Adopt a Cutecharmy!


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Yup! Here they are! Here's 2 certificates, 10 health bottles, and 2 beds.

Pink Usagi: Hello....

Pretty Robota: I wanna fight!! Is there anyone we can fight with? I WANNA KICK SOME BOOTY!!! XDD


Name: StaticMouse

Gender: Female


Attacks: Mini Electric, Kawaii Thunder, Static Explosion, Cuteness X2(double the cuteness) Static Rings.

Personality: Very hyper, loves to run around, chasing stuff, but behaves properly.

How many Staticmouse for adoption?: 3

can i have a puppypaw and a neko angel???

Im not sure if you are out or not, but they are only too cute.

budgie_girl: Yup! Here they are! And 2 certificates, 10 health bottles, and 2 beds.

TwilightZone: Here's your Puffpaw!! And a certficate, 5 health bottles, and a bed. Oh, and thanks!

thank you very much!!!

I would put them on my signiture, but I have so many they wont all fit!!


Sure! Here she is! And a certificate, 5 health bottles, and a bed.

StaticMouse: HI NEW OWNER!!!! ^.^

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