelet.

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl..?

14. Favorite ice cream?: Yuck. Icecream.

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: Like, seven. xDD

16. What's your favorite beverage?: Root Beet, Dr. Pepper, or water.

17. Do you cook?: Only certain things.

18. favorite song?: Decembers, by Hawthorne Heights. Many others as well.


1. A cuddler?: Um...No?

2. A morning person?: Not so much.

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Yes.

4. An only child?: Noo.

5. Catholic?: Yeah

6. In your pajamas?: of course.

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: Somewhat.

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: Of course...Not.

9. Left handed?: No.

10. Addicted to this site?: Sure.

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Yes.


13. Get paranoid at times?: All the time.

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: No.

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Yes.

16. Enjoy country music?: No thanks.

17. Enjoy jazz music?: Nope

18. Enjoy smoothies?: Kinda.

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: NO

20. Have a lot to learn?: I guess

21. Have a pet?: Kind of...

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: Yep.

23. Have all your grandparents?: Nope.

24. Have at least one sibling?: Yes.

25. Have been told that you are smart? : By my mommy D:

26. Have a broken bone?: Nope.

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: Yep.


28. Changed a diaper?: No and I don't think I want to.

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: Yeah, sure.

30. Talked back to your parents?: Yeah.

31. Had surgery?: I think.

32. Killed another person?: No o_o

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: Nope.

34. Had the cops called on you?: no.


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: nose...

2. Be serious or be funny?: I'd say funny.

4. Die in a fire or drown?: Fire.

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Parents.


1. Simple or complicated?: Complicated

2. Smart or dumb?: Stupid.

3. Hardcore?: Sure?


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy.

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: Color.

4. Lust or love?: Love.

5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset.


1. Nervous Habits: Lots...Not listing.

2. Are you double jointed?: No.

3. Can you roll your tongue?: Yup.

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Nope.

5. Can you cross your eyes?: Yup.

6. Do you make your bed daily?: Only sometimes so no.

7. Which shoe goes on first?: Right most of the time...

9. Ever threw up on someone: Ew...No.

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you?: $40.

11. What jewelry do you wear?: Nothing.

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: I don't know.

14. Favorite ice cream?: Vanilla.

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: 2

16. What's your favorite beverage?: Um...bubble tea?

17. Do you cook?: No.

18. favorite song?: Skyway Avenue.


1. A cuddler?: No

2. A morning person?: Certainly not

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Depends

4. An only child?: Yes

5. Catholic?: No

6. In your pajamas?: Yes!

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: Depression?

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: No

9. Left handed?: No

10. Addicted to this site?: Sort of

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: No


13. Get paranoid at times?: Sometimes

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: YES!

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Not really

16. Enjoy country music?: NO WAY!

17. Enjoy jazz music?: No!

18. Enjoy smoothies?: I guess so xP

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: Yeah

20. Have a lot to learn?: Heck yes. I never listen in class xD

21. Have a pet?: 62 (Dont ask xDDD)

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: No

23. Have all your grandparents?: no

24. Have at least one sibling?: YES! x.x

25. Have been told that you are smart? : Sometimes =P

26. Have a broken bone?: Not at the moment

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: Yes


28. Changed a diaper?: No thank goodness -.-

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: YES!

30. Talked back to your parents?: Yes.

31. Had surgery?: Yes, Broke my arm, had to have pins

32. Killed another person?: WHA? Would I do that?

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: Yes

34. Had the cops called on you?: no


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Nose. Not tongue

2. Be serious or be funny? Funny

4. Die in a fire or drown?: Drown

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Parents


1. Simple or complicated?: Complicated.

2. Smart or dumb?: Sort of smart

3. Hardcore?: Sort of :\


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy? (Sweets xP)

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: Colour

4. Lust or love?: love

5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset


1. Nervous Habits: Over reacting

2. Are you double jointed?: Yes, in my legs and hips

3. Can you roll your tongue?: Yes

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: No

5. Can you cross your eyes?: Yes

6. Do you make your bed daily? No

7. Which shoe goes on first?: Err, both?

9. Ever threw up on someone: When I was a baby, yes.

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you?: Depends, £15

11. What jewelry do you wear?: Studs

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl!

14. Favorite ice cream?: Chocolate

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: 3

16. What's your favorite beverage?: None

17. Do you cook?: No

18. favorite song?: Like you-Evenescence


1. A cuddler?: Nope

2. A morning person?: Sorta

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Never!

4. An only child?: Nope

5. Catholic?: Nope

6. In your pajamas?: Sorta xD

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: Nope. ^^

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: If I'm related to them.

9. Left handed?: Nope

10. Addicted to this site?: Yes

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Eh...




13. Get paranoid at times?: Yes

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: No

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: I barely curse at all. :x

16. Enjoy country music?: Depends

17. Enjoy jazz music?: Depends, also

18. Enjoy smoothies?: Depends, again

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: Never!

