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About Me

Name: Jade

Nickname: Jadeie or Shy-Lemon

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Pfft.

Online Me!

Email: Classified

Blog: Nine

IM: Classified

I game online at: ... Everywhere with games I guess.


Color: Yellow!

Smell: PETROL Birthday Smoke.

Sound: Music.

Snack: Some good Coles Cookies or Tim Tams.

Stress Food: Chocolate. Isn't it always?

Weekend Activity: Having friends over; Partying.

Hiding Place: In my cupboard. Nice reading spot!

Hobbies: They differ - all the time.

TV Series: How I Met Your Mother.


Book: Need series by Carrie Jones - I don't know why but it gives me a different feeling to other books. It feels like being in front of an warm fire in the middle of snowy winter.

Band/Singer: .. C***

Celeb: Emma Watson I have to say.

Role Model: Mum :p

Expression: My awesome expression - my face is bendy.


First Big Achievement: I was born.

First Risk I Ever Took: ... C*** I can't think.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: I ATE A SANDWICH.

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: I was sleeping.

First Rule I'd Make As President: MORE DONKEYS.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Harry Potter.

Last Movie I Cried At: I only watched a scene of one but a girl's horse died.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: I don't.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Think about life and how awesome/bad it is.

Last Advice I got That Worked: I never get the good advice but I guess Lucid Dreaming advice..?

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Funny, smart and absolutely nuts in a good way.

Worst: I'm annoying

Best Talents: Writing and running.

Worst: SociaL skills.

Best Class or Subjects: When I get to write an narrative.

Worst: Maths. :/

Best Memories: 2010

Worst: 2010

Best Years: 2010

Worst: 2007 - 2009

About Me

Name: Runner. :p I refuse to share my real name since it stinks.

Nickname: Runner, RUNNAH (At least to jadine)

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: God jk jk Genius.

Online Me!

Email: Classified, I dun want people sending me spam and chain letters.

Blog: Have one but not sharing.

IM: Don't have one.

I game online at: Where there is touhou flash games.


Color: Black or white or teal. It's a tie.

Smell: The smell of wood you get when you walk into a Home Depot, or the smell of paper from an Office Depot. The smell of good food like fried chicken smells good as well.

Sound: Mussssiccccc, but if I had to pick natural sounds, the sound of a computer motor humming is very calming.

Snack: Bananas.

Stress Food: Dinner. Anything cooked for dinner that is hearty and good relieves stress.

Weekend Activity: Napping, running, and going shopping.

Hiding Place: On the deck.

Hobbies: Running, Internet, Gaming, Working out, sleeping, eating, cooking.

TV Series: The Office? I guess.

Movie: None. Not much of a movie watcher.

Book: Hard one.. If I had to pick one of all... I guess Lock and Key- Sarah Dessen. It's a really good book and is awesome. Close seconds include Little Brother - Cory Doctorow and Miracle on 49th Street - Mike Lupica.

Band/Singer: Jimmy Eat World. For today. It might be another band tomorrow.

Celeb: MATT DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMOOOOOOOOOON since you can stretch his name out in an epic way. It sounds hilarious and is a memetic mutation in my eyes.

Role Model: The people on 4chan who start memes. They are cool.

Expression: Troll face.


First Big Achievement: I hit the 100 mile club in my elementary school.

First Risk I Ever Took: Climbing on my roof only to almost fall.

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: How would I know?!!!

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When I was born.

First Rule I'd Make As President: All people who believe they rule the school shoot yourselves now.


Last Book That Inspired Me: Little Brother.

Last Movie I Cried At: Once, in the last scene.

Last Celeb I Crushed On: What. No.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Think about anything from school to writing.

Last Advice I got That Worked: Uhmm.... I dunnoooooooo....

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: My bad@@@ness.

Worst: My bad^^^ness isn't always good for people.

Best Talents: Running and Eating. And school.

Worst: At eating tomatoes.

Best Class or Subjects: Language Arts, Physical Ed, Social Studies and Math.

