Age 3 Teen Tama Wont grow up!


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Dec 5, 2006
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<_< OKay, ive seen many posts regarding "My teen tamagotchi wont grow up" or "Is there any way to get my tamagotchi to age faster?" ... and I've read their advice...

But now, my Tamagotchi, Aime Age3, Just seems to be stuck in Teenager form...

Her "sister" An Age 3 Tamagotchi, has already aged into an adult... :furawatchi:

Care to help me?

:unsure: OKay, ive seen many posts regarding "My teen tamagotchi wont grow up" or "Is there any way to get my tamagotchi to age faster?" ... and I've read their advice...But now, my Tamagotchi, Aime Age3, Just seems to be stuck in Teenager form...

Her "sister" An Age 3 Tamagotchi, has already aged into an adult... :furawatchi:

Care to help me?

Well, every Tamagotchi evolves at their own pace. Tha means that your Tamagotchi will most likely not evolve the same time as your sisters, etc. It takes time for the process to take shape. :mellow:

Just be patient and your Tama will evolve sooner or later. It also depends on how well/poorly you took care of the character during it's ageing process. <_<



One more question-

My Tama has a full training bar, heart/full hungry/full (I dont let these stats lag behind) and is a young mametchi. Will that have any affect on the growth/aging and/or adult tamagotchi it turns into? (Lol her sister turned into a Leaftchi even though her teen age was a Young Mametchi.... :huh: )

P.S- My tama has tantrums ALOT...! Is that... weird? ;)

it Will have a change on what Adult it`ll become. Depending on how you take care of your Tamagotchi, it evolves into a certain character. Like how you Take Care of the tamagotchi Real good, it`ll evolve into a mametcho on odd generations or a mimitchi if it`s an even generation. The aging, it takes a day if you never pause it, but longer if you pause it. It`ll have an effect on growth too because if the tamagotchi is trated badly and has low traning bar it`ll evolve into a bad character on your tamagotchi. The matchmaker also shows up once your tamagotchi already has been an adult for Three days.

I hope this helps a lot.

make sure you don't pause it often that slows down growth. if not that it might be a glitch

hope i helpled! :huh:

Thanx ppl.

Well my tama just evolved today, still at AGE 3...

I guess i paused it for a while so yea... :)

My tama evolved into a Memetchi! :ichigotchi:

And its engaged to my friend's tama- :D

Thank you ppl!

It takes time and training to make your tama to evlove faster.So don't rush yourself or your tama.

Sometimes teens evolve into adults in the late stages of 3 or early stages of 4. Depending on how long your tamagotchi has been 3.

Hope I helped!


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