20. Have a lot to learn?: Er..maybe..

21. Have a pet? 5 :-D

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: I haven't fallen yet

23. Have all your grandparents?: Only one

24. Have at least one sibling?: Yes

25. Have been told that you are smart? : By those annoying teachers. >.<

26. Have a broken bone?: My finger. :'-(

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: Nope




28. Changed a diaper?: Yes :p

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: Yes

30. Talked back to your parents?: One

31. Had surgery?: Never.

32. Killed another person?: You don't need to know...xD

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: nope

34. Had the cops called on you?: Nope




1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Tongue, I can hide it more often

2. Be serious or be funny? Funny

4. Die in a fire or drown?: Fire

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Paren




1. Simple or complicated?: Dunno...

2. Smart or dumb?: Both. :-D

3. Hardcore?: Dunno....




1. Flowers or candy?: Flowers

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: Colour

4. Lust or love?: Dunno...

5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset




1. Nervous Habits: Scratching

2. Are you double jointed?: Nope

3. Can you roll your tongue?: er...

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Yes xD

5. Can you cross your eyes?: Yes

6. Do you make your bed daily? At night

7. Which shoe goes on first?: The right

9. Ever threw up on someone: I wish.

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? 5 bucks

11. What jewelry do you wear?: N/A

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl

14. Favorite ice cream?: Coffee

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: 6

16. What's your favorite beverage?: Pepsi

17. Do you cook?: Depends

18. Favorite song?: Jump by ℃-ute


1. A cuddler?: Yes

2. A morning person?: Kind of

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Sort of...

4. An only child?: No

5. Catholic?: No

6. In your pajamas?: No, I wish I was Dx

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: yes

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: No

9. Left handed?: No

10. Addicted to this site?: Yesh : 3

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Yes




13. Get paranoid at times?: Yes

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Yes

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Heck yes x'D

16. Enjoy country music?: Heck no

17. Enjoy jazz music?: No

18. Enjoy smoothies?: Of course! =]

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: Most of the time

20. Have a lot to learn?: Yesh

21. Have a pet? Four

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: Yes -sob-

23. Have all your grandparents?: Yesh

24. Have at least one sibling?: Yes

25. Have been told that you are smart?: Yep

26. Have a broken bone?: No

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: No




28. Changed a diaper?: No

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: Yes

30. Talked back to your parents?: No

31. Had surgery?: Yes

32. Killed another person?: No o_0"

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: No

34. Had the cops called on you?: At a slumber party. It was on me and my friends. Long story...PM me to hear it. It's hard to explain. Dx




1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: I'd scream arount in circles if I had to get either one. My parents would go insane if I did. o____o"

2. Be serious or be funny? Funny

4. Die in a fire or drown?: Drown

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Parents




1. Simple or complicated?: Depends

2. Smart or dumb?: Smart in school. Stupid around my friends.

3. Hardcore?: What? o____o"




1. Flowers or candy?: Candy

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: Not sure

4. Lust or love?: Love

5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset




1. Nervous Habits: Whispering, nail biting, blushing...

2. Are you double jointed?: My pinky's are o____o" Seriously...

3. Can you roll your tongue?: Yes

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: No

5. Can you cross your eyes?: I think -tries-

6. Do you make your bed daily? No x'D

7. Which shoe goes on first?: Left

9. Ever threw up on someone: Yes o____o"

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? $5 at school, $5-$35 at the mall

11. What jewelry do you wear?: Earrings

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl

14. Favorite ice cream?: Chocolate

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: About 5

16. What's your favorite beverage?: Water and Sprite

17. Do you cook?: Depends...

18. favorite song?: Not sure...


1. A cuddler?: Not really, it makes it hard to breath. I like huggles though!

2. A morning person?: Some days..

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Looks, yes. Everything else? No way!

4. An only child?: Yep

5. Catholic?: My dad is, but we don't practice.

6. In your pajamas?: Yes

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: Always

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: How am I styling their hair?

9. Left handed?: No

10. Addicted to this site?: Kinda

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Yer, alittle


13. Get paranoid at times?: Alott

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Yea

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Yess

16. Enjoy country music?: Pop-Country

17. Enjoy jazz music?: Kinda

18. Enjoy smoothies?: Yess

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: Yes, But I like face to face.

20. Have a lot to learn?: Maybe.

21. Have a pet? 3

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: I just fall

23. Have all your grandparents?: I have none

24. Have at least one sibling?: No

25. Have been told that you are smart? : Yes

26. Have a broken bone?: Never ever, I'm strong!

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: Yep


28. Changed a diaper?: Not on a real baby

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: Kinda..no

30. Talked back to your parents?: Yes

31. Had surgery?: No

32. Killed another person?: No...

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: No

34. Had the cops called on you?: Yes


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Nose

2. Be serious or be funny? Both

4. Die in a fire or drown?: IDK, Fire would be ironic

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Mommy and Daddy kick a**!


