Ame's Connextion Jinsei (v4) Log


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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2006
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Wellington, New Zealand.

The Tamagotchi Connextion Jensei ('life'), also known as the 'v4' is pretty much what you'd get if you'd feed a EnTama and a v3 to each other.

The outer shell (mine looks like this one) is the same as the Entamas, it even comes in the same colors and designs.

The features are all taken from previous tamas,

-The status menu has an added page that shows how many learning, style and kindness points (Entama)

-There are about 5 preset foods (the only new one being an orange) but there are all-new foods that you have to buy from the store

-The games unlock as your tama grows like in the earlier connextions, but there are also extra games that are unlocked as jobs (3 for each job-type)

-The lights icon has been removed, making room for the mailbox.

There are 3 different types of mail;

Fortune Cookie, which scrolls through 3 different stats (money, friendship and weight) and displays a number of hearts. If one shows 3 hearts that stat improves.

Letters, which can contain money from the king, a burglar (who steals money from you) or bad things like poop that make your tama cry.

And Events, which are pretty much just job events.

-The connection menu has two new options;

PC, which gives you a code to get into TamaTown (You username is no longer enough)

and Work, which sends your tama to work (or school) once the item for that job had arrived in the mail.

Also, unlike the EnTamas, the Jinsei can connect to older connextions!

Most of the characters from older tamas seem to be in this model, as well as quite a few new (and strange looking) characters.

Some of the newbies are child versions of older characters (So far I've come across Memetchi and Robotchi look-alikes) , which are ADORABLE. X3

- - -

Yesterday I was outside the store selling the cheapest tamas before they even opened.

It was rather sad, but it was totaly worth it. :lol:

I named my new little girl Desu (First word that popped into my head. XP).

As a baby the v4's don't do anything the old connextions don't, so dispite her cuteness Desi wasn't very intresting for the first hour or so.

The first game to unlock was Jump-Rope.

It's an extreamly simple game; the rope spins around and you have to press the b button at the right time to jump (If anyone's played the jump-rope mini-game on Pokemon Firered/Leafgreen it's pretty much the same deal). If you jump 30 times your win the game.

I don't really get what makes the points go up (If you jump once then jump too soon you get a style point, strangely @___@), it seems to depend on the amount of game-points, not the type of game you play.

After pooping a few times, getting sick for no reason and taking a nap (I love how they turn the light out by themselves) Desu turned into a toddler; Mizutmatchi.

Within 10 minutes I got my first mail; the nanny giving Desu a backpack that alows her to go to preschool.

At preschool they had song and dance, it's very cute. A toddler can be sent to preschool at any time by selecting 'work' under the connection menu, and it lasts for about 20 seconds.

The new game is 'Mimic', which is sort of like the old 'Bump', as a character at random appears to play with your tama.

The random character scrolls through some different poses (Kinda like the slots in the v2) and chooses 1, then your tama does the same and you have to stop it on the one the other tama stopped on. You need to stop on the right pose twice out of three rounds to win.

It's pretty easy, but it takes a bit of practise.

I got a couple of random bits of mail;

3 fortune cookies, which did nothing,

A letter from the king sending me 200 gotchi point,

A burglar (at first I thought he was a fly..) who took 100 points

and 2 poops, which made Desu cry. (I don't think that's legal XP)

Something I don't get is the funny little beads that hang off the v4. They're kept on by a little dome that is far too small to slip onto anything and the large 'ball' ontop of the antena gets in the way quite a bit. Personaly, I prefer the v3's shell shape.

As a few of you may have already heard (and yelled at me about) I'm still kinda curious over the v4 being entirley real.

Although my darling v4 is wonderful there's quite a few strange things that make me thing there's something wrong here;

-The v3's are still in the shops, a new shell set only came-out here about a month ago and the old advert is still showing on TV. Why pay for an ad for something that's outdated?

-The v4's are only out in 3 very obsure places. Wouldn't it make more sense for bandai to release them in bigger places, places where they'd make more money?

