Allygotchi's Final Attempt: Tamagotchi Log


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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2005
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I've only tried doing a Tama log about 5 thousand times, all failures which, sadly include my Blogagotchi, which I throughly enjoyed writing in while it was... alive.

So, here is to one last try.

But first, a little background on my tama history.

A few years ago, I used to be completely Tama obsessed. I have a total of 38 tamas of all different shapes, sizes and versions, ranging from P1's to Angelgotchi's all the way up to the V4.5. I'm not sure what happened, or why I fell out of my Tama phase, but today, I rediscovered my spark.

I was cleaning out my basement and found an old Japanese version along with a V4.5. Both batteries were dead, but I stuck them in my pocket.

While I was out running errands for my parents, I saw the little battery station at out local grocery story and decided to pick up a couple, for old time sake.

When I got home, I got out my box full and picked out the two lucky Tama's that ot to be reactivated after all this time. Memories came flooding back as I heard the familiar beeping. I had picked the peacock shelled V4.5 and my sunflower shelled V4.

My V4.5 hatched a girl and I named her Darcy.

My V4 hatched a boy who became Derek.

Not knowing much about these versions, I remembered that old website that took up half my time a few years back and decided to revisit.

So here I am.

Hours later, trying to debate on weather to set the time back on my little virtual pets for more time to play because they are safe and snug in bed.

(I probably will.)

(Okay... definitely.)

Anyways, I am off to TamaTown for a while, or maybe I'll pursue around the forums a while. Maybe I'll go buy one of those fancy new music ones. I'm stil very confused about them. I really don't know anything about them what's so ever. :furawatchi:

So before I go, I'll post my new tama's stats.

Name: Darcy

Character: kutchitamatichi

Hunger/Happiness: 4/4

Training: l

-Funny: 13

-Gorgeous: 20

-Spiritual: 16

Age: 0

Weight: 10

Generation: 1

Name: Derek

Character: Mohitamatichi

Hunger/Happiness: 4/4

Training: l

-Intelligence: 6

-Fashion: 13

-Kindness: 10

Age: 0

Weight: 12

Generation: 1

Until next time:)


Well well well.

Looks whose back for round two. This log is looking good, I'm hoping to keep it that way.

I'm very proud to say that my tamas have not let my side since they were hatched yesterday afternoon, and I'm itching for them to evolve!

Thanks to the Tamagotchi FAQ, I found a V4 growth chart.

It appears that Derek is fated to become a member of the Kuchi family, which rather excites me because I have not been able to hatch a Kutchipatchi since my first V1 I got for Christmas two or three years ago. So, maybe I'll be as lucky and be able to up Derek's kindness points. This is proving to be difficult. I'm not sure how to raise his points! Anyways, I am really hoping for a young Kutchipatchi, seeing as how Oniontichi is my only other option for male teen, and I'm guessing that is the bad care tama, as he has been on past versions.

Darcy's fate is still unknown. The growth chart I discovered for her was a bit confusing, so I guess she will be a big surprise.

(Although, if I'm reading it right, I'll get a urayoundmemetichi? I think, Maybe?)

(With proper care of course:) )

I've discovered the mail service rather dislikes me.

A lot.

Besides the King's visit, all he's brought me are poo, and the robber. On both Darcy and Derek.

Both are enrolled in pre-school. I'm really hoping for Darcy to become a member of the Mame family... but only time will tell.

Does anyone know, and I mean REALLY know about the V4.5? Such as info on growth charts, how to get certain characters, food lists, anything? This is my first real go at it and I'm a bit in a tussle. Any help would be greatly appreciated:)

With Darcy, I'v donates 10,000GP to the King. What's so special about donating?

I feel, almost helpless when it comes to these new little guys (and girls).

Ah, well. I'll figure it out.

New stats:

Name: Darcy

Character: kutchitamatichi

Hunger/Happiness: 4/4

Training: l l l

-Funny: 29

-Gorgeous: 21

-Spiritual: 22

Age: 0

Weight: 10

Generation: 1

Name: Derek

Character: Mohitamatichi

Hunger/Happiness: 4/4

Training: l l l

-Intelligence: 14

-Fashion: 18

-Kindness: 17

Age: 0

Weight: 13

Generation: 1

Darcy should be evolving about mid afternoon and Derek should fallow early evening. I'll post back later with an update.