1. Simple or complicated?: Depends

2. Smart or dumb?: Both

3. Hardcore?: Oh yeah, Totally.


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy, plz

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: BRIGHT COLORS!

4. Lust or love?: BOTH MIXED TOGETHER

5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset


1. Nervous Habits: Yelling, Moving and bumping my legs and hands around, chatting and puffing my mouth, clicking my tounge

2. Are you double jointed?: Nooo

3. Can you roll your tongue?: Sorta

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: no

5. Can you cross your eyes?: no

6. Do you make your bed daily? No, I'm not that kinda girl

7. Which shoe goes on first?: THE LEFT SHOE

9. Ever threw up on someone: The carpet? sorry bb

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? none, I'm broke

11. What jewelry do you wear?: It changes everyday, I'm not boring.

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Both

14. Favorite ice cream?: Cookie Dough..and the other kind I forget it.

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: I dunno

16. What's your favorite beverage?: Water

17. Do you cook?: LOL, what?

18. favorite song?: Dancing songs!


1. A cuddler?: Yesh! :3

2. A morning person?: Hell no.

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Hah, yep. [sarcasm]

4. An only child?: Yes

5. Catholic?: I'm forced to be. :|

6. In your pajamas?: Soon to be. :]

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: No

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: No

9. Left handed?: No

10. Addicted to this site?: Sort of

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: No


13. Get paranoid at times?: Yes...

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Uh huh...

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: OK, I curse like mad even when I'm NOT angry. xD

16. Enjoy country music?: NOOOOO!

17. Enjoy jazz music?: Good lawrd, no.

18. Enjoy smoothies?: Bleh, I hate them.

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: Only 3 people

20. Have a lot to learn?: Yup- I never pay attention in school.

21. Have a pet?: Yah

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: ???

23. Have all your grandparents?: Only 2

24. Have at least one sibling?: Nope. ^.^

25. Have been told that you are smart?: Not really- I'm not exactly too clever.

26. Have a broken bone?: I'm not sure- I can't bend my finger Dx

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: Yes


28. Changed a diaper?: No

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: YES!

30. Talked back to your parents?: Yes.

31. Had surgery?: Yep

32. Killed another person?: Not yet?

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: Nope

34. Had the cops called on you?: Nope


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Nose

2. Be serious or be funny? Funny

4. Die in a fire or drown?: Fire- I <3 fire.

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Parents


1. Simple or complicated?: Simply complicated. :3

2. Smart or dumb?: Whaaaa? Smart... aha.. OK, stupid.

3. Hardcore?: YEAH!


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy?

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: Both.

4. Lust or love?: Love

5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset


1. Nervous Habits: Jumping around and screaming

2. Are you double jointed?: No

3. Can you roll your tongue?: No

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Yes

5. Can you cross your eyes?: Yes

6. Do you make your bed daily? No

7. Which shoe goes on first?: I dunno/

9. Ever threw up on someone: Yep. xD

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you?: £5

11. What jewelry do you wear?: My best friend charm necklace

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl!

14. Favorite ice cream?: Chocolate

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: Loads

16. What's your favorite beverage?: Coke, Dr.Pepper and Powerade

17. Do you cook?: No

18. favorite song?: ATM: I believe- it's the soundtrack of the film "Honey."


1. A cuddler?: Duh Xp

2. A morning person?: NOOO

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Nah I hate perfect people

4. An only child?: I have 4 other brothers and sisters

5. Catholic?: Nah

6. In your pajamas?: I was this morning

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: Nah

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: Yah :^D

9. Left handed?: Nope

10. Addicted to this site?: Yes!

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Nope ;]


13. Get paranoid at times?: Yah

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Nope

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Yes.. xD

16. Enjoy country music?: NO

17. Enjoy jazz music?: Sometimes

18. Enjoy smoothies?: Very much

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: Im not a very good phone talker :/

20. Have a lot to learn?: ya

21. Have a pet? A hedgehog A dog A gold fish and 300 turtles :lol:

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: I guess you could say that..

23. Have all your grandparents?: no..

24. Have at least one sibling?: 4 accualy

25. Have been told that you are smart?: maybe but im not smart :D

26. Have a broken bone?: not at the moment.

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: yess!


28. Changed a diaper?: Yah

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: Kinnda

30. Talked back to your parents?: sometimes

31. Had surgery?: nope.

32. Killed another person?: no?!

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: No

34. Had the cops called on you?: noppee


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: nose, cuz it looks cooler

2. Be serious or be funny? FUNNY!

4. Die in a fire or drown?: Umm...if I was knocked out than drown

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: parents.


1. Simple or complicated?: a litte of both

2. Smart or dumb?: school dumb street smart ;)

3. Hardcore?: Yes!


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy!

