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Lost Girl

Well-known member
Apr 11, 2009
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Brisbane, Australia.

Where have you guys travelled? On planes? By car? Maybe boat?

Well, I lived in Perth for the first like, 6 years of my life, and Brisbane became a big adventure for my family. When Dad died, we wanted to leave Perth, so we moved to Brisbane. We flew here.

I've been all up the north coast of Queensland with Mum and Kyle. We drove.

We drove to Sydney and Canberra in year 7, which was amazing.

And now I'm in Sydney again right now! :) It's pretty incredible, but really cold haha. I love it though. I never get tired of Sydney, there's so much here! <3


2 14hr plane rides once every2 years.

This year, I went to Quebec with a school group. It was amaazing <33

Last year I went on my biggest holiday of all time.. to Russia, to visit all my family and friends whom I either haven't seen in ages, or haven't seen before at all. We flew for about 14 hours, landed in Singapore, and then flew about 7 hours to Russia. And the same thing all the way back :) I absolutely loved that holiday. So memorable.

I've also been to a few places around the country. I went to the Grampians [the hills in Victoria] in 2006 with mum, her boyfriend, and Sarah. We travelled there by car!

Then we also went to the Gold Coast with mum, and my brother. We flew there by plane.. and there was so much lightning in the sky, I was freaking out. I loved the theme parks there, haha.

Edit: Typos.

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When I went to Hawaii and all its islands, for like, 2 and a half weeks.

Ah-mazing : D

I hope to go to the following places though--->



3.US(though I lived there)




And thats all because of the TTers, howvevr, I want to take a US trip every time when there's Black Friday and stuff like that x3

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