Thanks for reading. I'm already excited about posting more:)


I've been overcome with happiness:) Whilst I was out, my tamas were singing happily in my pocket as I past the batter station for the second time this week.

Let's just say, I couldn't resist.

I bought two.

When I got home I was faced with the delima of which tama in my collection to choose. After much deliberation, and the fact that I wanted to have a variety running at once, I picked out an old V1 and my Entama. After unscrewing their backs and replacing the battery, I hatched a boy on the V1 and a girl on the Entama.

I've never had two babies at once as far as I can remember.

It's a lot of work that's for sure.

So here's the plan...

A while ago, and I'm talking about years here, there was a Tamagotchi log that I used to adore. Absolutely ADORE. Anyways, he had a tamagotchi connexion that lived to be an old timer and beyond. We're talking 100+ years tama time. That' what I'm hoping to accomplish this round with my newly hatched V1 boy,Sloan.

I had forgotten how simplistic the V1's were. How basic. In a way I miss the simplicity but I'm also grateful in the same breath due to the fact Sloan will only have two games to play his entire life, however my V4.5 will gain new ones every time he evolves, not counting the adult years because, I've yet to see Darcy through her teen years yet.

Speaking of Darcy...

Se evloved! As predicted by the growth chart, she is a urayoungmemetichi! I've never had this character before and I'm very excited to watch her grow!

Derek has also evloved to reveal a young kutchipatchi! I'm so excited!

So, I'm running four tamas.

Their stats are:

Name: Darcy

Character: urayoungmemetichi

Hunger/Happiness: 4/4

Training: l l l l l

-Funny: 64

-Gorgeous: 45

-Spiritual: 23

Age: 1

Weight: 19

Generation: 1

Name: Derek

Character: young kutchipatchi

Hunger/Happiness: 4/4

Training: l l l l l

-Intelligence: 25

-Fashion: 19

-Kindness: 23

Age: 1

Weight: 21

Generation: 1

Name: Sloan

Character: Marutchi

Huger/Happiness: 4/4

Training: l

Age: 0

Weight: 21

Generation: 1

Name: ?????

Character: ?????

Etc: ?????

Etc: ?????

Etc: ?????

I'll post more on my Entama once I get the hang of her.

Well, that's all for this post.

School tomorrow, so I'm worried there will be less time for tama and more time for horrible work. Ugh.

I will be back:)


Day three with my little bundle of joys... well, sort of.

Disaster struck today. This morning I decided it would be best to pause my tamas for school seeing as how my fellow classmates and teachers would probably look down upon me for playing with them, be being in high school and all. That's not very happy. So this morning, my tamas were asleep in their little beds safe and I grabbed them and set them in the living room while I was getting ready. Right before I left, I couldn't find them anywhere. I searched for about five minutes until I had to leave. So, saddened I left for school, worring all day long about my poor little guys and girls getting sick and going hungry, etc.

I came home and went straight back to finding them. After about ten minutes, I went up to my room and heard the sound of someone getting mail.

Immediately I started searching and found them under my bed. Perhaps they had fallen...? But it still didn't explain why I thought I had taken them downstairs earlier.

Ah well.

I found them and the poor little Darcy and Derek. Darcy's time was off and she was still asleep, but poor Derek was sitting there sick and in poo. I decided to reset them and download them. I'd loose the time, but I'd rather not let them remember what a horrible experience they had. I honestly didn't mean to neglect them.

So, I'm not sure what my chances are for getting a good character are now. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

As for my Entama and V1, they are still on the list of tamas to be found. I'm not too worried about them though. They are both put on pause.

(the Entama's time is frozen.)

So, they'll be just fine once they're found.

So not much has happened in the lives of Darcy and Derek.

They did get accepted to school though.

Darcy's teacher is Mr. Turtle and Derek's is Mr. Canvas.

I'm still preying for good characters!!

That's all for now. This may be my last post for a few days. These next two are going to be busy with a banquet tomorrow and football games and such Friday. I'll try and keep you updated. I'm not expecting an evolution until maybe Sunday...? I'm not sure how it will work out. :)

Some quick in my head math...