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: I like black and white

4. Lust or love?: love

5. Sunrise or sunset?: sunset, I wont be awake before a sun rise.


1. Nervous Habits: Make weird moaning sounds?

2. Are you double jointed?: I wish!

3. Can you roll your tongue?: kinnda

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: pfft no

5. Can you cross your eyes?: I wish!

6. Do you make your bed daily? Pff No

7. Which shoe goes on first?: i dont know? my right

9. Ever threw up on someone: nope

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? if im going out ill keep a emergency 10 dollars

11. What jewelry do you wear?: A pentagon bracelet :unsure: thats all I have

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: neither!

14. Favorite ice cream?: I odnt like icecream :/

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: 2

16. What's your favorite beverage?: kool aid :0

17. Do you cook?: kinda

18. favorite song?: too many


1. A cuddler?: Sure

2. A morning person?: Absolutly not

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Yes

4. An only child?: No

5. Catholic? No

6. In your pajamas?: No

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: Kind of

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: Yes

9. Left handed?: Yes

10. Addicted to this site?: Meh...

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Yes like whoa


13. Get paranoid at times?: yes

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: No

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Yup

16. Enjoy country music?: No

17. Enjoy jazz music?: No

18. Enjoy smoothies?: Depends on what kind

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: Yesss

20. Have a lot to learn?: Sure y not

21. Have a pet? Yes, 3

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: Its your opinion against mine i guess...

23. Have all your grandparents?: No

24. Have at least one sibling?: Yes

25. Have been told that you are smart? : Yes

26. Have a broken bone?: Yes

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: Yes


28. Changed a diaper?: No

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: Yes

30. Talked back to your parents?: Yes

31. Had surgery?: No

32. Killed another person?: Wtf?

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: No

34. Had the cops called on you?: No


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Nose

2. Be serious or be funny? Definity funny

4. Die in a fire or drown?: Drown

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Parents


1. Simple or complicated?: a litte of both

2. Smart or dumb?: Whatever you want to think

3. Hardcore?: Heck yea


1. Flowers or candy?: Flowers

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: Depends on the mood of the photo

4. Lust or love?: Love

5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset


1. Nervous Habits: Hair twirling

2. Are you double jointed?: A bit

3. Can you roll your tongue?: Yes

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: yes

5. Can you cross your eyes?: Yes

6. Do you make your bed daily? Pttt no

7. Which shoe goes on first?: Whatever i feel like

9. Ever threw up on someone: No *knocks on wood*

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? None, i always forget my $

11. What jewelry do you wear?: Depends, earring most of the time

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Nither

14. Favorite ice cream?: Strawberry

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: 1 if im lucky

16. What's your favorite beverage?: Ice tea

17. Do you cook?: Whenever needed

18. favorite song? N/A, i like many different songs



1. A cuddler?: Well I cuddle my cats

2. A morning person?: NO!

3. Are you a perfectionist?: don't know

4. An only child?: kind of

5. Catholic?: nope

6. In your pajamas?: nop

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: nope

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: nope lol

9. Left handed?: Nope

10. Addicted to this site?: YES!!!

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Nope


13. Get paranoid at times?: Yeah

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: yeah

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: yeah lol

16. Enjoy country music?: NO WAY!!

17. Enjoy jazz music?: NO WAY!!

18. Enjoy smoothies?: yeah

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: No

20. Have a lot to learn?: yeah

21. Have a pet? 4 cats :)

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: o_O

23. Have all your grandparents?: nope

24. Have at least one sibling?: yeah, unfortunatly

25. Have been told that you are smart? : yeah

26. Have a broken bone?: no

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: yeah


28. Changed a diaper?: no, thank god

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: yeah

30. Talked back to your parents?: YEAH!!

31. Had surgery?: No

32. Killed another person?: No, but it gets tempting

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: nope

34. Had the cops called on you?: nope, whew


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: nose, less painful.

2. Be serious or be funny? FUNNY!!

4. Die in a fire or drown?: Drown

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: parents


1. Simple or complicated?: both

2. Smart or dumb?: smart...sometimes

3. Hardcore?: Sometimes


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy!

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: don't know...colour?

4. Lust or love?: *shrugs*

5. Sunrise or sunset?: sunset


1. Nervous Habits: crankiness

2. Are you double jointed?: nope

3. Can you roll your tongue?: Yup

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Yup

5. Can you cross your eyes?: nope

6. Do you make your bed daily? nope

7. Which shoe goes on first?: erm...right

9. Ever threw up on someone: nope

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? about five pounds at the most.

11. What jewelry do you wear?: earrings and a necklace

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl

14. Favorite ice cream?: chocolate!!

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: erm...six

16. What's your favorite beverage?: erm...coffee!!

17. Do you cook?: yeah

18. favorite song?: To The End by MCR

Love these! Have fun ;]Btw I shortened it a bit.


