Alot Of Tama V2 Questions? Help Please.


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Sep 18, 2005
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I accidently got one costume using the cheat code and another again using cheat code but accidently buying it, how do i get rid of the extra one?

What is the max amount of items and food items can you hold?

Also, for the more expensive food, is it better like...will it help your tama out more etc?

By the way, the code for costume, how come i got like a stuff animal instead?

What is the hair potion for?

Please help me with all of the questions, thanks.

I accidently got one costume using the cheat code and another again using cheat code but accidently buying it, how do i get rid of the extra one?
What is the max amount of items and food items can you hold?

Also, for the more expensive food, is it better like...will it help your tama out more etc?

By the way, the code for costume, how come i got like a stuff animal instead?

What is the hair potion for?

Please help me with all of the questions, thanks.
1.) The only way you can get rid of the other one is by trashing it or wrapping it and giving it to someone else. You can't see it!

2.) I don't know exactly how many items you can have but I think it probably goes up to 50. You should have plenty of room! :p

3.) And no the more expensive goods are not better they just all cost different. And certain tamas like other snacks and dislike others to. Go here to see what snack your tama likes the most!

4.) Well if you want to know all 5 codes go to the Tamagotchi Codes section. That should help you a lot!

5.) And the love potion (honey) gives your tama a love moment and if you connect with another adult the oppisite gender in the time limit of about 5 minutes. Your tama and the tama you connect it with will kiss and if you connect them again the next day they will get married!

Hope this helps! -RR ;)

I only know question 1,4

1 You can get rid of your 2nd costume by giving it away as a present to someone by conecting.

4 The costume came out like a soft toy because your tama is wearing it. :) :eek: :p B)

I meant hair potion not love, but thx for everything else guys.

Also, to the second post excluding mines, i meant is there anyway to get rid of it like throw it away?

No you can not delete that post, and the hair potion you can only use once so be careful! And when you give it to your tama it will put some powder on its head and seconds later it will have an afro!

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