All Things Harry Potter!


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Yes! It was absolutely perfect! I cried twice and almost cried two other times. I loved the way they started it.
Me too! The emotional bits of the story were very well done. The beginning was nice, I agree. It's a little glimpse of how much each of them has sacrificed for this journey. Urge to re-read the series climbing. :D

The movie was so good! They really stayed true to the book! And I liked the comic relief that Ron provided because in the book, it's okay if it's thoroughly depressing most of the book, but that's not so good in movies. The only thing I didn't like was how they cut out Dudley's little speech to Harry

The only thing I didn't like was how they cut out Dudley's little speech to Harry
Right?! Don't get me wrong, they definitely stayed more true to the books this time than they have ever done, but some of these speeches and other moments are pivotal to character development!! We're supposed to find out that Dudley's actually not as much of a jerk as we thought he was. Speaking of speeches, the one missing that stood out to me the most was

post-Riddle/Harry+Riddle/Hermione in the Forest of Dean, after Ron and Harry reunited and destroyed the locket
(hey, you never know, there are people on here who haven't read the book yet :D ). I really loved that moment after the event in the book when there was just this outpouring of emotion (especially Ron's insecurity finally being put into words) and reaffirmation of both boys' feelings toward Hermione, whatever they truly are.

I also wish that there were more scenes showing what was going on at Hogwarts. I mean, I know that the trio is out of school and that we're technically not supposed to find out what's been going on at the school until later in the book, but seriously. If you're going to tease us with that fleeting scene of the Hogwarts Express with Neville and Ginny when the Death Eaters came searching, why not throw in a few more of the old DA members wreaking havoc all over the school and revolting against the new regime (reserved for Part II, I suppose)? When Harry was looking at the Marauder's Map and saw Snape walking around, I thought he was going to try and find Ginny's dot, like he did in the book, so that he could be sure that she was safe. Then there's the whole business with Phineas Nigellus that was left out. There should still be that connection to the magical world though they are out in the "real world." Well, anyway. I could go on and on :p but I honestly think that this movie was fantastic at epic proportions. I can't wait to see it again! I love talking Harry Potter, it makes me happy. :)

I just had to bring this back :3

The other night I finished Deathly Hallows and I was so upset, so I went and dug out The Philosopher's Stone and started reading the series all over again.

My favourite character is Draco Malfoy (you've obviously already guessed) because he's just such a BAMF <3 His character has such class, even though he's the enemy, and Tom Felton does an amazing job of playing him in the movies.

I like Ginny, and I think I will be sorted into Ravenclaw..

I like the Deathly Hallows. I am rereading the Chamber of Secrets.

I just had to bring this back :3

The other night I finished Deathly Hallows and I was so upset, so I went and dug out The Philosopher's Stone and started reading the series all over again.
Hahaha, I do this sometimes, especially during the summer when I have more time. It just never gets old. The whole idea of Harry Potter itself brings back such fond memories of middle school, when I first heard about the series.

I can't believe Part II is coming out in less than 4 months.

I like Ginny, and I think I will be sorted into Ravenclaw..

I like the Deathly Hallows. I am rereading the Chamber of Secrets.
I like her too. She gets so much more independent and stronger throughout the series.

Ahh, Harry Potter addict here. xD

I can't decide my favourite book, I love the entire series. I've re-read it probably around three times and counting. Gotta love J.K. Rowling :)

I love her writing style, it's so descriptive and it just draws you in from the first sentence. Wish I had her talent, haha.

As for favourite character... this is a hard one. I really love Luna; she's so quirky and cute. So I guess she'd be my favourite.

I got the Philospher's Stone book and DVD

The Chamber of Secrets on DVD

The Goblet of Fire on DVD

The Order of the Phoenix (got the book, seen the film)

Did anyone else hear about the new website J.K. Rowling hinted at recently? I'm excited to find out what that's all about!

I'm going to purchase my midnight premiere tickets very soon. Definitely doing my usual summer time re-reading of the entire series as well. :D

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Oh yes, pottermore. Apparently we get more information tomorrow/today

(American time 1:37 am, Thursday?), (NZ time 5:37 pm Thursday) (English time 6:37 am Thursday)

I have to wait for them to get up... =/

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I've never actually really been a fan. I've seen two or three movies, but I didn't think they were really as amazing as everybody claimed them to be. But, the day before yesterday we watched the Deathly Hallows Part One at school, and it was just incredible. I think I've got myself a new found love.

Not much of a Potter head but I do watch the movies time to time.... I read the first book but no more.

I hear their might be more Potter.... Says my dad. I have no idea if it is true or just a rumor.... Who knows. But can it really be continued from the Deathly Hallows part 2? And don't spoil it for the other lovers...

The time I will actually see it is when it is on ABC Family in Marathon mode again..... I think I've seen up to 4, so I guess I'm greatly behind most of you.

i can't wait for the movie to come out. i only read the first book because where i live harry potter books are really hard to find.

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Ah, I love Harry Potter.

I'd be a Slytherin, I guess.

My favorite book is the 5th one, and my favorite characters would be Luna Lovegood, Severus Snape, the Malfoys, and Bellatrix. Yes, I like Bellatrix. Don't judge me.

Um I hope I didn't figure out what happend with just one spilt second of a commerical for Part 2.... I'll look for a spoiler and find out. I will laugh so hard if I figured the whole series out without reading more then one book and watching 4 movies... I'm not usually that good on most movies....

Nope. But I figured one thing out early and one comment I read confirmed it... pufft... I only read one or two... I guess I better watch the rest of the marathon this weekend. (yet another ABC Family potter weekend... )

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SO, speaking of Harry Potter, who here has early registered for Pottermore?

I nearly jumped up and down when I finally saw the clue and signed up. I felt like it was a strange sort of triumph.

I got in to pottermore early as well.

Yesterday actually. i am very excited !

My favorite book as of now is Goblet of Fire, and movie I have yet to decide.

I just recently today got sorted into Ravenclaw on pottermore. :)

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