1. A cuddler?: Sure? lol

2. A morning person?: Noo way

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Depends

4. An only child?: Technically yes.

5. Catholic?: nope

6. In your pajamas?: haha yes

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: Yes.

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: Nope, lol

9. Left handed?: Nope

10. Addicted to this site?: Yes!

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Nope ;]


13. Get paranoid at times?: Nah, not really

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Nope

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Yes.. xD

16. Enjoy country music?: NO

17. Enjoy jazz music?: yes

18. Enjoy smoothies?: Very much

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: after a while my ears start ringing a bit

20. Have a lot to learn?: ya

21. Have a pet? 3 :]

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: I guess you could say that..

23. Have all your grandparents?: no..

24. Have at least one sibling?: well..

25. Have been told that you are smart? : Everyday at school :p

26. Have a broken bone?: not at the moment.

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: yess!


28. Changed a diaper?: sadly no

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: no

30. Talked back to your parents?: too often!

31. Had surgery?: nope.

32. Killed another person?: no?

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: Almost

34. Had the cops called on you?: noppee


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: nose, cuz it looks cooler

2. Be serious or be funny? FUNNY!

4. Die in a fire or drown?: drown.

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: parents.


1. Simple or complicated?: a litte of both

2. Smart or dumb?: school smart, street stupid, haha

3. Hardcore?: Yes! Haha I don't know.


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy!

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: depends on the style of the photo

4. Lust or love?: love

5. Sunrise or sunset?: sunset, I wont be awake before a sun rise.


1. Nervous Habits: crankiness, scratching, and the list goes on

2. Are you double jointed?: sorta in my hips

3. Can you roll your tongue?: yess.

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: pfft no

5. Can you cross your eyes?: yess

6. Do you make your bed daily? not when it's 6 feet off the ground

7. Which shoe goes on first?: i dont know?

9. Ever threw up on someone: nope

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? about 30 bucks or more depending on where im going

11. What jewelry do you wear?: 2 necklaces and bracelets

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: neither!

14. Favorite ice cream?: vanilla!

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: like 1

16. What's your favorite beverage?: ice tea =]

17. Do you cook?: kinda

18. favorite song?: too many

1. A cuddler?: No. D<

2. A morning person?: Yes.

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Dun think so.

4. An only child?: No... yes.... my other sibblings don't live with me.

5. Catholic?: No.

6. In your pajamas?: Yes. xD

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: Yes.

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: Heck no. xD

9. Left handed?: Yes.

10. Addicted to this site?: Of course!

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Nooope.


13. Get paranoid at times?: Sometimes.

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Nope

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Yes.

16. Enjoy country music?: NOOOO!

17. Enjoy jazz music?: Nope.

18. Enjoy smoothies?: Yum, smoothies.

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: No, I don't talk much.

20. Have a lot to learn?: I guess.

21. Have a pet? Not unless you count my blogagotchi. xD

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: No, not really.

23. Have all your grandparents?: No.

24. Have at least one sibling?: Yes.

25. Have been told that you are smart? : Yes.

26. Have a broken bone?: No, and never have.

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: I guess, don't use it.


28. Changed a diaper?: Yes.

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: Yes, for sure.

30. Talked back to your parents?: Alot.

31. Had surgery?: No.

32. Killed another person?: 0_o No. Unless bugs count.

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: Never had my hair cut.

34. Had the cops called on you?: No.


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Tongue.

2. Be serious or be funny? Serious, I guess.

4. Die in a fire or drown?: Fire, please.

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Parents.


1. Simple or complicated?: I'm... pretty... I don't know. xD

2. Smart or dumb?: School smart. But I'm braindead.

3. Hardcore?: I dunno.


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy!

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: Depends on the style

4. Lust or love?: Lustre. No, JK. Love for sure.

5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset.


1. Nervous Habits: Crankiness, hair eating, nail biting.

2. Are you double jointed?: My thumbs are.

3. Can you roll your tongue?: Yes.

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Yup.

5. Can you cross your eyes?: Nope.

6. Do you make your bed daily? Yes.

7. Which shoe goes on first?: I guess left... 0_o

9. Ever threw up on someone: My mom.

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you?: 0 dollars. Or 5 cents. xD

11. What jewelry do you wear?: None.

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Neither. xD

14. Favorite ice cream?: Shocooollalaate.

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: I think 4.

16. What's your favorite beverage?: Root beer.

17. Do you cook?: I guess.

18. favorite song?: Can You Feel The Love Tonight: Sarah Paxton/Elton John. (Can't decide which version!)

This is mine:


1. A cuddler? Sure. :eek:

2. A morning person?: Noo way. I'm a night person

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Nah. I make mistakes all the time

4. An only child?: Yep and hating it.

5. Catholic?: Nope but I go to a catholic school

6. In your pajamas?: Not right now

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: No

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: I dont know. Haven't really done it.

