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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2007
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definetly not telling



last night i had a dream that i drank gasoline XP and today i had huge headaches and i could acullay SMELL the gas (i smelled it in my dream too..XP) and to make it worse, my math teacher got this idea that i need an FM system (a thing like an ipod that will "help' me hear, except very wirey and stupid looking) so now they are ACULLAY going to make me wear one!!!!!! even though im the closet to the teacher!!!!!!!!!!!! and all the other teachers think i dont need one!!!!! but the principal is sticking to her side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so then i was crying for a long time, and my eyes got all red and i looked weird. PLUS i have braces and i might need glasses so throw the FM in and a new fear of gas and my life is ruined!!!!!!!!!!!! also there is such an annoying girl in my class, she thinks shes the boss of me!!!!!! when ever i talk, even not to her, she always like "who asked you?!?!" and then i told her its annoying and i started doing it to her and she was all like "I HAVE A RIGHT TO TALK!!!!" and then i said "well i have a bigger right to talk than you!!!!" and she says "NO YOU DONT!!!!!" then i was like "what do i have to ask you to be able to talk?!?!" ans then she says "YES, YOU DO!!!!!!" i want to call her all kinds of different names and throw something really heavy at her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pity party much?

If you need all of that to help you in your life, then you need it and you should be happy you have it.

I doubt that your life is worse then half of ours.

okay here i go... the dream isnt that big of a deal... wear contacts, refuse the hearing thing, live with braces for a while, tell off that stupid bi***. youre welcome lol!!!

Pity party much?
If you need all of that to help you in your life, then you need it and you should be happy you have it.

I doubt that your life is worse then half of ours.
Well said.

If that makes you think you have the worst life ever then you need to get a grip dearie. Try to make the best of things, it could be ten times worse. Remember: When life gives you lemons make lemonde.

Well said.
If that makes you think you have the worst life ever then you need to get a grip dearie. Try to make the best of things, it could be ten times worse. Remember: When life gives you lemons make lemonde.
i know my life isnt as worse as it could be,i just wrote that title to attract atenttion.

okay here i go... the dream isnt that big of a deal... wear contacts, refuse the hearing thing, live with braces for a while, tell off that stupid bi***. youre welcome lol!!!
oh, well, the dream is a big deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i almost threw up 6 times today already. and the smell of gas now makes me sick more than ever........i cant wear contacts, im only 12!!!!!!!!!!! ok the rest i dont have an answer for............................................................................


i wear contacts cuz i dont like my glasses u could wear them

and hide the hearing thing wit ur hair!!!!! move schools ^_^

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I AGREE WITH BLONDIE LOLi wear contacts cuz i dont like my glasses u could wear them

and hide the hearing thing wit ur hair!!!!! move schools ^_^
i cant switch.......i like my school!!! just not whats happening right now, plus if i did switch it will come in my file that i need an FM and i cant wear contacts!!!!!!!, plus i dont want to hide my ears, i just got my ears pierced!!!!

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ok well u can live with glasses for a few years same wit braces

TELL THAT GIRL OFF punch her or something

oh, well, the dream is a big deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i almost threw up 6 times today already. and the smell of gas now makes me sick more than ever........i cant wear contacts, im only 12!!!!!!!!!!! ok the rest i dont have an answer for............................................................................
If you keep having headaches, go to a doctor. I'm 12 and I have contacts, hat's so wrong with that?



last night i had a dream that i drank gasoline XP and today i had huge headaches and i could acullay SMELL the gas (i smelled it in my dream too..XP) and to make it worse, my math teacher got this idea that i need an FM system (a thing like an ipod that will "help' me hear, except very wirey and stupid looking) so now they are ACULLAY going to make me wear one!!!!!! even though im the closet to the teacher!!!!!!!!!!!! and all the other teachers think i dont need one!!!!! but the principal is sticking to her side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so then i was crying for a long time, and my eyes got all red and i looked weird. PLUS i have braces and i might need glasses so throw the FM in and a new fear of gas and my life is ruined!!!!!!!!!!!! also there is such an annoying girl in my class, she thinks shes the boss of me!!!!!! when ever i talk, even not to her, she always like "who asked you?!?!" and then i told her its annoying and i started doing it to her and she was all like "I HAVE A RIGHT TO TALK!!!!" and then i said "well i have a bigger right to talk than you!!!!" and she says "NO YOU DONT!!!!!" then i was like "what do i have to ask you to be able to talk?!?!" ans then she says "YES, YOU DO!!!!!!" i want to call her all kinds of different names and throw something really heavy at her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats a hearing device.

I had to wear one too in 3rd and 4th grade. It was embarrassing. Now, I don't use it.

Its when your teacher has to have mircophone on his/her shirt and they speak then you hear it right. . Its horrible. ;_; You have to wear headphones,

Anyways, if people asked, I would just hide it w/ my hair. Make it look like a hair band. =)

Wear big(Not 80's big, not mirco sized either) earrings, that will draw attention away from your hearing set.

I have new solution...Get those headphones that stick in your ears. =)

And I have glasses too. Are your glasses...Ugly? Do you think they look nerdy? Ask your mom/ad o get you new ones. I have ugly glasses too. I just be glad that I have them because some kids cant have glasses.

