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You are NOT ugly. Everyone is beautiful in their own special way.

As for your acne problems, wash your face thoroughly every night with a good cleanser/scrub/whatever, and talk to your doctor about creams that you could use on your face.

even though i dont have it yet, i got some advice a lot of ppl say they do. just clean your face daily. there is scrubs to help. i use the scrub towls but dont have acne.......i wonder why? :blink: lol!

even though i dont have it yet, i got some advice a lot of ppl say they do. just clean your face daily. there is scrubs to help. i use the scrub towls but dont have acne.......i wonder why? :blink: lol!
The only problem with that is sometimes cleaning daily doesn't help x.x I wash my face daily with clean and clear and I'm still broken out.

The only problem with that is sometimes cleaning daily doesn't help x.x I wash my face daily with clean and clear and I'm still broken out.
but i really dont know because i never had acne. mabe just a few pimples when i was young like in 2nd grade. i started washing my face at 11 with a scrub now (almost) 12 and dont get i really dont know

My hair looks really bad pinned back..but i will try the peroxide stuff!!!!! THANKS~
No problem, and also you don't have to pin it up all the time, just when your in the house with family, washing your face and maybe doing sports.

I never put my hair back in public, but when I'm in the comfort of my own home, I make an acception.

Actually when my sister used to have bad acne, the stuff she got from the doctors never worked. But them she tried Sudacrem [sp?] and it worked now she has none at all.

WoW! Yeah i`m currently using takes a little time to work...*if only i could remember to put it on in the morning and at night! xD*

But yeah...You only need to wash your face once a day...I heard on Rachel ray...*or oprah,i can`t remember* that if you wash your face too much then it`ll make the case basically you want enough moisture to keep your face not oily and not dried out like a prune/rasin.

I heard that when you use pro-ative it makes your spots go away but as soon as you stop using it you break out again.

omg i had such bad acne about a year ago !!! Right now i have a little but it is MUCH better! I went to a special skin doctor called a dermatologist after i had tried many products and none of them had worked. Now i use 2 kinds of cream- 1 for night and 1 for morning. I also use this over-the-counter "gel" to wash my face with. So, if you have bad acne and the over-the-counter products are not working, you should ask your parents if you can visit a dermatologist, because dermatologists have studied the skin and what causes certain kinds of acne. Also, the perscription treatments that dermatologists can give you are more powerful than over-the-counter treatments, so they usually work better.

HIH [[hope i helped!]] B)

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oh no! any help about acne?????

my face is stuffed with pimples. its like a pepperoni pizza!!!! :D :D B) :D

pls help! i have such an ugly face.i am too embarrased to show my face!
I'm getting that way now, so I dunno much about it, sorry I can't help. :D


For those who have tried almost EVERYTHING and nothing helps, I think you should try the Murad Acne Complex. They say the Benzoil Peroxide (sp?) it most acne products dries out your skin and irritates it causing your skin to look alot worse. Murad is said to not have this ingredient and so it won't dry out your skin.

Don't hold me to this, it's just word of mouth. I do have acne but I just use soap and warm water, and I have never tried any of these products.

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I keep my face clean, when I put Oily stuff on it and stuff I always clean it. Even though sometimes I don't even wash my face and just rub Cold water on it I have never had Acne and never hope of getting so. I have only had one Pimple in my whole life

You're not UGLY. Nearly everyone has acne at one stage in their life! 1.Calm down!

2. Breathe!

3. Keep breathing! ANd while you breathe-It's not a reason to cut yourself off from everyone else. Go to your local chemist and ask if they have any creams that might help.
Could'nt agree more.

I know its weird that im a boy and im posting on here but I have 2 sisters and no brothers so yeah.

1. Get one of those steamer things that you stick your head into

2. wash your face with water and soap (Original and it works)

3. face mask

4. Squeeze around your zits and if yellow stuff comes out that is the oil and the zits go down

5. Another original thing, pop your zitz!!

Hope this helped.

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