Adopt a Tama!


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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2006
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Hello and im Peatrolover22 ( call me -HM* )

Welcome to my adoption center!

We have all typs of tamas :

Big, small

short, tall

Fat, skinny!

Now here are all the baby tamas

:) - her name is Suzie, and she needs a nice and loving home * adopted *

:( :( - This is Wacky and Wako, they are twins and they come together. They need a niced loving home as well

;) - This is Polly. Polly was left out on the street. She has had a rough live and really needs a nice loving home. * adopted *

Here are all the todlers (3-5)

:) - Her name is Molly. She came here win she was little baby, but was in a very bad conditon so now she can be adopted : D

:( - This is Shelly. We do not have alot of informaton on her, because she came her without any infomation

Here are all the older ones (6 + )

:( :( - here again are the twins Becky and Sam. They also cxame here as little children but couldent be adopted till now.

:( - It.We call him It. HE dosent have a name, and by law we cant name them. So his name is it. He is 12 years old and he has some down sendrem but he is a sweet loving boy that wants the name Jonh. * adopted *

:( - Her name is Emily. Every one calls her "Sissy" cause she has been here the longest. She is 14, and very well behaved. She loves drawing and taking pictures. * adopted *

So please everyone, take the tamas into your home and care for them, and love them.

* Note : We normaly get more tamas everyday, so dont worrie if they get adoped! Come back tomarrow!*

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Can I please have Suzie,It,and Emily please?Thanks!

Can I please have Suzie,It,and Emily please?Thanks!
Yes and here you go !!!

:) - tkhajnk yoooouihdf !! ( Thank you )

:) - Tamk yaw, i laove yaw ( Thank you i love you)

;) - i am so thankful for you! You saved my life!!

Thank you so much! I no you will do wonders for them!

( Please email me next week to tell me how there doing!)

* Emily, It and Suzie are adopted! *

May I have Polly please~? She's so cute~~
Sure !! Heres Polly

:) - asdgkjty njayrity (Thank you)

Thank you for adopting Polly!!

Sence she is the youngest one, email me time to time to tell me how she's doing!

We have some late arivals!!!

:unsure: - This is Ashlie. She is 3 years old and fun and loves to sign!

:wacko: - This young lady ( 2 to be exsact) is Amanda! She love to laugh! See need a nice loving home! * adopted *

:furawatchi: :lol: - These to young fellows are Jake and Josh! They are both 10! They love sports, and Jake love to draw!

So these are three new arivals! Please adopt them A.S.A.P!!!

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OK! Now we you can adopted eggs!

(%) - 6 of these


(**) - 5 of these

(- - - -) - LIMITED ADOPTION! ONLY 1 ! *there are no more*

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Can I have 1 (- - - -) egg and 1 ($) egg please?Thanks!

:furawatchi: :mimitchi: :pochitchi:

Can I have 1 (- - - -) egg and 1 ($) egg please?Thanks!

:eek: :D :)
Yes! Yes you can!!

and,...o my lord! The (- - - -) hatching !!


Name - Sarah

Health- 10/10

Hunger - 10/10

but sadly ($) isent ready to yet D :

Can I adopt Amanda?
Yes you may! Here she is!

:) - Tank boo amd i lwave yaw ( Thank you and i love you )

There are still some more to adopted! and eggs!


Ok so first here are our new arrivals :

:) - This is Christain, He is sooo sweet! He is 5 years old and loves to play the electric gutair !

:) - this is Paige! She is 7 years old and loves to dance and sing! * adopted *

:hitodetchi: - This is She. Her name is really she. No one cared to name her so she calls her self She.She is 11 and she is very shy but nice and caring!!! *adopted*

Here are some new eggs!

(**) - 4

(/-/)- There only two!! and looks like one of thems about to hach!

We also have some big news!

Now at HAS (-HM* adoption shop) you can buy food for your pet that you adopted!


Ham and Cheese



Orange Jucie





That's all we have right now ! but i'm sure we well get more!

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Could I have Paige and She Please? I will give She a proper Name if that's allright? (How About Abi?)

And a (/-/) egg, and supplies:

Water, coke, orange juice, Spaggeti, bread and a ball please!

Could I have Paige and She Please? I will give She a proper Name if that's allright? (How About Abi?)

And a (/-/) egg, and supplies:

Water, coke, orange juice, Spaggeti, bread and a ball please!
That is ALSOME!!

:rolleyes: - Thank you!

:( - Thhhhaaannnkkk yyyooouuu!!! annd iii lloovvee tthhhaaattt nnnnaaammee aaabbbbiii!!

And look!! Your (/-/) is hacthing!!!

It has hacthed into a :furawatchi: !


Huger: 4/5

And your food, drinks and toys are in the bag!






Abi and Paige, your coming home with me!

And aww look at that :furawatchi: I will Name her Angie

Angie,Abi and Paige, I will care for you forever!

Hey, you 3, want some spagetti?

3 Pets:YEAH!

Abi and Paige, your coming home with me!

And aww look at that :furawatchi: I will Name her Angie

Angie,Abi and Paige, I will care for you forever!

Hey, you 3, want some spagetti?

3 Pets:YEAH!
You are so welcome!

*We will get somemore stuff in stock so if you need anymore just come bak!*


***There are still more to adopt!***

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