ADULT V4 help!


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Jun 15, 2006
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Some people told me that my tama turns an adult at 4 or 5 years but sum1 else told me its 2 or 3 years but its 2 now and has been a teen for like 2 days.... so whos right?

Didn't you ask this same question in What happened to my Tamagotchi!?...? Perhaps I've gone mad.

Anyway, your character is supposed to change in 2-3 days. But since most people pause a lot, and because growth is halted when a tam is paused, it takes most people 4-5 days to hit adulthood. It's perfectly alright if it takes longer than 3 days; remember that. It's probably because you paused a bit.

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hehehe if you're getting annoyed because you have to pause all the time (resulting in late growth) just put the clock ahead to when it sleeps instead, that way itll take less time to grow and it will be less of a wait. know that was slightly off topic...but useful

hehehe if you're getting annoyed because you have to pause all the time (resulting in late growth) just put the clock ahead to when it sleeps instead, that way itll take less time to grow and it will be less of a wait. know that was slightly off topic...but useful
At first I thought you were saying she should speed up time; that doesn't work. Now I understand what your saying though. Like right before you go to bed at say, midnight, you set your tamagotchi right at it's bedtime of 8, for purpose of an example. That way, you'll have until something like noon until it wakes up, and when it does, it will have been unpaused and ready to play, and it will think it's 8 o'clock. All tamas sleep for like 10-12 hours. As long as you sleep less than that (which if you're like me, you do,) you can just set the clock right at it's bed time, and it will sleep for however many hours it's supposed to. Then when it wakes up however many hours later, you can fix the clock and start playing like normal again. It's a bit difficult to explain, but I've used the technique before; a nifty trick to keep your tam unpaused. Nice recommendation, Lumina.

Remember, though, you do want your tamagotchi to be awake for it's life. It will still grow while it's asleep, and that's a double edged sword. What you gain in speed with this method, you sacrifice in skill points.

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my tama only takes a day to evolve, but then again, i dont pause mine.

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