Anbody have any real ghost stories?


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Jun 22, 2008
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I really don't have any,but i love listening to them.So do u have any?

This isn't a duplicate topic! That one is asking forv advice,and this one is just for ghost stories. I also think it's interesting to read ghost stories! lol

I've heard a really stupid ghost story o_O Some 7 year old made it up last night o_O If someone insists, I'll tell it o_O for now, lemme look around..
ooo cool! lets hear it

ooo cool! lets hear it
Well, more toilet-talk then stupidity.. well.. I'd say it's about even. Just remember some 7 year old made this up, and not me, okay? XDD

One night there was a really fat Santa Claus, but other people called him Nick Poppy-head. And one night he went fishing, and a shark came out of the water and bit his butt off. Now he haunts everyone's houses, and you'll know he's haunting yours when you look out the window and see a huge butt cheek.

I told you it was stupid o_O

I've got one!! I'll give the link to the site where I got it later.

The legend is that if you sit in three of the graveyard chairs from midnight until one minute after midnight, you will have the ability to see ghosts -- but you will pay with your life. This, however did not apply to three high-school football players on Halloween Night in 1976. They pulled into the graveyard, in the middle of a large, open area. They had heard the legend and decided to try it, but one of them refused to try it. The friend sat down and watched the other boys run from one chair to the other. Then he sensed that something was wrong. They were leaning over to the side with their eyes rolled back, rasping. The boy began frantically screaming for help as his friends kneeled over and grabbed his leg. It is said that the boy also saw spirits for an instant. The boys died and the survivor never spoke a word. Of course, there were people mourning their loved ones nearby. They witnessed the event and filed a police report detailing what happened. No one really knows what those chairs are, except that they have been there since the town was founded.

One night, these kids were coming home from a party and there was a cemetery about one block away from home. One kid was telling the others about a local legend. If you go and stand on the grave for ten seconds and stab a knife into it, that a hand will grab you and pull you into the grave with the corpse. One girl was brave enough to do it for $20.00. She got a knife, walked to a grave, stood on it, and stabbed the knife into it. Suddenly, her leg felt heavy and she tried to pick it up -- but something was grabbing HER! She was yelling and crying for help, but her friends thought she was kidding, so they just left. The next day, they found out that she had died, of fright. She thought that somebody was grabbing her, but the knife she was using had pierced her pants and held her there.

My friend and I were babysitting and we started getting spooked, so we put the two kids to bed and started watching TV. I got up to get a drink and noticed that there was a thing that looked like a clown sitting in the dining room chair. I told my friend and we called the owner of the house. What she told us scared the heck out of us! She said to get out of the house IMMEDIATELY. When we asked why, she told us that her neighbor was a deranged midget and sometimes he would dress up like a clown and break into their house. He has threatened them before but they thought he was just kidding. We got the kids and called the police. Everybody is safe and he is now in a mental institution. We later gave up our babysitting job...

One day my cousin was sleeping over at my house. We were outside coloring on the sidewalk with chalk. All of the sudden, a grey, beaten up van stopped in front of my house. He asked in a really quiet voice (probably so we would go closer) where the "boat docks" were. "Lynn doesn't have boat docks." I said to the man. He said that yes, it does, it said so on his map. he asked me to come look for myself. I said I did not know. My mom, not knowing the man in the van, came outside to see what was going on. Right when she came out, he sped away. He later stopped at my friend's house down the street, and asked if she had seen his dog. Then her mom came out and he drove away. On the news about two days later, it said their was a kidnapping right down the street from me. The man was caught and the two kids that were kidnapped were sent home

No. None of this happened to me.

Yey! A ghost story topic! ^.^

Ok, this happened to her, not me , 'kay? And this is how she told it to me. Anyway, I didn't know her when this happened!

Once, I was playing with my friend at her house, we were jumping around on her trampoline. Then, her little brother came an asked if he could play with us. But he couldn't as the maximum people on that trampoline was 2. So he said that he was going to draw something. So we bounced around until 'bout five. We went off to see what he had drawn but her wasn't there! In his seat was some goo stuff, when we touched it (Me and my friend)it was cold and slimy, we turned around and looked back but it was gone!!We went to ask my friend's mum to see where he went. His mum said that he had gone to get some glue, we went down to where they put the glue and he wasn't there! Soon enough, my mum's friend went to call the police, they searched and search but they couldn't find him!!

So, she soon moved away from where she lived so she never saw that friend of her again (It was her neighbour) and she didn't have her phone number as she was moving too. She figured out that the goo she saw was not glue, but ghost goo... So, she doesn't know whether they found him ever.