9. Left handed?: Nope

10. Addicted to this site?: YEAH!!! :eek:

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Only if they're cute and I like-like them. I like this boy in my class. :eek:


13. Get paranoid at times?: Sometimes. lol :D

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Nope

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: I dont curse but I say some really mean things like, "Ur so stupid" or something

16. Enjoy country music?: sometimes

17. Enjoy jazz music?: not sure

18. Enjoy smoothies?: YEAH!!!!

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: Yeah

20. Have a lot to learn?: yep

21. Have a pet?: A dog named Harvey

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: Huh?

23. Have all your grandparents?: yep. Both sets.

24. Have at least one sibling?: No

25. Have been told that you are smart?: A lot of times :D

26. Have a broken bone?: I've broken an ankle if that counts

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: No. What's a caller I.D?


28. Changed a diaper?: NO!!!!! EW!!!!!!

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: Yeah. A lot. I didn't use to like boys that way.

30. Talked back to your parents?: too often!

31. Had surgery?: nope.

32. Killed another person?: :eek: Never!

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: Nope. My last haircut was last year in February.

34. Had the cops called on you?: Nope


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: NEITHER!! *makes face*

2. Be serious or be funny? FUNNY!

4. Die in a fire or drown?: drown.

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: parents.


1. Simple or complicated?: a litte of both

2. Smart or dumb?: sometimes both

3. Hardcore?: I dont know. :p


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy!

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: colour. Black and white photos are pretty cool though. :D

4. Lust or love?: love

5. Sunrise or sunset?: sunset. It's so beautiful. I dont think I had ever seen a sunrise in my life (haven't been able to get up early enough. lol :D )


1. Nervous Habits: biting and picking my nails

2. Are you double jointed?: No. Wish I were.

3. Can you roll your tongue?: No! I had always wished to be able to do that.

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Wish I could

5. Can you cross your eyes?: Yeah, duh. Everyone can.

6. Do you make your bed daily? No. :eek: lol :D

7. Which shoe goes on first?: usually right

9. Ever threw up on someone: EW!!!!!! No!!! 10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? depends on where I'm going.

11. What jewelry do you wear?: I don't usually wear jewelry

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl! :D Yeah, that's fun!

14. Favorite ice cream?: I like them all! (except mint chocolate chip which a lot of ppl do like but I dont)

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: None right now.

16. What's your favorite beverage?: ice tea. Yeah. :D

17. Do you cook?: not really

18. favorite song?: Tatoo by Jordan Sparks and Don't Stop the Music by Rihanna! :D

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1. A cuddler?: Not really sure.

2. A morning person?: No way, I'm a teenager, it's my job to go to bed and wake up late.

3. Are you a perfectionist?: NO

4. An only child?: No (aw man. . )

5. Catholic?: nope

6. In your pajamas?: Actually, yes!

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: No.

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: Not normally, no.

9. Left handed?: Nope

10. Addicted to this site?: No, just addicted to deviantart, but this is 2nd.

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: No, I skateboard, so I'm generally accepted. =]


13. Get paranoid at times?: Nope.

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Almost.

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: I curse all the time, it's a bad habit.

16. Enjoy country music?: NO, I LOATH IT

17. Enjoy jazz music?: It's alright.

18. Enjoy smoothies?: I don't know.. .

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: No, I prefer face-to-face or MSN

20. Have a lot to learn?: Yes.

21. Have a pet? 5 =O

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: Yes, most of them turn out to be using me to get my friend. =/

23. Have all your grandparents?: Yup.

24. Have at least one sibling?: Yes. =.=

25. Have been told that you are smart? : Yes, but I don't believe it.

26. Have a broken bone?: Nope.

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: No, I wish I did.


28. Changed a diaper?: I will be soon, babysitting job. . .

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: Not really, just a bit.

30. Talked back to your parents?: YES, as I said, I'm a teenager.

31. Had surgery?: No, and don't plan to.

32. Killed another person?: Umm. . . no. I've killed an ant by setting it on fire with a magnifying glass though. >=] My teacher laughed.

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: No.

34. Had the cops called on you?: No.


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Nose, because there are some pretty cool studs.

2. Be serious or be funny? Funny, it breaks the ice, and sarcasm is understood.

4. Die in a fire or drown?: Drown, it's over quicker. I think.

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Parents, but they can be both.


1. Simple or complicated?: Both.

2. Smart or dumb?: In the middle. I don't consider myself a brainiac, and I'm not stupid either.

3. Hardcore?: In some ways, yes.


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy!

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: Depends, black and white is more powerful.

4. Lust or love?: love

5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset. It's prettier, and I'm not a morning person.


