Akai Battery Glitch?


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Well-known member
Sep 16, 2007
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Prison of Nostalgia and Pizza
i'm going to be honest here, I started up my Akai and kinda ignored it from when it was a baby. Yesterday (as a teen) the death beeps started up. And in the middle of dying the low battery screen popped up. I just left it there because I din't have any spare batteries and I didn't want to hear the death sounds anymore.

I picked it up a little later and the battery screen was gone, and so was the sick skull and all the poop that had piled up. I fed it so it would have full hearts when I saw that.

That was yesterday, I hadn't touched it at all until I checked earlier today and all the hearts are still full.

EDIT: Since posting this topic neither of the meters have dropped by even one. Unless anyone has an in device explanation I am henceforth dubbing this glitch the: Eternity Glitch.

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I've had issues with my tamas when the batteries die during important events. The battery in my Music Star died during debut and when I replaced the battery, my tama had died with full hearts in everything, skill points intact, but the weight was at max even though my tama "died" when he weighed 34 pounds before the battery died. My blue 4.5's battery died just as I hit "yes" to marry my tama to someone from the matchmaker. I replaced the battery and my tama somehow lost all her skill points. The fact that your Akai's battery died just as the death sequence started makes me think that your tama is acting as though it's already dead but since the death sequence didn't finish, it's in Tamagotchi Limbo or something like that. I bet it would return to normal if you reset it and got a new egg, assuming the Akai can do that.

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