Scary, eh?


This isn't a duplicate topic! That one is asking forv advice,and this one is just for ghost stories. I also think it's interesting to read ghost stories! lol
Good point.

God, I wish you were around during Halloween in Reading Class. There were tons of them!

I'm not sure if this story is true, but I do believe in it.

A couple months ago, I spotted a mouse in the bathroom, and he just stood there by the door and I stood on the toilet shaking. I told my mom about it, and that mouse took a nap in my Barbie's chair and that mouse eventually died of a mouse trap my mom set out.

Now, sometimes in my room, it feels like there's a mouse there. My mom said there isn't though. Could it be the ghost of the mouse?

Good point.
God, I wish you were around during Halloween in Reading Class. There were tons of them!

I'm not sure if this story is true, but I do believe in it.

A couple months ago, I spotted a mouse in the bathroom, and he just stood there by the door and I stood on the toilet shaking. I told my mom about it, and that mouse took a nap in my Barbie's chair and that mouse eventually died of a mouse trap my mom set out.

Now, sometimes in my room, it feels like there's a mouse there. My mom said there isn't though. Could it be the ghost of the mouse?
Oohh... Mousie ghostie. Something similar happened to me...


My little sister and I were fighting and then the attic door popped open and there was a rotting corpse of a mouse. >_<


Interesting ghost stories guys.

This is one I made up...

I would go on the school bus everyday with my friend. We always passed a car with a corpse holding onto the steering wheel. Every day, until one week... It was summer vacation. We walked up to the car to see nothing. A nearby neighbor looked at us saying "This is Henery's car. He passed away today... someone attacked him in his car..."

No this is not true...I made this up as I said earlier.

-Temari Nara

I have more! Remember: None of this happened to me!

There was a girl named Jenna who was having a slumber party. She invited three friends but only one came. That night, after they did all the fun activities they went to bed. Jenna's friend Mary said "goodnight" and they went to bed. Ten minutes later Jenna heard Mary counting "12345" she didn't pay much attention though she thought that Mary was counting to get to sleep. At about 3am Jenna woke up to go to the bathroom and heard "565, 565, 566, 567" she reach over and turned on the light and turned around to see a man holding Mary's decapitated head pulling out her hair one piece at a time.

On a cold, stormy night, a lady was home alone because her husband was out of town. She heard a baby crying outside of her door. She wanted to get the baby but was concerned that something else was wrong. It sounded as if the baby was moving and crawling off the edge of her porch. She was worried, but instinct told her otherwise. She then called the police. They told her they will come and check it out but to "STAY IN THE HOUSE." Apparently, there was a crazed killer going around playing a recording of a baby's cry. When the women take the bait and go outside, the killer would then... kill them.

I live on a small farm, far out in the country. Every year, my dad puts out scarecrows in our fields because he thinks they're effective in not only keeping the crows out, but evil spirits as well. I guess he's a little superstitious. The scarecrows he sets out are the same ones, year after year. After so much wear and tear, they were showing their age.

This October started out just like any other October. The weather was turning cool and the leaves were beginning to change into brilliant orange and yellow colors. One Saturday, us kids got together and decided to make a new scarecrow. Being creative, we gathered our supplies and got to work. This scarecrow was to be different. This was my special design. I wanted a creepy scarecrow, much scarier than the others. Hours later, we finished up. Indeed, he was the ugliest, most frightening scarecrow I've ever seen. I was so proud.

Mom called us for supper so we planted the scarecrow out in the cornfield, where I could see it from my bedroom window. Not giving it any more thought, we went in and ate. Soon, the wind picked up and it began lightening. No storm was forecasted but it looked like we were in for a rough night.

Light rain began falling as I went up to bed. I was worried about my new scarecrow so I peeked out my window. What I saw shocked me. He was there alright, but not where we had placed him. It appeared to me that he was several feet to the right. Puzzled, I stood at the window and watched intently. The lightening was bright and every time it flashed, I could see my scarecrow. The problem was, it looked as if he was moving when the sky was dark, only to turn up in another spot when the sky lit up.

Thinking that I must be imagining things, I put my pajamas on and went to bed. Later on, a loud CRACK of thunder woke me up. By now, the rain was pounding down, making it difficult to see out my window. I slipped on my shoes and snuck outside to check on my scarecrow. Not sure where he was, I walked around in the thunderstorm, half blinded by the cold, stinging rain. Clumsily, I stumbled over a fallen branch and fell face down in a patch of mud. When I looked up, there was my scarecrow glaring down at me. His eyes were huge and glowing red. I couldn't pick myself up fast enough. I ran screaming to the house and never looked back.