And ignore that girl. She'll just get you into trouble.

Hope I helped,

And don't worry..I had to go through TONS of questions. Just ignore. ^_^

I had to got through this...So yep. take advice from me.


You aren't abused. You aren't living on the street. You aren't dying. You're life isn't ending.

Calm Down.

"i know my life isnt as worse as it could be,i just wrote that title to attract atenttion"
Hmmm... Right.

Anyway, moving on from my opinion. Like I said, you're life isn't that bad, I have beautiful glasses, and am afraid of contacts. So what? Beauty in life is knowing you can deal with not being perfect or beautiful all the time. ^_^

I think you need to calm down, read the first post a few times, out loud, and realize how crazy you must sound. No offense or anything.

As for the whole girl thing, she's just a bully. Don't say anything, just keep going. When bullies get attention, they know they can mess with you, don't let her. :D

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...for one, calm down, and for another, stop wallowing in self pity and read what you just said. Then, grin and bear it.

(personally, I would sit in my room fuming on the net for hours. but don't do that.)



last night i had a dream that i drank gasoline XP and today i had huge headaches and i could acullay SMELL the gas (i smelled it in my dream too..XP) and to make it worse, my math teacher got this idea that i need an FM system (a thing like an ipod that will "help' me hear, except very wirey and stupid looking) so now they are ACULLAY going to make me wear one!!!!!! even though im the closet to the teacher!!!!!!!!!!!! and all the other teachers think i dont need one!!!!! but the principal is sticking to her side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so then i was crying for a long time, and my eyes got all red and i looked weird. PLUS i have braces and i might need glasses so throw the FM in and a new fear of gas and my life is ruined!!!!!!!!!!!! also there is such an annoying girl in my class, she thinks shes the boss of me!!!!!! when ever i talk, even not to her, she always like "who asked you?!?!" and then i told her its annoying and i started doing it to her and she was all like "I HAVE A RIGHT TO TALK!!!!" and then i said "well i have a bigger right to talk than you!!!!" and she says "NO YOU DONT!!!!!" then i was like "what do i have to ask you to be able to talk?!?!" ans then she says "YES, YOU DO!!!!!!" i want to call her all kinds of different names and throw something really heavy at her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, theres kids starving to death around the world, kids being abused, and you think your life is horrible because you have to wear an FM system, might need glasses and have braces.

It dosen't matter what you look like, if people treat you differently that's because they have bigger issues themselves. All of those things help you anyway, would you rather have crooked teeth, miss out on information because you couldn't hear the teacher, and not be able to see well? I sure wouldn't.

So take my advice, wear the FM system and the glasses and get on with life ^_^

By the way, I know many people with contacts that are younger than 12...

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ignore the girl. go see a doctor about the whole dream thing. and deal with all those other things. your life is not bad. there are people who have cancer, or starving, or they're homeless and have no where to go.

I see the mistake you made! You missed a perfectly good chance to use sarcasm. But I have a feeling the little snot would try to reverse it... honestly.. people. I'll never understand the minds of children who chose to act that way.. always a mystery. lol..

Anyway. There's nothing wrong with glasses or anything. Just endure it. Seriously. It's not so bad..

and the gasoline doesn't seem to fit in anywhere.. everyone has funky dreams..

Overuse of punctuation. T~T

About the dream, talk to a parent or guardian about it. Get help.

Hearing device - It's to help you.

Glasses, once again to help you.

Braces. To. Help. You.

You're not the only one bothered by some bratty girl. Responding to her at all is only encouraging her to keep all of it up. Ignore her completely.

None of this entitles you specifically to throw a pity parade.

So you had a bad day. Don't let it ruin your life.

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Your life is not ruined. Stop whining -.-

You're in what? Middle School? Life goes way beyond that.

Oh noez. I has braces.

So? You'll have good teeth when you get them off, which you will.

Oh noez. I might have to get glasses.

So? Glasses don't lessen a person. They can actually make you look a bit more intelligent. If you're so against them, get contacts.

For the hearing thing. Oh. Well.

If you don't like it, ask to get a smaller hearing aid. It's something that will help you, regardless of if you think you need it.

I'm partially deaf in my left ear. If I had full coverage of my health insurance, I would have one. You're lucky to even get that offered to you.

As for the stupid girl, ignore her.

Middle school or whatever school you're in isn't life. Karma sucks, and she'll get what's coming to her.

You dreamed about drinking gasoline. Then 'tasted' it. It's called a hallucination. Your brain playing tricks on you.

Your life is not ruined. Stop overreacting.

I see the mistake you made! You missed a perfectly good chance to use sarcasm. But I have a feeling the little snot would try to reverse it... honestly.. people. I'll never understand the minds of children who chose to act that way.. always a mystery. lol..
Anyway. There's nothing wrong with glasses or anything. Just endure it. Seriously. It's not so bad..

and the gasoline doesn't seem to fit in anywhere.. everyone has funky dreams..
Especially me. Mine just happe to be really unpostable.

I think the gasoline thing is your imagination. Glasses aren't bad at all, I love my red ones (get it? red... my name is Ruby...LOL). You don't have to wear an FM thingy if you know you don't need it. If you sit near that girl, ask if you can get your seat changed.


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