-The packaging is very cheap looking. The fonts look like they were made using default windows tools and the images are mostly stock images from the v3 & EnTama. It also tells people to go to both the asian and american bandai sites to learn more about the v4's, when there is nothing about them there at the moment.

-The instruction manual refers to it as 'Jensei' in the connection menu, while the tama's actual menu says 'v4'. Also, most of the screenshots are inverted. I can't think of any reason why they'd do that; it makes it hard to read.

It also dosn't come with a shop code like the v3 did, yet 'Find more codes at!' makes it sound like there should be one.

-The only TamaTown that's been updated for the v4 isn't finished yet, why let people in before everything was up?

The only explanation I can think of that explains all this is that these v4's are some sort of leak. I don't really know how this would happen; but that's the only way that a real v4 would be sold which these sorts of flaws.

Desu evolved into a wonderful Ichigotchi.

For some reason, when you press the 'c' button each character (except the babies) seems to have something different they do; Ichigotchi does that funny 'zoom' thing where to gets closer and closer to the screen. It's a very strange mix of cute and kinda creepy. XP

Anyways, the child stage unlocks 3 games; Shape, Dance and Flag.

Dance and Flag are the same as they were in the older models (Dance is from v1, Flag from v3).

Again, shape is pretty simple, blocks of different shapes (square, circle, triangle, diamond and heart) fall down the screen and you have to choose the same shape and fire it at it before they hit the bottom.

As you get more points the blocks start to fall faster, and it gets quite hard.

Awhile after becoming Ichigotchi I got 2 letters; the first was the preschool nanny, which I'm assuming was telling Desu that she was leaving preschool because she didn't seem to happy.

The second was a letter from the school, Mr. Turtle gave Desu the hat she needed to start school.

Since The turtle is the knowledge teacher I'm assuming that she's now set-up to get a job of that rank, which kinda sucks because I wanted the style rank, but I guess this is good too.

At school the teacher puts a pencil in a box, then mixes it up with 2 other boxes with poop in them (What's which bandai and poop? XP) and you have to pick the right one.

Different than preschool, this is an actual game and you have to tell your tama what to pick, but you don't get any money.

Yea, I was wrong about the dance game; it's not the the one on the v1.

There are 3 circles on the top of the screen and you have to folow them as they light-up.

It's pretty hard; I haven't been able to beat it yet.

Another burglar came and stole some money, and the king sent me some again, but neither was over 500 points so it dosen't really effect anything.

After playing some games Desu now weights 0lbs.

This just adds to my reasons why the v4's aren't quite right. XP

Also, I have 10670 gotchi points; 10000 more than the v3 could hold.

I guess they increased it because of the new, rather expensive items (the grand piano costs 9999).

I'm going to mess with the shop (the reset times are the same as v2&3) to see what sorts of new stuff's been added into the Jinsei.

There don't seem to be too many new items; I guess the v4's hook is the job system so they didn't develop the shop too much.

The main change is the prices; everything's so expensive!

I came across 3 tickets; Japan, New York and what I think is Africa. I didn't have enough points to buy one though; they range from 10k to 20k!

I did, however buy;

-Jeans, 2000GP

-Rc Helicopter, 2100GP

-Guitar, 8000GP

as well at a bunch of good ol'v3 items, like the mirror and make-up, that I just HAD to buy. XD

Desu's evolved again; she's now pretty scary looking. D:

I can't find this character in the old version's charts so I'm guessing its a new one.

Pretty much, she's now a head with a ponytail and cowboy boots.

There aren't any new games for the adult stage, and the event mail for leaving school hasn't come yet, so nothing too intresting's going on right now. XP

I got more mail from the king; bannana and pineapple. ..Yay?

Also, I put a new battery in one of my v3's, and they connect like the v3 did with the v3; treating both of them as if they were v1; (eg, the connection event is randomized) which is really quite annoying.

They games that 2 Jinsei tama's play together (that I've seen so far) are flag, blocks and new soccer, and the randonized presents now have a chance of containing a spade.

