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Dec 25, 2009
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Hey guys, Just thought I'd share my latest Tama story!!!

I got SUPER DUPER lucky today! I went into town (Dunlap, TN....WAAAY off the map) with my sister to go to Wal-Mart to look for a Tamagotchi Music Star...they had a few in the clearance section for only $11.00 each about a week or so ago but I had NO money at the I do and I was PRAYING that at least ONE was still wasn't. I was so upset. But my sister said, "Cheer up! We'll go to Walgreens!" My sister HATES Tamas but understands my love for them, so I TOTALLY love my sister even more for wanting me to have one!!!

Anyways, so we are driving through town and all I can think if it how they are NOT going to have any...after all, they are a DRUGSTORE and will only have crappy toys, not popular ones...

so anyways, we get there and walk towards the toys section...I was NOT optimistic AT ALL, when suddenly, I looked down to almost the bottom of the toy rack, and there was a bright yellow Tamagotchi Connection V3!!! I was in a state of shock, because I thought they were out of production!

I pounced on him!!! I couldn't believe my luck! I do not have a V3, but a V2 and a Tamasuku (Tamagotchi School) so this was kinda the next version in my collection! I almost died from happiness! I might not have gotten my Tama Music Star, but I did get a Tama that I would have had to probably purchase on eBay if I ever wanted him, so I feel I am quite lucky today!!!

So needless to say, my new Tama is safe and warm in his new home!

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Aw I'm sorry about your V2 hun! Just always stay positive and crazy things like this will come your way! Promise!

The Walgreens where I live has a ton a V3s. :p That's where I got my two.

one time I found a tamagotchi v4.5 not to long ago at target I had to buy one and I did yay for target :(

I went to argos yesterday and they had just 1 music star in stock and this other kid went for it and wee raced to see who would get our order in first and i beat them 2 it lol

I always hear about people finding tamagotchis in Walgreens and it drives me nuts because I've NEVER seen one D:

K-Mart here usually has tamagotchis from a few versions back. That's how I found my V1 when everyone else was selling V3s.

Wow, you're so lucky!

There's a place called Tuesday Morning and I found V4.5s for $6 each, half the price than normal! I bought two! XD

lucky my walgreens discontinued tamagotchis :D :)
now the target discontinued as they said at least, but we found tamagotchi the movie in a pack with a music star and some figures (looks like i had some good luck for once) ;)

You got lucky!! Actually, I found that Walgreens sells the older Tamas quite frequently. I bought my V3 there about a year ago. The flourescent yellow one with blue trim and buttons. I always wanted that one, and lucky me, I finally found it.

now the target discontinued as they said at least, but we found tamagotchi the movie in a pack with a music star and some figures (looks like i had some good luck for once) :angry:
hehe, yeah I got that one at Wal-Mart just the other day. :)

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