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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
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This is just a random question...

Do you have allergies? What are they? The only one I have is grass. If my bare skin (except my hands and feet for some reason) is touching it I get an itchy rash.

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Grass, latex, sulfa drugs, dairy, pollen and cilantro for some reasons makes me break out in a rash, but I can eat it and be fine.

I'm also fairly sure I'm allergic to cats.

Bug bites.

If I get bitten, it swells up, and becomes all red and hard, and kinda hurts. Ahah, once, I had multiple mosquito bites on my leg, and my whole leg was swollen and it hurt when I moved it... xD

Really bad hay fever. I go all sneezy, and feel like I'm going down with a cold. I had it at my school prom and the night was ruined. Why oh why do I get it badly than anyone else? Also, if I walk in long grass, my legs itch, but not that badly. My nose is sensitive to dust, if I get anywhere near it, it makes me sneeze really hard, non stop.

Apart from that, I don't have any allergies. I don't have any serious allergies, so I'm lucky.

I'm allergic to pollen and dust, as well as cat or dog hair. Mostly to cats and dogs though, my eyes get really irritated whenever they're around.

Amoxicilin. I think that's the same as penicilin, but I'm not sure.

I took it once because I had laryngitis and I got red polka dots all over me and I got bad headaches and kept throwing up. It was funny, actually.

I'm kind of allergic to perfumed soap. When I use it too much, my hands go dry and I en up with red sores on my knuckles. I kind of count grass too. Me and my sister sometimes roll down a hill of grass we have at home and when we've been doing this for some time, we both end up with slamm, itchy red dots all over our legs.

Other than that, none!

Citric Acid, I can't have too much of it. But drinks with it is soo delicious.

Pollen. x___x Allergies are KILLING me currently. I'm hoping some of this rain is going to wash some of it away.

I also have selective fruit allergies. Sometimes they bother me, most of the time they don't. It has to do with the tree that they grew on. Weird, huh?

I'm allergic to penicillin. When I was little the doctor gave me some, he was unaware I was allergic, and I almost died.

I have an allergy to onions; I break out in hives if I consume them. I also think I may be allergic to cats, which I have some of.

I get hayfever in the summer and i have a feeling i might be allergic to horses, which sucks because i love horseriding.


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