Academy For Villians


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"Okay, that's fine with me." Terra started walking that way.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" Lori wasn't really thinking of anything but surviving.

Allie followed her, setting random patches of grass on fire occasionally.

And then the ride ended. Darrel looked at Lori, "Hehehe, um, you're killing my arm."

"If you keep destroying the plants eventually they'll try to get you back."

"O-oh. Oops. I'm sorry." Lori blushed, and quickly let go.

Allie laughed, "Plants can't get revenge!"

"It's okay." Darrel smiled, "Were you scared?"

"You'd be surprised."

".....No way. I wasn't scared." Lori crossed her arms.

"Only if someone here controls plants. But I could burn them."

Darrel laughed, "Okay~ Where to next?"

"Ehh. People with plant powers tend to be smarter than those with fire powers."

"Something slow..."

"Eh, you're not the brightest. Probably came from your father."

"Okay<3" Lori said.

"Hey, I've got some smarts! I'm not dumb!" allie frowned.

Darrel laughed, "Let's gooooo~!"

"Um. I think I have some science worksheets back from when I taught science. They're in my closet somewhere."

"A piggy back ride?" Lori blinked, "Okay<3"

"Okay. I'm pretty good at science." Allie nodded.

Darrel smiled, and squatted so she could climb on his back, "Hop on up."

Terra went to her office and went to dig in the closet for some worksheets.

Lori jumped onto his back, and clung as to not fall off.

Allie went and sat on her desk, not caring if Terra got mad or not.

Darrel hooked his arms around her legs, and smiled, "Should I run?"

Terra eventually went over to her with some papers and a pencil. She set them down next to Allie.

"If you promise I won't fall..." Lori said.

"Is this like a test?" Allie asked.

"Of course! I'll make sure of it." Darrel smiled, and started running.

"Well okay." Allie started working.

Darrel giggled, and continued running to the ferris wheel, "Owww, you've got a tight grip."

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