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About Me

Name: Sofia-Eleni
Nickname: bunny (more commonly boony), Son-son, Soe (from my online name)
Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Overlord Soenatte, keeper of the dolly horde

Online Me!
Email: if you really must, ask privately please
IM: Soenatte o 3o
I game online at: Elsword, Spirit Tales, Steam

Color: Green
Smell: moist earth (right after it rains is the best)
Sound: rain
Snack: green tea pocky
Stress Food: popcorn
Weekend Activity: playing with dolls
Hiding Place: my room
Hobbies: doll collecting, drawing/paining, game making, video games, video making, amv making, films, anime, reading prose & poetry+++
TV Series: (current) Game of Thrones, Gravity Falls, (and the greek ones) Kato Partali, Min Arhizeis ti Mourmoura
Movie: the Fall by Tarsem Singh
Book: Weaveworld by Clive Barker
Band/Singer: RADWIMPS
Celeb: N/A
Role Model: none, although there are people I look up to
Expression: calm, content

First Big Achievement: getting into fine arts university on my first try
First Risk I Ever Took: wish I could really remember.
First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: opened a bank account? probably.
First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I really can't recall the first time it was, but it generally involves being in nature doing things i like.
First Rule I'd Make As President: speaking for my country? No people that have been in the parliament prior to the enactment of the rule are allowed in the parliament.

Last Book That Inspired Me: Spice & Wolf
Last Movie I Cried At: the Railway Man
Last Celeb I Crushed On: none
Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: read a book
Last Advice I got That Worked: stop trying to be perfect and be yourself

My Best & Worst
Best Personality Traits: friendly, creative, intuitive
Worst: scatterbrained, meek, easily annoyed on certain subjects
Best Talents: artistic (painting, drawing, visualizing, writing). I also happen to be pretty eloquent in general
Worst: is there a thing as a bad talent? If this means something I'm no good at then most things athletic.
Best Class or Subjects: creative writing, languages, history, art
Worst: mathematics, sciences

Best Memories: getting my first doll, rescuing my cat, choosing my first starter pokemon, taking walks in nature
Worst: fearing of losing my best friend, being interrogated about when I'll finally get a boyfriend by my family
Best Years: I wouldn't know, all years have good and bad things for them. I'm enjoying 2015 so far.
Worst: highschool years, I was constantly bullied, made to feel inferior and I put on a lot of weight as a result on top of getting my self esteem ruined, I'm still gradually recovering from it but bad times were bad.

About Me

Name: Charles
Nickname: Watashi or...choo-choo...
Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity:

Online Me!
I game online at:X

Color: Tough question. Honestly I like 'em all.
Smell: Food
Sound: Well, it depends
Snack: Dark Chocolate
Stress Food:?
Weekend Activity: Playing video games, Playing with my Tamagotchi(started on it), listening to video game BGM, drawing (whenever I can)...
Hiding Place: My room
Hobbies: Video Games, Tamagotchi (Picking it up.) listening to videogame BGM, fanfiction (somewhat), drawing (I'm getting the hang of it), wandering around...
TV Series: Tamagotchi anime, Jewelpet(First Season, though), Attack on Titan (it's awesome)
Movie: Haven't really seen any I liked
Book:Anything on learning Japanese
Band/Singer: Don't know.
Celeb:Not interested in them.
Role Model: None.

First Big Achievement: Honor Roll at Elementary School
First Risk I Ever Took: Don't remember (All I remember was crashing and getting hurt really bad.)
First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Get a job
First Time I Felt Completely Happy:When I got My WiiU, when I first met EMF (at dA).
First Rule I'd Make As President: Listen to the common people.

Last Book That Inspired Me: None
Last Movie I Cried At: Uh, I don't remember
Last Celeb I Crushed On: No one really.
Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Uh, close my eyelids.
Last Advice I got That Worked: Never cross the street on a green light(I got hit by a car three times before that sunk in).

