Am I normal


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Feb 23, 2007
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Every one of my friends has had a boyfriend and I havent am I normal one has had 20 i feel so depressed she can get any boy she wants!

Don't worry your normal. Not having a boy doesn't mean you have a disease it just means your not ready for this. :wacko:

Wow, don't rush it. You're perfectly normal. Waiting is better. IMO. The right guy will come around.

And this is as simple as I could put it without writing a super long essay about this matter.


That is never a reason why someone shouldn't be normal.

Everyone is special in there own way. You will find that special someone, don't worry about it! :wacko:

Don't worry, that is completely normal. If you are 11 - 15, that is completely understandable.

Also, take the advice tenniswinner gave you :wacko: It will be helpful. You will definitely find your special someone before you graduate collage. Don't worry :lol:

Don't worry, that is completely normal. If you are 11 - 15, that is completely understandable.
Even above the age of 15, it's not unusual. I know 20 year olds who have never had a relationship, and it's really not an issue.

Every one of my friends has had a boyfriend and I havent am I normal one has had 20 i feel so depressed she can get any boy she wants!
This is not something you need to rush. This friend of yours who has had "20"... do you think that there was really anything there? If she has been through that many guys it means she hasn't actually had an actual meaningful relationship with anyone. If I were you, I would be happy to wait and actually experience love and what it is like to share your life with someone rather than go out with another boy to have a "boyfriend".

Remember, there is no prize for having a multitude of guys you once called your boyfriend. There is a lot to gain by waiting and being with someone helps fulfill your needs on an emotional, psychological and physical level. :wacko:

20 boyfriends at your age is a little un-normal. You are normal, don't worry. Some people don't have one untill they are much older, just wait, your time will come.

I have a friend who has had more than 20... even more than 30!! :eek: I dont think thats good for someone who is only 14 :p

I havnt had one yet and I'm 14.

Dont worry. lots of people dont get into relationships until they are much older.

don't wory. at this age it is better not to have a boyfriend/girlfriend. i was asked to be a girlfriend for someone but i said no. we still have a crush on eachother so we are kinda like boyf and girlf but not offically. if you are not it is better because you can have a crush on someone else and you do not have to brake up when you do. and usually when you do brake up you can't be friends w/ eachother because you try to avoid eachother. ur normal :eek: adela1996

You will get one sooner or later!TRUST ME!My boyfriend got back together with me and it was after 3 months!^^^Trust me!


Well that's think this: That's not the whole point of having a boyfriend. I think she is the depressed one dating like 20 people. So just be happy on what you got :wub: .


Every one of my friends has had a boyfriend and I havent am I normal one has had 20 i feel so depressed she can get any boy she wants!
yes ur normal!! i dont have a b/f ether,..and im lovin it!!

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