Worst: Science.

Best Memories: 2010 and 2011

Worst: 2008

Best Years: 2010-2011;

Worst: 2008-2009

I'm just going to do these, if thats okay :)


Color: Sparkly Pink :)

Smell: Freshly baked chocolate chip pancakes

Sound: Music

Snack: Watermelon or Chips

Stress Food: < What?

Weekend Activity: Relaxing and writing

Hiding Place: My special closet spot

Hobbies: Dancing, acting, and crafting

TV Series: iCarly, So You Think You Can Dance


Book: Twilight series, too :)

Band/Singer: Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga

Celeb: Miranda Cosgrove/Ariana Grande

Role Model: Different people around me, I guess

Expression: "Life's short, eat dessert first"

About Me

Name: Ryan

Nickname: Ryzi

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: Ninja Unicorn



Online Me!

Email: [email protected]

Blog: I don't have one.

IM: I don't have one.

I game online at: Club Penguin, Moshi Mosnters, Runescape, Robot Unicorn Attack.




Color: Pink. Don't laugh, please.

Smell: Bacon

Sound: Cartoon Bonks and Bangs.

Snack: Crisps!

Stress Food: Gum

Weekend Activity: Sitting on the sofa.

Hiding Place: In a box

Hobbies: Video Gaming

TV Series: Phineas&Ferb.

Movie: Finding Nemo.

Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Band/Singer: Linkin' Park

Celeb: I don't know.

Role Model: Obama

Expression: As in smileys? This one ---> :3




First Big Achievement: Shakespeare Play

First Risk I Ever Took: Parachuting

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Transitioning to high school?

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: When I got my Wii

First Rule I'd Make As President: Raise Wages




Last Book That Inspired Me: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Last Movie I Cried At: Up. lol

Last Celeb I Crushed On: I don't have a crush on any celebrities.

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Shower

Last Advice I got That Worked: Improving my video quality



My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: I'm very patient

Worst: I have asperger's, so I find it hard to have a conversation.

Best Talents: Acting

Worst: Drawing

Best Class or Subjects: ICT

Worst: PE


Best Memories: My Isle of Man holiday

Worst: Losing both my grandparents in the same year

Best Years: 2006

Worst: 2009 and 2011

About Me

Name: Jasmine

Nickname: Jas?

Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: That Magestic Pony of the East.

Online Me!

Email: If I told you I would have to kill you.

Blog: Don't have one.


I game online at: N/A


Color: Black or Red

Smell: Vanilla

Sound: Wind in the trees

Snack: Popcorn

Stress Food: Toast

Weekend Activity: Shopping

Hiding Place: Bathroom (Dn't ask..)

Hobbies: Being an Anime nerd

TV Series: How I met Your mother

Movie: 500 Days of Summer

Book: Hunger Games triology

Band/Singer: My Chemical Romance or Mindless Self Indulgence

Celeb: ~David Tennnant

Role Model: Gok Wan

Expression: T.T on the net and blow up cheeks in real life


First Big Achievement: Ahh, can't think of one? I suck so much.

First Risk I Ever Took: Jet skiing

First "Grown-Up" Thing I've Done: Went out by myself

First Time I Felt Completely Happy: On the floor in my uncles house

First Rule I'd Make As President: You go to jail for racisiam (can't spell -.-)


Last Book That Inspired Me: The Enemey. If being inspired to kill zombies is all right.

Last Movie I Cried At: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows part 2

Last Celeb I Crushed On: Tom Felton..

Last Thing I Do Before I Sleep: Pray

Last Advice I got That Worked: dunno..

My Best & Worst

Best Personality Traits: Great sense of Humour (I would say)

Worst: Unforgiving.

Best Talents: Drawing, piano playing

Worst: Accents, doing ANYTHING in front of people

Best Class or Subjects: Art

Worst: P.E

Best Memories: The whole of Year 6

Worst: Hugging several people thinknig they were my mum -.-

Best Years: 2011,2010,2005

Worst: 2007

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