My Best & Worst
Best Personality Traits:Diligent, Kind
Worst: Stubborn? Noisy, a little lazy, somewhat timid...
Best Talents: None, really
Best Class or Subjects: Computer systems, Math(formerly)
Worst: Social studies (I hated it)

Best Memories: Making new friends
Worst: Getting scalded
Best Years:??
Worst:1988(I still bear the scars to this day...), 1991-1992(The absolute worst two years of my life. My family at the time was dreadfully poor...)

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About Me

Name: Sierra
Nickname: CC
Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Confused Woman

Online Me!
Email: [personal]
Blog: [personal]
IM: (Skype) scross_22
I game online at: GaiaOnline

Color: Pink
Smell: Cupcakes
Sound: Light rain
Snack: Rice Crispy Treats
Stress Food: Rice Crispy Treats
Weekend Activity: Hanging with my boyfriend and best friend
Hiding Place: My room lol
Hobbies: Forums, organizing
TV Series: Say Yes To The Dress
Movie: Mean Girls, Big Hero 6
Book: The Fault In Our Stars
Band/Singer: Ellie Goulding, Tove Lo, Fall Out Boy
Celeb: Jake Gyllenhaal
Role Model: My boyfriend's sister and mother. They're the best.
Expression: IDK.

First Big Achievement: Walked, lol.
First Risk I Ever Took: Ride a roller coaster
First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Um... I'm not sure.
First Time I Felt Completely Happy: On my first date with my boyfriend.
First Rule I'd Make As President: It would be against the law to use illegal drugs used for recreation.

Last Book That Inspired Me: Lauren Conrad's beauty book... lol.
Last Movie I Cried At: Big Hero 6...
Last Celeb I Crushed On: Jake Gyllenhaal
Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Clean my face
Last Advice I got That Worked: Take slow, deep breaths when I have anxiety

My Best & Worst
Best Personality Traits: I care about the ones I love and I'll do anything to make them happy
Worst: I can be selfish
Best Talents: Makeup
Worst: Drawing
Best Class or Subjects: Science
Worst: Math

Best Memories: My first date with my boyfriend and going to a basketball game with him for the first time.
Worst: Being in middle school.
Best Years: 18-19 (currently)
Worst: 13-15

am i doing this again? yes
do i care? no

About Me

Name: Ella
Nickname: Meme Lord, pepe-hime, krure
Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: meme lord

Online Me!
Email: not sharing
IM: no
I game online at: epic mafia??ag??ario????

Color: orange
Smell: anything fruity
Sound: rain
Snack: im more of a beverage person; raspberry soda
Stress Food: i can't think rn. anything thats in the fridge
Weekend Activity: internet all day every day
Hiding Place: my room
Hobbies: boring stuff like reading/drawing/video games
TV Series: steven universe
Movie: edward scissorhands
Book: solitaire by alice oseman (its really good!)
Band/Singer: marina and the diamonds, james bay (can i count him? hes my obsession currently even though i have yet to listen to chaos & the calm bc im scared ill freak)
Celeb: um...? this is really broad
Role Model: no
Expression: no

First Big Achievement: i dont Remember
First Risk I Ever Took: :/
First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: whenever i go up and pay for things. that counts?
First Time I Felt Completely Happy: last week @ the super 15 finals was pretty cool
First Rule I'd Make As President: turn it from capitalism to communism

Last Book That Inspired Me: n.a
Last Movie I Cried At: i dont cry at movies? um idk i almost cried when watching kenneth branagh's hamlet?
Last Celeb I Crushed On: JAMES BAY
Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: im on the internet. its 1am i should sleep soon
Last Advice I got That Worked: ???idk my mind is blank

My Best & Worst
Best Personality Traits: i listen, im empathetic/sympathetic, i like helping others
Worst: im selfish/self-centred, a bit of a drama queen, arrogant, stubborn, short-tempered
Best Talents: ?i can tell u about memes
Worst: ?
Best Class or Subjects: health, english
Worst: science, math

Best Memories: generally my teenage years
Worst: when i was a child
Best Years: 2012/2013
Worst: 2007-8

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