After tossing and turning the rest of the night, I woke up to bright sunshine and the smell of bacon. Not wanting to tell my parents what had happened, I sat quietly and ate breakfast. Anxious and apprehensive, I then went outside to look around. My dad was already looking for damage to the buildings, but I was looking for my scarecrow. I could see the other scarecrows, all in their usual places but my scarecrow was nowhere to be found.

Full of confusion, I began crying. Not because of losing the scarecrow, but because of pure, unadulterated fear. My father told me that he probably blew away and would be discovered in a field during harvest. I knew better. Some how, some way, that scarecrow came alive. How, I don't know.

Ten years later:

Years have passed and to this day, I have never seen my scarecrow again. What happened that stormy night? Do scarecrows really keep out evil spirits or can they be possessed by one? I don't live on that farm anymore, but I've never ventured outside during a thunderstorm again.

I have many stories to tell, but I think this one is more appropriate to tell the world... My granddad loved making up stories so I thought it was just a prank when he told me that the house he moved into was haunted by my great, great nanny (his nanny.) I was only twelve years old when he told me this story...

Ellena Humpreys was her name, a rich powerful woman. Every one in her family obeyed her, even my granddad. He never back-chatted or told her she was wrong, he was too scared to.

One night, she went down the street to do the family shopping for the week. She was alone in the shop (or so she thought) when she was stabbed in the heart. Nobody knew who did it and nobody really cared. "It was only Ellena Humpreys" they said. Only the police were worried because there was a murderer on the loose.

They arrested the shopkeeper, but the fingerprints didn't match the ones on the knife. That seemed to be the end of the story, but however, not the end my story. I slept that night as my mum and dad were too lazy to come get me. My granddad didn't have a car, and my own nanny didn't have a driver's license, failed twelve times and then gave up.

That night, I woke up to see a women wearing day clothes. I was scared as I didn't know who this person was. I screamed and my granddad came into my room and asked what was the matter. I told him a woman was staring at me. My nan said it was just a dream, but my granddad thought different. He asked if she was wearing white clothes. White? I replied "yes." Then he asked if she had wiggly grey hair? I replied she did. Then my granddad looked pale and said that wasn't a dream, that was Ellena. It was very scary.

It was 9:30 at night and George and John where hanging around outside with "Kelly." They were headed up to the library and saw the big sign which read, "closed at four o'clock, enter after dark if you dare." They thought it was funny that they put up the signs and figured it was due to cameras catching them -- boy were they wrong. They entered the library which wasn't even locked. They were walking around the high shelves when they saw a light. They walked up to it and saw that it was a lady wearing a dress. The lady turned around and revealed one side of her which was totally burned. The other side looked as if she had been paper-cutted to death. What they did next was ran. They still have nightmares every night and it happened five months ago.

My mum and dad had to go out at the last minute and it was the first time being on my own. I was watching TV when I heard a noise from upstairs. I left the living room to see what was the matter. I went to the stairs to see a man holding a knife saying "I killed my wife and kids and now its your turn." At that moment my mum and dad came in and the dead man disappeared.

A young boy tragically died in a train accident. Actually, he jumped in front of the train on purpose, so it was suicide really, not an accident. He was sent to hell for this disgraceful act. The devil despises people who commit suicide and punishes them harshly. The boy's punishment was to be reborn, but this time, he is to be the devil's child. He must do horrible deeds to ever be able to return to hell and have the life as royal emperor.

... When he was reborn, he decided that he didn't want to be an emperor, so he did good deeds instead. This made the devil angry and he came up to earth personally and used special powers against the boy. He was killed again and sent to heaven. God praised him for his good work of defiance against the devil, something most people are afraid to do. THE BOY IS A NATURAL HERO.

A family of three lived in a big mansion in Scotland. Each night, the family would go to bed at 9:00 sharp. Most people thought this to be really early, but to this family, it was really late. One night, they forgot to put out the fire in the open fire space. It spread quickly and the family was found dead after the fire. Still, they woke up the next morning. Well, each day is the same for them. The day will always be June 28th, 2006. They always wake up on that day, as they can't remember it being any other day. Not only did they become ghosts, they become ghosts that have short-term memory loss. How unfortunate. From then on, they didn't do anything but get up and wander around the house like they would have done that day if they didn't die. HOW UNFORTUNATE.