1. Nervous Habits: Blushing, dizziness, turning white, shaking.

2. Are you double jointed?: Yes, my toes. >=P

3. Can you roll your tongue?: Sort of.

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: No, I've tried in public and got stares.

5. Can you cross your eyes?: Yes.

6. Do you make your bed daily? Um, no.

7. Which shoe goes on first?: My right one.

9. Ever threw up on someone: No, but it would be interesting.

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? Oh lord, depends how much I find in the dryer! xD

11. What jewelry do you wear?: Bracelets, earings.

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Neither, I hate speghetti.

14. Favorite ice cream?: Chocolate.

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: 2, and they're gross.

16. What's your favorite beverage?: Tea, but Hot Chocolate in winter.

17. Do you cook?: When needed.

18. favorite song?: A lot, and you probably wouldn't know them.

Yup, I'm special.

This is interesting.


1. A cuddler?: No

2. A morning person?: Heck NO

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Sometimes

4. An only child?: No

5. Catholic?: I have no religion

6. In your pajamas?: No

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: No...I caused a broken heart.

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: No

9. Left handed?: Yes

10. Addicted to this site?: Eh...I have a lot of spare time.

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Heck no. Do I like the other Gender?: NO


13. Get paranoid at times?: Very

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Usually

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Cursing is my second language!

16. Enjoy country music?: NO

17. Enjoy jazz music?: Nah

18. Enjoy smoothies?: Yum!

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: I try to avoid it

20. Have a lot to learn?: Depends

21. Have a pet? Heck yeah...18 of 'em!

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: No

23. Have all your grandparents?: No

24. Have at least one sibling?: Yes.

25. Have been told that you are smart? : In everything BUT Math

26. Have a broken bone?: Nope, never had

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: I believe so


28. Changed a diaper?: No

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: I have become more cynical and dark

30. Talked back to your parents?: One of my hobbies

31. Had surgery?: Never

32. Killed another person?: Mwahahaha...xD

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: Nope

34. Had the cops called on you?: No? o.o


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Nose. I actually want to get it pierced

2. Be serious or be funny? Serious

4. Die in a fire or drown?: Die in a fire

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: My parents are my enemies


1. Simple or complicated?: In between

2. Smart or dumb?: Smart

3. Hardcore?: *Shrugs*


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy!

3. Color or Black and White photos?: Black and white

4. Lust or love?: Lust

5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset


1. Nervous Habits: Arching my back. It's weird

2. Are you double jointed?: Yes

3. Can you roll your tongue?: No

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Yuppers

5. Can you cross your eyes?: No

6. Do you make your bed daily? I never do

7. Which shoe goes on first?: Shoes are for squares! :3

9. Ever threw up on someone: Never have

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? I'm broke

11. What jewelry do you wear?: Don't wear any

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl

14. Favorite ice cream?: Vanilla

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: I hate cereal

16. What's your favorite beverage?: Tea

17. Do you cook?: No

18. favorite song?: To many to count

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1. A cuddler?: Oh yea

2. A morning person?: Ugh heck no

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Sometimes

4. An only child?: No

5. Catholic?: No

6. In your pajamas?: Ya

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: No

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: Yea

9. Left handed?: No

10. Addicted to this site?: Yes!

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Only if it's some uber cute guy or I really like them.


13. Get paranoid at times?: Haha yes

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Yea

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Yes XP

16. Enjoy country music?: Noo

17. Enjoy jazz music?: no

18. Enjoy smoothies?: ZOMG I LOVE SMOOTHIES

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?:YA! I talk on the phone for hours everyday

20. Have a lot to learn?: yea

21. Have a pet? Yes

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?:Errr... no?

23. Have all your grandparents?: Yes

24. Have at least one sibling?: Yes

25. Have been told that you are smart? : Ya

26. Have a broken bone?: no.

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: yes


28. Changed a diaper?: no

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: yes

30. Talked back to your parents?: ya

31. Had surgery?: no

32. Killed another person?: O_O' No way

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: no

34. Had the cops called on you?: no


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: nose

2. Be serious or be funny? funny

4. Die in a fire or drown?: drown

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: parents


1. Simple or complicated?: simple

2. Smart or dumb?: At times I am really dumb but I am smart, i guess

3. Hardcore?: ohhh yeah


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy!!!

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: Color

4. Lust or love?: love

5. Sunrise or sunset?: sunset


1. Nervous Habits:

2. Are you double jointed?: no

3. Can you roll your tongue?: no

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: no

5. Can you cross your eyes?: no

6. Do you make your bed daily? no

7. Which shoe goes on first?: right shoe

9. Ever threw up on someone: I did once a little bit on my sis XD

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? all I get is 5 dollars everyday to eat lunch @ school

11. What jewelry do you wear?: I wear a silver bracelet that has my name on it

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl

14. Favorite ice cream?: chocolate chip mint

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: 2

16. What's your favorite beverage?: soda

17. Do you cook?: not really

18. favorite song?: I have a lot


1. A cuddler?: Not really.

2. A morning person?: Heck No!

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Depends

4. An only child?: Nope

5. Catholic?: Nope

6. In your pajamas?: Nope

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: No.