If I pause them every day from 7:30am - 4:00pm, they are loosing 8 1/2 hours of growth time.

So today and tomorrow will be 17 hours lost. Friday, I can kiss goodbye all together.And it takes about 72 hours for a teen to evolve into an adult...

It'll be late Saturday, early Sunday at best.


Darcy and Derek are pretty much on the same time clock since I reset them. They're both receiving mail at the same (or very close too) times. Even their hungar and happiness drops about the same time which I'm happy to say, besides my little slip with them this morning, hasn't dropped below one heart empty at a time.

(Well, not counting when they get poo in the mail and such.... but i never give them snacks to make them happy... so maybe that counts for something?)

Derek just got mail...

The King gave him a plant.

*using plant*

*scary music*

Sunshine flower thingy at the top.


Alright, well enough excitement for one day. I'll be back soon I hope. Definitely Saturday at the latest.

I'm going to a special midnight premiere tomorrow night.


So, I'll be tired if I get on to post. Just don't expect it.

So, toodles for now:)


Oh, but here's some stats for ya first!


Name: Darcy

Character: urayoungmemetichi

Hunger/Happiness: 4/4

Training: l l l l l l l l

-Funny: 89

-Gorgeous: 52

-Spiritual: 45

Age: 1

Weight: 15

Generation: 1

Name: Derek

Character: young kutchipatchi

Hunger/Happiness: 4/4

Training: l l l l l l l l

-Intelligence: 43

-Fashion: 29

-Kindness: 43

Age: 1

Weight: 20

Generation: 1

:furawatchi: :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi: :pochitchi: :pochitchi: :pochitchi: :pochitchi: :pochitchi: :nyatchi: :wub:

Whew! It's been a long week. My poor little Tamas have been neglected long enough and sadly tomorrow they will remain on pause. But, for now, they are up and ready for the next part in their little tama lives.

A lot has happened in the past week.

Darcy and Derek evolved. Some how, even though I had started Derek up after Darcy, he ended up evolving first!

Darcy became a purimatchi and Derek a minotchi.

Darcy had a decent intelligence and had a job at a TV station and Derek was a Kindergarten teacher.

Then, at the age of THREE they mated with each other and had two baby girls.

So, Derek and Darcy said their goodbyes and left me with Mer ( Derek's ) and Izzie ( Darcy's ).

(I was watching Grey's Anatomy when they were named.)

So, after the annoying hour of taking care of them, they resulted in Mer becoming a mohitamatchi and Izzie evolved into a tamatchi.

Mer is fast asleep while Izzie stays up with me.

Bobing away.

Anyways, I'm off to TamaTown. I'm sorry for the delay in my posts. I'll be back soon. I promise!


Well, hello hello:)

This has been very past due and I apologize.

Today, as an Easter gift I recieved a Tamagotchi Music Star!

Upon hatching, I realised I was completely lost as to this new emeber of my collection. I hatched a bouncy baby girl and named her Alaska. She plays hip-hop music and, that's basically as much as my knowledge lasts.

So, do any of you Music star owners out there want to help me out? It'd be greatly appreciated.

As for the other members of my collection, they have been on pause since my last entry, so my (non-existant) readers have missed literally nothing.

I SHALL be posting after I get home from church (partially due to the fact i want to explore TamaTown some more.

So, I haven't fallen off the face of the Earth, I've just been taking a break.

But, I'm back now, trying to hold on to my "Final Attempt".


Goodness gracious the Music Star is confusing.

I have an adult... A wonderful, beautiful mimitichi which is exciting because I've never had that character before. I'm still lost though.

How does your star ranking improve? How do you obtain more fans??

When it comes to this new Tama, I am clueless.

Good news though, I've unpaused Sloan and Mer.

I think I'm going to try and get them to mate and do my oldie experiment on generation to mimic exactly.

Sloan is a maurtchi and Mer is a mohitamatchi.

Izzie evloved into an adult and is a charactr I've never seen before. She has a sort of drink in a margarita glass though. She looks similar to a peanut.

I love them all, I just wish I knew more about Alaska...

Hurray for TamaTalk. Without this website, I'd be a completely lost pet owner.

Luckily, I've purused this forum forwards and backwardsm upside down and zigzag ways, and found as much information I could about my new member.