I was looking around the Library forum and I found that character I have is on the Entama chart!

It's on the far right, third from the left.

I've seen quite a few of those other characters in the mimic game, so most of the Jinsei characters must have been imported from the Entama; however the chart dosn't show Mizutmatchi at all, so there are some still missing.

Yay, Desu got her first job!

The event mail came after she'd been an adult for about a day, and was pretty much the same as leaving preschool; the teacher looked sad, Desu looked angry. As soon as that was over the second mail arived that sent Desu to outside the learning job, which looks like a science lab shaped like Mamitchi's head. XD

I pressed the 'b' button without trying the others, but I'm guessing pressing the others would swap to other job buildings? Anyways, then 3 of the king's helpers appeared and I guess they said yes, because the king then appeared and gave Desu a new work item; a microscope, which unlocks the first 'learning' job.

There are 3 different containers on the bottom of the screen, a square one, a triangler one and a round one. Every turn they swap places at random, and you have to push the button below the one that's the same as the one your tama shows you. Sometimes the container is upside-down, and you only have about half a second to get it right, so it can be very irritating if your not paying attention, or if your reflexes are slow. It's also the longest tama game I've ever played, it seems to go on forever! @____@

But you do get about 15 learning points from each round (with the normal games you only get about 1-3) so it's worth playing dispite how irritating it can be.

Yesterday afternoon Desu was visited by a friend; the scary talking christman tree from the Entama. My v3 wasn't, so the events must be imported from the Entama, not the Connextion. (It's the first time my tama's have been running over december, so I've never seen the events XP)

Also, the name of the character Desu is is Tosakatchi.

The difficulty of the job game is well worth it; just a few 'great's got me over 2k gotchi points. XD

Each day the first time yout tama goes to work instead of the game Nazutchi (the unknown character) appears and gives you your pay for the previous day's work.

Pay from working is much higher that the normal games and since you get alot of the specialized point (Desu now has 300 learning points just from working) it sort of makes the other games rather useless.

Also, that creepy tree keeps comming back. XP

Desu is a mommy!

The matchmaker came at 3pm on her 6th year and bought a very hyper Robotchi, and I now have a lovely baby boy to take care of.

Unlike the older versions the matchmaker dosn't stick around; she arived, beeped and only stayed for a few seconds. However, if she's gone by the time you realize what's going on you can just put the clock back and she'll come again, but it seems extreamly annoying that she doesn't stay.

I guess this means that my Desu won't be around for much longer. ):

A very handy thing; even if you don't work you still got 2k in the morning.

Very nice if you have very little time to play with your Jinsei.

Neeaah! Chou's turned into an adorable Young Robotchi!

I looove robotchi, and a young version is just far too adorable!

Also, the kind sent me something rather strange; a ring.

Chou reacted to it like the doll/action figure, but it vanished after use.

Very strange.

Ahaha, Chou's leaving preschool event came, and this time I bothered figuring out how it works. :B

During the school event you can swap teachers (Mr. Turtle, a sunflower and a canvas) by pressing the 'a' button depending on what job you want your tama to end-up with.

This makes the system slightly different to the Entama, where you where ranked automaticly depending on point levels.

I chose the kindness teacher; which looks like a canvas with a really scary face, and he gave me a beret (the learning teacher gave me a university cap last time).

The kindness school game is the same as the learning one, only the teacher puts a flower (the kindness symbol) into the first box instead of a pencil (the learning symbol).

Chou is now an adult, the second for the right in the learning rank on the entama chart.

There are 4 different jobs; the nanny one (that Chou has). the chemical one (that Desu had), a bakery one and a fireman one.

Chou got the first kindness job, counting tamas on the bus.

At the begining of the round an empty bus arrives, and toddler charaters get on and off the bus, and you have to enter how many are on the bus every 10 or so.

As you get further into the game they get on and off faster and faster, and they game gets really hard. XP

I keep getting mail from the king, another ring and flowers (which both act kile the doll/action figure for the v2&3), but other than that nothing too intresting has happened.
