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on the sticker on the golden one it has the light sign, not the mail sign. Or is it the other one your talkin about or ALL of them?

the character on the 1st pic is from v3, (Cuz on v4 the charachers short. You've got long.) but the others arn't.

i do NOT think their fake she/he just showed us pictures so HOW can they be fake ? i totally believe her/him.
So do I, do you think he/she would do this for a joke?

Anyway, I'm sorry about your problem, you bought it from Target right? That means it should be a normal working Tamagotchi. Unless you like your V3 actually being a V4, I suggest you restart it and see if it goes back to normal. :eek:

:huh: Fairytale Romance :eek:

i do NOT think their fake she/he just showed us pictures so HOW can they be fake ? i totally believe her/him.
I do too, I DO think that she/he talkin real and they ARE real photo's I mean, who would bother tip-x-ing a BALL of a tamagotchi? She/he isn't that sad. She/He isn't sad at all! I'm thinking open mindidly, thinking both sides COULD be right. I mean, that's what we SHOULD be doing. Cuz we only know each other by what we post. So there's no proof for ANYTHING. Unless you just so HAPPEN to bump in to Melza_Rocks and go to her house and see what's going on. I mean, WE can't see what's going on behind the typing, do we? We just have to go with the more SENSIBLE sounding chosie. So let's end this arrgument now. I hope there's help in what I say now, Melza_Rocks, it's probs the wrong wiring in the wrong shell.

I didn't

I brought it from Target in 06!!!!!!!!!
oh ok, SORRY! :huh:

you're lucky, i wish my v3 would turn into a v4 :eek:

Now I'm just totally confused about the pictures. Melza_Rocks, you have a V3 don't you? (As in the shape of it, not the program of the tama) And I see pics of V4s? Explain the whole thing cos' everything is all over the place!

Yeah, can you plz post clear and full photos of all of your tamas that have turned into v4s?

No, leave it open. It may be interesting for other members. :eek:
:huh: Fairytale Romance :eek:
I can't close it but I thought I could tell someone who can. Maybe we should leave and let OTHER members discuss it? Because we can't seem too. Us 2 are the only two NOT picking sides.

ok so your tama v3 change to v4?? right?

..........hmmmmmmmm i think you might have put a v4 battery in you v3

if so to fix it this is what you should do...you should get one of your other v3 batteries out but it in this v3

and press download

if it gose back to normal then theres defernitly something wrong with your battery...after this take it back out but it in the

v3 you got it from..

and ask your dad for a new battery

or you can reset and download again....whatever of these you think might help you is really yp to you!!

hope this helps

There not fake!!!!
I'll let you guys make up your minds on whether they're fake or not.

I think the switch between versions was simply a glitch. If it was it was a lucky one. You should be happy that your tama switched versions. I know I would.

tama*chic*101 :(

[SIZE=14pt]Hmmm... I believe you, I guess. Many bizzare things have happened to my Tamagotchis. It's just that it is hard for me to understand the pictures. I mean, I'm not trying to be picky but... they are a bit fuzzy. The picture(s) that did make sense to me made me note that the one you claim to be the victim of this possible glitch has a V3 backround (I disected a Tama before-- all the backround is is a piece of cardboard)! So I guess that could be proof. [/SIZE]

However, on pages one and two of your topic, you were really flipping out on people. I know you may be upset and confused; I would be to. But it made you look suspicious.


Tama_Lover :furawatchi:

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