Anywhoodle, Alaska is (obviously) my first ever experience with the Music City tamas. So, I want to try and record everything as... accurate as possible.

So, her shell is the Rock City blue looking one. She hatched as a baby girl and then evloved into a hitodetchi. She had a normal childhood I guess. Her toy remained a panda bear although she recieved a BANDAI block from her teacher.

(What are the points of the different toys?)

When she became a teen, she evloved into an itchigotchi, a charactcer that i am most familiar with:) and became a member of a band, Reagan2. (Reagan Squared) She played the drums, and turntables, but finallt I bought her a guitar on Tamatown and Rock n' Roll music became her passion.

(After switching vigerously between Hip-Hop and Latin)

She is now currently a Mimitchi and her skills are to their fullest.

She's sleeping safe and sound, although I'm debating setting her time back or waking her up, but that just dependsif I'm up to playing with them some more tonight, like last night.

I actually had a scare last night.

I had been out with my fiance all day because he returned hom from a long trip so, not wanting to lose a whole day on my tamas, I simply set the times so they were sleeping and decided i'd be noctournal and play with them when I got back.

All was going good until about 2:00am I fell asleep.

Luckily I woke up an hour later due to the Nazotchi mailmam on Alaska, with little harm done to the others, but I decided to change the times back to their sleeping state, just in case.

And it turns out that was a smart decision because I ended up falling asleep 15 minutes later.


So, the majority of my last two and a half posts have been nothing but me rambling on about the music star. Indeed I am sorry I have been lacking in information about my other three bundles of joy...

(Even though theres not much to tell...)

Mer is my sunfower shell V4. The mohitamatchi. As I did mention previously, I do want her and Sloan (purple circles V1) to mate. Then of course I can try and see how long my dear can live. I'm going for a really good character on Sloan for now. As for Mer, I'm letting her care be about average. I'm purpously letting a few things slip wanting to obtain different characters.

Izzie is another story all together. Not having another tama to mate with, the matchmaker must choose one for her. She's four years old and shall be five in the morning. I'm curious as to when the good 'ole matchmaker will show. She has full training and i finally figured out what she is!

A horoyotchi.

Special thanks to TamaZone for the V4.5 character chart.

Well, all of my dears are fast asleep with their tiny Z's plastered above their heads.

I think I'll be off to eBay to see if there's a Tamagotchi Color, or I may even look into getting a Familitchi, just for some new experiences.

I'm actually intrested in a Tamagotchi Ocean. I want to take on the task of rasing what I've heard to be the most difficult.


Oh, and before I forget... a special thanks to tineybluesmiley for the fan mail:) I really enjoy reading mail. Espically of the fan kind. It's nice to know I have readers out there:)

So, today has been interesting inthe world of small virtual pets... or, at least with the ones I keep in my pockets:)

The least eventful was Izzie. She turnes 5 today and hasn't really needed much looking after aside from a few toilet trips. She does have a job as a firefighter. I haven't played the game yet, so, I should probably work on that...

Sloan and Mer evloved this morning! Sloan became an itchigotchi, whereas Mer became a young dorotchi:) I'm very happy with both of their characters, even though I've had them both before.

I'm trying to up their friendship as much as possible, espically during their teenage years. Raging horomones, you know..:)

So far they're at four smiley faces, which is pretty good for them being only a year old. Maybe by the time they've all grown up, I'll have two bouncy love birds on my hands.

Alaska and her band made it to number one this morning! There was much rejoicing from me. It's was pretty cool. She's a lovely 5 year old now, dancing around the botton of the screen.

I wonder when the matchmaker will come...

It's been so long since I've actually seen her... I hope she's well:)


Oh, and I'm really interested in a tamagotchi color, or a tamagotchi ID. I'm not sure which to get, or even where...

I'm really wanting my collection to grow:)



So, usually I don't like writting short entries, but I was itching to tell some fellow tama enthusiests about Alaska:)

Her band manager showed up promptly at 4:30pm and brought her a potential husband!

I was very excited:)

He brought Alaska a mametchi, just perfect for my little mimitchi. After the adorable curtain closing scene and the old school fireworks, I was blessed with a baby boy.

I am very excited about this new member and I cannot wait to raise a new generation.

Alaska will be missed greatly though...
