After like 6 years...


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Might as well post a return topic...

Been like at least six years since I've last been active here in TT. I just didn't have the motivation to come on here any more, for some reason. But today, TT popped up in my mind out of nowhere, for no particular reason at all.

I doubt the majority of you would be familiar with who I am, but that's perfectly fine, because I've been a member here since late '05, after all xD

I know I've committed many wrongdoings during my moments here way back then... and I'm highly regretful of what I may've done (plus, I feel I'm the one's who most at fault) - I was way too immature back then to understand :/ (I'd rather not go into full-on detail about what exactly happened) I won't ask for anyone's trust, but to at least give me another chance to redeem myself. That's all I'll ask for.

Can't promise I'll actively come to TT though, especially since I have other aspects of life to focus on at the same time. That, and I haven't really thought a whole lot about Tamagotchis nowadays... my personal interests as of now mostly lie within the otaku area (i.e. anime, manga, video games, etc.). lol

But yeah, good to come back here again, I suppose : P

(P.S. don't mind my username pls, it's... rather silly, I know. lol)

(P.P.S. if you wanna follow me outside of TT, I'll be on deviantART)

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I love seeing these topics of people returning after a long time! :D

6 years... that would mean you left around 2008 i believe. I joined in 2009 so i just missed meeting you in the past :p

Regardless, Welcome back :D

I love seeing these topics of people returning after a long time! :D

6 years... that would mean you left around 2008 i believe. I joined in 2009 so i just missed meeting you in the past :p

Regardless, Welcome back :D
Yeah, 2008. I disappeared without informing anyone though.

and thanks :)

I think I was active with my old account; lolokotchi:) back when you left? I can't seem to remember you though... Anyway, welcome back!! :D

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I think I was active with my old account; lolokotchi:) back when you left? I can't seem to remember you though... Anyway, welcome back!! :D
Yeah... I can't remember a username like that myself xD when did you initially join though?

And cheers!

Yeah... I can't remember a username like that myself xD when did you initially join though?

And cheers!
Oh. I just checked when I joined, and it was later than I thought. I guess I hung around anonymously a while before joining; not until in January 2010...

Cheers to you as well!
