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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
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Im eleven and turning twelve in 2 weeks and for the past 1 or 2 months I have been getting acne. I wash my face and hair alot and I use this oxy stuff or my face but it just keeps coming. It looks pretty bad. Anybody else got it?

not yet but i am starting to get little bumps on my face. Ugh. Really bad acne is in my genes, so I'm expecting it. When my dad told me I yelled, "YOU'RE PAYING FOR MY PROACTIVE!!" He thought that was funny.

Acne is just a part of growing up. Everybody will get it. Even if you wash your face. You can get medicine for it to make the blemishes clear, but all in all, acne is an annoying, but normal part of becoming an adult.


I used to... I had to wash my face every morning and night, it was a pain... It went away after a while. Don't worry, it'll go away, before you know it. :p

-Temari Nara

Well I never had bad acne,but I get a lot of pimples across my hairline.I had acne like once for a short time,but it cleared up when I washed my face a few times


I dont have really Bad acne. I might get a pimple here and there but its not that bad. I Scrub my Face. When I am in the shower, I have this body wash with scrubbing beads in it. I apply a small amount to My hand and scrub it on. It doesnt help that mutch, But it keeps my face pretty clean. Its just a Part of Growing up :)


Wash your Face Daily


Dont pop pimples!!

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I get a few zits here and there. Nothing too bad though. Rarely I'll break out on my cheeks, forehead and under my chin, but luckily it doesn't happen too often.

Clean and Clear is a good product for me. I use the daily face wash in the shower and moisturizing cream after my shower.

ProActive is good for some, and bad for others. I break out really badly if I use it, but it's done wonders for my sister. I'm the same way with Clearasil and Neutrogena which work for my mom.

Finding a good product for it just depends on your skin type. You have to try quite a few before finding one that works.

I don't have acne where other people can see it. I have it on my back btw.


I agree, I hate it very much. >_<

Im eleven and turning twelve in 2 weeks and for the past 1 or 2 months I have been getting acne. I wash my face and hair alot and I use this oxy stuff or my face but it just keeps coming. It looks pretty bad. Anybody else got it?
Its puberty. dont worry about it . If it bothers you that much just get proavtive or somethin

I don't have acne where other people can see it. I have it on my back btw. 

I agree, I hate it very much. >_<
I know how that is -.-

I have a little on my back and shoulders, and a few random bits on my chest once in a while. It's annoying because it's always in those spots you can't clearly see to put acne meds on it.

i haven't had much acne and i'm 14 (lucky me -_- ) maybe like 4 pimples but not at once. i don't really recommend clean & clear though because i used it and my pimple came back, but that was just me. :s

I only get small black heads on my nose, and an occasional pimple here and there..

I never get it bad, but bad skin runs in my family.

I know how that is -.-I have a little on my back and shoulders, and a few random bits on my chest once in a while. It's annoying because it's always in those spots you can't clearly see to put acne meds on it.
I've never had back pimples

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[SIZE=7pt]Back Acne? It's bad for sure, and I've had a few little spots back there once.[/SIZE]

As my friend calls it, "Backne". :p

Whenever I'm in the shower, I use this special cleanser for oily skin, and the blemishes dry up.

It's a normal part of growing up to get acne.

Never expect to look perfect. Nobody is flawless, and everybody gets a blemish once in a while. Even those hotshot models. Those magazine covers? They use lots of cover up, and airbrush their faces on the computer. There's nothing real about that.

Some people are lucky when it comes to acne. Be grateful if you're one of them.

Not all products work for everybody.

Proactiv didn't do anything for me. That disappointed me.

I washed my face 2 times everyday for a whole summer, and didn't see such a difference.

Doctors know alot about acne, so I would recommend heading over to one if ance is stressing you out.

I'm currently using a special cream, and a pill called Accutane.

It's working for me now.

Over the summer, I am hoping for a clear face.

I gave it about 3 years.

That's how long I've had my acne.

But it's finally the end, I'm hoping.

*crosses fingers*

I'm going to be turing 14 soon, and I really haven't gotten acne. I don't completely break out or anything. Every now and then, a pimple will appear on my face, but it usually goes away pretty quickly. When I feel that my face is oily or I have a pimple (on the rare occasion), I use Clearasil face wash. I also have this Equate (sp?) (generic brand) acne cream in a bottle. If I have a pimple, I dab some of the cream on top of it and go to sleep. That helps dry the pimple out.

Although I don't get bad acne, my face gets very dry during the winter. I have to put facial lotion on everyday to keep it under control. .__.

Uhg. I hate it. I get it all. Except zits. That's yucky. It's on my chin and my forehead mostly. I get it on my back and sometimes randomly on my chest or something. I'd say buy some brand at the store. I like Clean & Clear mostly. I'm getting Proactive though. I DO NOT reccomend going to the Dermetologist, I went once,that freak-o gave me stuff that dried out my skin,and other stuff that burned some of my sking off. x.x

I've had acne/zits for 2 whole years. It started the summer before 5th grade x.x

Now its the end of the last day of grade 6 (woot!) and I STILL have it pretty bad. I've learned to accept the fact that its not my fault, and I bathe every night. I've learned that washing your face to much may irritate(sp?) the skin, and also washing to much will not make your acne go away. If your worried about people treating you differently, dont worry. It wont be long before they get it too xD. Also, people learn to accept you for who you are, not your looks. Another thing, I've tried the proactive stuff and found that it didnt help at all. Mine is starting to clear up and all I'm doing is having regular baths and not using any products. I hope this helps, If you have any other questions feel free to ask me ;)

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I had it, but since I started using some Clearasil

Ultra stuff, its fine now. Whenever I forget to use it, it just

comes back. :pI just had it on my forehead and every now and then

different places on my face.

I've never had bad acne. If there's a pimple on my face its very rarely. I have a suggestion, though. If you're one of those people that just loves to do your hair and you put hairspray and gel and hairwax and all of those things, make sure you wash your hair before you go to bed! If not those chemicals will go to your pillow and that also causes acne.

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