All Tamagotchi Versions>Does weight really matter?


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It's strange. :S

I heard somewhere that tamagotchis can die from being overweight but mostly all my tamagotchis are overweight so......I guess it's just false info...

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I dont think weight mattered on the v3 very much but on the v4 it does because if it isnt taken care of good or its w8 was too high it could become a universal teenager or adult. Hope i helped :D

Interesting, very interesting, i didn't realise that, but then again, i did have an overweight mimitchi once


I say that wieght doesn`t matter.

All it does is it tells you when your

tama is over wieght.

jessica jaydah

weight doesnt matter,

in games like bump its easier to win the game but you get less money

but if you r lets say 56 pounds and you win bump u will get more tamapoints

so i advise youto keep the weight down if u want to buy expensive stuff

ps playing games makes ur tamagotchi loose weight

Im not really sure...i think it does but with all of u saying u got mims and mams at not to sure anymore...I think it matters for keeping your tama healthy.

I hope no-one takes offence at this but...

Obese people might be good people but they arent very healthy.

I hope no-one takes offence at this but...
Obese people might be good people but they arent very healthy.
XD No offense taken. Yes and I'm not in the best of health.

I don't think weight matters on most Tamagotchi. I've over fed Entama,Uratama,V1,V2,V3, and V4 and still have come out with good characters.

Okay, I've noticed most people have been saying "Get Mimitchi and Mametchi by keeping its hearts up and not letting it get overweight." I'm not sure this is true. I've had so many Mimitchis and Mametchis at 99LBS. However, I remember a few times when their hearts never went down but got 99LBS - It turned into a Furawatchi.
So think about it - does weight really matter? :huh:
I've never had one, yet :gozarutchi: .

I don't think the weight matters. In fact, I had a young mametchi, that turned into a mametchi, and when it transformed it weighed 95lb.

what about a memetchi? Does weight matter for her??

(because I what her and I'm not sure how)

same with me. it does not matter with health. it only matters with how good you play game. if your tamagotchi is over weight then it will be bad at games. if he is normal than his game is average. when under weight he plays best but constently needs a snack...(LOL) :lol:

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If your tama is overweight, all it means is you feed it snacks more then you give it exercise. It will make it sick more often.

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