Action replay/edge/R4


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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2006
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London, England
action replay, r4, edge.


I was thinking of getting an action replay, but do any of these ruin your ds?


thank you so much.



They're not piracy as such, because you can buy them in shops, so the games companies can't stop them selling them. If they were illegal, and piracy is, game stores wouldn't be allowed to sell them.

Back to the question at hand... =]

I honestly wouldn't buy one. My cousin has had one, and while playing on her DS has experienced feezing, loss of data and bugs.

They basically mess with the coding of your games, so it's more the games that they mess up, but, either way, I won't let her near my DS or games with it.

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from what i seen on the gba AR, the games froze a lot when the AR was on, but i didn't lose any data.

They're not piracy as such, because you can buy them in shops, so the games companies can't stop them selling them. If they were illegal, and piracy is, game stores wouldn't be allowed to sell them.
Back to the question at hand... =]

I honestly wouldn't buy one. My cousin has had one, and while playing on her DS has experienced feezing, loss of data and bugs.

They basically mess with the coding of your games, so it's more the games that they mess up, but, either way, I won't let her near my DS or games with it.
R4 is a pirating tool. You download roms onto them. WHich people think it's "Saving money".

Isn't it against the rule to discuss illegal things here? R4 --> pirating --> illegal.

action replay, r4, edge. 

I was thinking of getting an action replay, but do any of these ruin your ds?


thank you so much.


my action replay messed up my pokemon pearl game now everytime i enter a town everything is oranga and my accw takes a long time to load and save even though i only did one code!

I've never had a problem with my AR, but I watch out for weird codes.

Don't just punch in any code you see. You need to be careful about them.

I test all mine before I start using them permanently. Play around on your game with the code on, but don't save. See if anything that's not supposed to change changes. If it does, chances are the code isn't good and you shouldn't save with it on.

Yes, testing codes on games like ACWW that punish you for not saving is insanely annoying.

Using an AR or other cheat kind of "machine" requires common sense. Don't just plug in any code and save it. Not all of them work, and some people put codes up to purposely mess with people's games.

R4 is a pirating tool. You download roms onto them. Which people think it's "Saving money".
If you used it properly, it wouldn't save money in the first place, because for them to be 'legal enough' you can only put on games you already own.

AR and Flashcarts are different things.


Action Replay

It is safe. And will not damage your DS in any way.

It may bugger-up your cartridges of you overuse or imply too many codes.

Flashcats -like R4 Revolution and Edge-

They are safe. And will not damage your DS in any way.

They are legal if you put on games you own already.


How could a DS get a virus? xD

I have an action relplay for DS...the only game it doesn't work for is Animal Crossing Wild World

I also used to have a gameshark for my game boy long ago :>

I have an action relplay for DS...the only game it doesn't work for is Animal Crossing Wild World

I also used to have a gameshark for my game boy long ago :>
you have to add the codes yourself it works for me :eek:

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