Aliens attacked my mom for real. What should i do?


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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2007
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Elkport, Iowa USA
My mom had an encounter with a creature (possible alien) that made her cry for the first time since she was 40. She still remembers it and is starting to freak me out. I am now scared of my own house. :blink: :lol: :D <_< :unsure: :wacko:

Really tamapeople, my mom saw an alien type thing.She saw it out by the barn on our farm.She got really freaked about it. Seriously, I am not lying guys. Honest :D

Ok, in order to have a topic you need to have something to discuss or it's considered spam.

So are we debating if your mom really did see an alien, or talking about aliens in general.

Please specify. :D

She said she saw this pencil thin thing standing in the driveway speaking a whole different langauge. And No, I don't think this was a forgein person.Why would they be in Iowa for a matter?


erm... is she sure she wasn't halucinating/dreaming? how did this alien attack her? and how did she bring it up into conversation? (like... 'oh, by the way, I was ubducted by aliens once' or 'yeah, sure that happened, and I was ubducted by aliens')

well jimmythej, she brought it up like every time she talked with a friend and she doesn't like to talk about it at all. Besides, it only happened in 2004 at like 10 p.m. :D

I actually believe you!!

I think alens are real because I read books on it!!

If you say it i beleive you!!

I only believe in Spirits because I have had a encounter before (So has My mom and My brother o.o) But ask her, what did the alien look like?

But I saw it out my bedroom window one night and it was walking around by our fish pond in our yard. It kept looking at my window. It was so scary :unsure: :angry:

ummmmmm i really don't belve in aleans only spirets and demonds (i'v seen them ) and y would it be a pencel and y wouldn't u mention this earlyer so no i don't think soo
You mean Demons? Or Demonds? Whatever that is XP

And if this happened in 2004, why are you telling us now?

Uhh.. well my guess is that your mom was hallucinating and then you heard about it and starting believing it so then you brought yourself to believe that you saw it too..

TG4E :unsure:

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