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: Yes

9. Left handed?: No

10. Addicted to this site?: Yes.

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Nope.


13. Get paranoid at times?: Yep.

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Hm...Not Really

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Totally!!

16. Enjoy country music?: Eh...I kind of do.

17. Enjoy jazz music?:Nope.

18. Enjoy smoothies?: <33 Smoothies!

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: Kind of. But not too long.

20. Have a lot to learn?: Yeah.

21. Have a pet?: Yeah.

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: I guess you could say that..

23. Have all your grandparents?: Yes.

24. Have at least one sibling?: Yes.

25. Have been told that you are smart? : Yes.

26. Have a broken bone?: No. I haven't had one...yet.

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: I think. It says incoming call, but when I'm talking to somebody and another person calls, it sayd who it is.


28. Changed a diaper?: I don't know.

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: I guess.

30. Talked back to your parents?: Duh.

31. Had surgery?: Nope.

32. Killed another person?: Yes. Lol. (In games.)

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: No.

34. Had the cops called on you?: I was threatened to have the cops called on me. Hehe.


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Nose.

2. Be serious or be funny? FUNNY!

4. Die in a fire or drown?: Fire.

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Enemies. *evil grin*


1. Simple or complicated?: Both. I think more complicated.

2. Smart or dumb?: Both.

3. Hardcore?: I don't know.


1. Flowers or candy?: Candy!

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: Depends.

4. Lust or love?: I guess love, I don't know what lust is.

5. Sunrise or sunset?: Sunset.


1. Nervous Habits: Getting Red.

2. Are you double jointed?: Yes. My fingers, I think.

3. Can you roll your tongue?: yess.

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Yes.

5. Can you cross your eyes?: Yeah

6. Do you make your bed daily? Heck no. I hate it, but my mom makes me sometimes.

7. Which shoe goes on first?: Right.

9. Ever threw up on someone: No.

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? I don't know.

11. What jewelry do you wear?: Wristbands, if that counts.

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Twirl.

14. Favorite ice cream?: Cookies n' Cream

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: I don't know.

16. What's your favorite beverage?: Water.

17. Do you cook?: Not really

18. favorite song?: Can't choose.


1. A cuddler?: Nope

2. A morning person?: Nope

3. Are you a perfectionist?: Nope

4. An only child?: Nope

5. Catholic?: Nope

6. In your pajamas?: Nope

7. Currently suffering from a broken heart?: Nope

8. Okay styling other people's hair?: Nope

9. Left handed?: Nope

10. Addicted to this site?: Nope

11. Shy around the opposite gender?: Nope


13. Get paranoid at times?: Nope

14. Currently regret something that you have said?: Nope

15. Curse frequently when you get mad?: Nope

16. Enjoy country music?: Nope

17. Enjoy jazz music?: Nope

18. Enjoy smoothies?: Nope

19. Enjoy talking on the phone?: Nope

20. Have a lot to learn?: Nope

21. Have a pet? Nope

22. Have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person?: Nope

23. Have all your grandparents?: Nope

24. Have at least one sibling?: Nope

25. Have been told that you are smart? : Nope

26. Have a broken bone?: Nope

27. Have Caller I.D. on your phone?: Nope


28. Changed a diaper?: Nope

29. Changed a lot over the past year?: Nope

30. Talked back to your parents?: Nope

31. Had surgery?: Nope

32. Killed another person?: Nope

33. Had your haircut within the last week?: Nope

34. Had the cops called on you?: Nope


1. Pierce your nose or tongue?: Nope

2. Be serious or be funny? Nope

4. Die in a fire or drown?: Nope

5. Spend time with your parents or enemies?: Nope


1. Simple or complicated?: Nope

2. Smart or dumb?: Nope

3. Hardcore?: Nope


1. Flowers or candy?: Nope, Cocaine.

3. Colour or Black and white photos?: Nope

4. Lust or love?: Nope

5. Sunrise or sunset?: Nope


1. Nervous Habits: Nope

2. Are you double jointed?: Nope

3. Can you roll your tongue?: Nope

4. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Nope

5. Can you cross your eyes?: Nope

6. Do you make your bed daily? Nope

7. Which shoe goes on first?: Nope

9. Ever threw up on someone: Nope

10. On the average, how much money do you carry with you? Nope

11. What jewelry do you wear?: Nope

12. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: Nope

14. Favorite ice cream?: Nope

15. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet?: Nope

16. What's your favorite beverage?: Nope

17. Do you cook?: Nope

18. favorite song?: Nope

And the prize for the most original answers go to...

(I added a secret answer for those who read the posts)

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