I'll tell you one that happened to my mom when she was about 15. And this IS a true story, btw.


Okies, well my mom was 15 and she was out with her friend who was the same age as she was. Well, my mom and her friend decided to go out dancing but they weren't allowed to because they were underage. When they got there, it was closed for some reason. Someone told them that they saw the devil and closed it.


My mom and her friend were about to walk back home when a fancy black car stopped infront of them. In the car was a very handsome man. He looked elegant, like in those black and white shows.


Anyway, he asked my mom and her friend for a ride and of course they said yes, it wasn't as dangerous back then. So when they sat down, immediately her friend fell asleep on my mom's shoulder.


So while my mom was in the car, the man kept asking my mom all of these questions like, "Have you ever seen the devil?" or "Have you had any signs of the devil?" and all of these weird questions concerning the 'devil'. My mom of course answered and became very very nervous.


When they got home the man took out a white sheet and wrote down his number on the paper and handed it to my mom. When my mom and her friend got out of the car my mom looked at the sheet and she swore that there wasnt a number there but she saw with her own eyes that he wrote it!!


So now my mom believes that he might've been the devil. She believes it was because she went out underage and its like a lesson learned..

[SIZE=7pt]She lurks below the surface of the lake near Presque Isle, her lithe form forever swimming through the weeds and the mire. Pale and green of skin, her yellow eyes shine luminously in the dark, and her thin long arms wrap themselves around the unwary, while foul-green pointed teeth sink into soft flesh and sharp nails at the end of long bony fingers stroke you into the deepest sleep there is. She is called by many names, but to sailors of Lake Erie, she is known as the Storm Hag. [/SIZE]


The creature is a sea witch, an evil Jenny Greenteeth who summoned the storms and pulled shipwrecked sailors down into her evil embrace to live with her forever at the bottom of the lake. Sometimes she waits until the calm right after the storm to attack. When the sailors relax their guard, lulled into thinking that the danger had passed with the storm, the Storm Hag bursts forth from the dark waters of the lake, spewing forth lightening and wind like venom. And the ship will vanish - never to be seen again.


There is only one warning before she strikes. If you listen closely, you can hear her singing against the harsh wind and the thrashing waves:


"Come into the water, love,

Dance beneath the waves,

Where dwell the bones of sailor-lads

Inside my saffron cave."


If you can, flee immediately, for the Storm Hag is right beside you. If you cannot, then pray to your God for mercy, for the Storm Hag will grant you none. Her whirlpool will suck down your ship, and her long green arms will lovingly stroke you into the depths of the lake, where she will feast on your body among the weeds.

I chose to post this one, because I am very near Lake Eerie in Ontario. :D

They say that it's true on the website, but seriously, what do you think? :p

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[SIZE=7pt]She lurks below the surface of the lake near Presque Isle, her lithe form forever swimming through the weeds and the mire. Pale and green of skin, her yellow eyes shine luminously in the dark, and her thin long arms wrap themselves around the unwary, while foul-green pointed teeth sink into soft flesh and sharp nails at the end of long bony fingers stroke you into the deepest sleep there is. She is called by many names, but to sailors of Lake Erie, she is known as the Storm Hag. [/SIZE] 

The creature is a sea witch, an evil Jenny Greenteeth who summoned the storms and pulled shipwrecked sailors down into her evil embrace to live with her forever at the bottom of the lake. Sometimes she waits until the calm right after the storm to attack. When the sailors relax their guard, lulled into thinking that the danger had passed with the storm, the Storm Hag bursts forth from the dark waters of the lake, spewing forth lightening and wind like venom. And the ship will vanish - never to be seen again.


There is only one warning before she strikes. If you listen closely, you can hear her singing against the harsh wind and the thrashing waves:


"Come into the water, love,

Dance beneath the waves,

Where dwell the bones of sailor-lads

Inside my saffron cave."


If you can, flee immediately, for the Storm Hag is right beside you. If you cannot, then pray to your God for mercy, for the Storm Hag will grant you none. Her whirlpool will suck down your ship, and her long green arms will lovingly stroke you into the depths of the lake, where she will feast on your body among the weeds.

I chose to post this one, because I am very near Lake Eerie in Ontario. :blink:

They say that it's true on the website, but seriously, what do you think? :)
That is an old story, and to the best of my knowledge, it's not true. Edit: When I said it was a duplicate topic, I meant if she wanted to hear ghost stories, she could go to that topic because there were some there.

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