Am I Too Young To Be On Tamatalk


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There's no too young or too old for tamagotchis. I'm 12. Goning on 13. Guess what? Love 'em.

Don't worry there are, like, 7 year olds on this site.

You would have joined when you were 10, you have the same birthday as me.

I joined (on my first account) when I was 8. There's nothing wrong with how old you are, unless if you are under 13, your parents didn't sign the COPPA form.

If the COPPA are okay, you're perfect. The youngest members here are 5 or below. That's the brilliance of tamagotchis.

I don't think you're too young to be on TT. You're alright unless you didn't do the COPPA thing right :)


not at all!!! these annoying 4th graders at my school say tamagotchi are "so boring,so old came out like two years ago" but there not and i told them tamagotchi came out in 1996 and they said "whatever!" boy im glad my mom bought me a tama when i was 8 after begging her for two weeks now im a complete tama fantic! although my parents now think im getting carried away with it.......

Erm, technically yes unless you got a form signed by your parents and had them sent to Admin. :/

I don't think there's much need in this topic. *Closed*

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