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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2008
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Corner of fourth and Freemont street, Soha World.
You shot a man.

You were proud of youself because you had set off to do this and he is now on the ground dead and your job is done and this will bother you no further.

And, as you're walking away, the man stands up and shoots you in the back.


So have you ever done something, and thought you didn't but then later realise you DIDN'T do it by mistake or not thoroughly enough?

I gave the refrigerator door a little push to close it and walked away.

An hour later, I realised it wasn't shut.


Do you do stuff like this?

Nope, I'm pretty clear on my actions, I just get blamed for 'not doing it right' despite the fact I did it. Twice. And the blamers watched me.

This has happened more than once to me, trust me.

Though I always misplace my soup. DD: I'll have a bowl of soup. And I'll put it somewhere. And I can't find it 20 seconds later.

Once, I put on my winter coat.

Then after that, I put on my spring coat.

I walked into the public like that,

When my Dad asked if I was seriously gonna wear both my coats.

I didn't even know. ._.

Though actually, I guess I have. 8D Sorry. That was me. Being self conscious.

...ignore that.

I constantly going to look for like, eyeglasses, in the fridge. Go figure. XD

Lots of times.... I keep on thinking I posted in a topic, but it turns out I didn't. Today I left my ipod in the fridge. Yesterday I left it in the microwave. My dad went and got me something to clip it on to my belt so I stop leaving it in weird places.

I sometimes am about to post somthing then a second later I forget what I was going to say.

I forget things too fast and too eaisly :)

and my parents and my teacher won't belive me :)


Yeah. At home I would always forget to eat. I'd go to bed and be thinking about my day then I'd be like, so I ate breakfast. And lunch...... I didn't have lunch. Okay. What'd I have for dinner? Oh geeze. I forgot to eat it. So then I'd go and get some crackers or something.

But now that I'm at a boarding school and we have dinner check in and stuff, my friends never let me forget to eat. :)

I also do that with homework and a bunch of other stuff. Like locking doors.

I do this.A lot.

I'll sit there and watch TV.

And by the 2nd commercial, I can't remember what show I am watching.

I suck at remembering things.
I do the same thing.

I can get up and go grab a granola bar. I see a apple cinnamon bar and I grab it. I go sit down and its BLUEBERRY!

(Kinda off topic) on Monday I fainted in Social Studies.... yeah I was late so I didn't eat breakfast. I do a lot of wierd things...

I do this.A lot.

I'll sit there and watch TV.

And by the 2nd commercial, I can't remember what show I am watching.

I suck at remembering things.

I'm exactly the same.

I'll be watching a program, then a commercial comes on when it's finished, and I can't remember. D:

Memory loss sucks.

A lot of times I open up Wikipedia to read about something.. then I end up clicking on other articles and end up reading about volcanoes or stars or the Civil War.. all the while forgetting what I was originally trying to read about in the first place!

That sucks. D=

I don't have an allergy that I know of, except a very severe reaction to poision ivy. The time I got that, I accidentally actually LIED DOWN in the poision ivy. I was a lizard for months. xD

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