Amusement Parks


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Well, I like one that is five minutes from my house. I don't want to say the name, because it is the only one in the world.

I heard there was this ride called Diamondback, have you ridden it?
No, my friends have though. I'm being lame and I haven't ridden it yet because I'm scared.

Luckies, you all went to Kennywood, Kennywood looks great with Phantom's Revenge. I wonder what it was like to ride Phantom's Revenge as Steel Phantom. O=

Actually, yesterday, I went to the State Fair in Dallas. And though the only ride I was allowed to go on was Bumper Cars, that place is amazing. :)

Thorpe Park, Southend, Disneyland. ;D

Those are the only amusement parks I've been to in England. There used to be this place alled Ratanga Junction in SA; 'twas amazing. <33 But it got closed down.

I really want to go to Chessington. And another one, I can't remember... Dx

But I think I'd have to say, Disneyland was my favourite, very closely followed by Thorpe Park.

Luckies, you all went to Kennywood, Kennywood looks great with Phantom's Revenge. I wonder what it was like to ride Phantom's Revenge as Steel Phantom. O=
I never rode the Steel Phantom. The first time I went to Kennywood They didn't have it anymore.

The Phantom's Revenge is FAST . I rode in the front and I cried XD My favorite ride has to be the exterminator though.

They have a new epic ride coming up for the '10 season :]

I never rode the Steel Phantom. The first time I went to Kennywood They didn't have it anymore.
The Phantom's Revenge is FAST . I rode in the front and I cried XD My favorite ride has to be the exterminator though.

They have a new epic ride coming up for the '10 season :]
What's the new ride? o:

I was there when the Steel Phantom was there. I was too little to ride it though. I remember my daddy going to ride it though and me watching him. :)

The Phantom is amazingggg :D

Splash Mountain in Disneyworld (Florida) <3

Canada's Wonderland is fun too.

What's the new ride? o:
I was there when the Steel Phantom was there. I was too little to ride it though. I remember my daddy going to ride it though and me watching him. :)

The Phantom is amazingggg :D
The new ride is gonna be an awesome Premier launching coaster. O=

It was on TPR as a highlight.

I've been to three that still exist. One, before it went out of business and was remade.

But I've been to Loudon Castle like twenty times. It's here in Scotland and has a lot of rides. Click. I've rode ALL the rides. My favourite is the big orange one, the Twist 'n' Shout. It also has a petting zoo. With rabbits and horses and llamas and deer. o: Seriously come to Scotland and go there. You want to. OH. IT HAS SHEEP, TOO.

And then there's the Pleasure Beach in Blackpool. It. Is. Awesome. I've only been once, but it's my favourite, by far. I've not been on all the rides, but I've been on the highest in Europe. Going up the first part is scary, but when youu first drop, it's. SO. Fun.

And the other two? I went when I was about four or five, so I don't remember much.

So there. I reccomend going to Blackpool Pleasure Beach, if you're ever in England. And Loudon Castle if you're in Scotland.


Six Flags. Chessington. Paultons. DISNEYLAND. 8DD
OMFG Paultons!!!! <333 FTW!

Only 'cause I live in the same county, but there you go xDD

I <3 Disneyland Paris. It's my all time favourite place, even if the Rock 'n' Roller Coaster put me in hospital xDD

And I still love Aerosmith, who designed that coaster xD

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