Advice needed


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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2010
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im tal. Very tall and everyone tells me i should play basketball because as a 7th grader i can jump and touch the rim. I HATE BASKETBALL. what should i tell theses ppl couse the wont stop telling me im tall and id be great at basketball

If it's not something you can enjoy and be passionate about, don't do it because other people say you should. Height actually doesn't automatically mean good at basketball, in fact, I know a girl who is 5'1 and is the star player, she helped a boys team win against the best boys team in that grade.

I know very tall people who can't play basketball to save themselves.


Uh yeah. I'm massive for my age. I'm horrible at Basketball. Absolutely horrible.

Yet, my friend Cristina, is a measly 4'8, and can get like 465786 goals in a game.

Don't play if it's something you don't particularly like.

Peer pressure isn't good.

I'm Tall.

I'm terrible at basketball. I'm 5''10 [Finally got an accurate height measurement from my math teacher :D ]

Height doesn't mean anything but genetics.

That Mini Me dude from Austin Powers: Goldmember could probably make more baskets than me.

He could probably fit in the basket better than me too. Mini me: 2. Chelle: 0

I'm about 5'11, and was always getting told the same thing in Middle School, being about 5'6/7 in the 7th grade. I hated it, and didn't do it.

Don't do it and tell them to bugger off.

Yeah, just tell them you don't have interest in basketball. Neither do i. xD well, sports in general i hate..... only sport related things i like are running, swimming, and tennis, and i suck at the last one.

i'm in the taller range in my grade, i'm 5'6", but i still wish i was taller, there's a girl in my grade who's 6'1" and she makes me feel short. xD i wear heels a lot cuz i love feeling tall. 8D

Just tell them you're not interested in basketball and move on. No big deal. :)
ditto (;

i know a girl who's really tall and can't play basketball, yet one of the guys in my class is pretty short and he's awesome at basketball.

I'm slightly tall, but basketball isn't really my sport. Have you ever tried playing basketball? Because maybe you would like it, but if you have.. just tell them "I know I'm tall, but that doesn't mean I'm very good at basketball... and I don't really like playing it." they shouldn't hate you for that. :)

you could try other sports, too. I know of a lot of other sports where tall people have an advantage- handball, volleyball, badminton, tennis..

thanks its good to have ppl like on my side. most tall ppl i no cant play especially not me thanks for the advice

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