And then a hero comes along...


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Jun 29, 2009
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Today is the start of my new tama log, for just one of my tamas, a green frogs Connection Version 3. Her name is to be Hero and she is currently paused on my desk in my room. I must go get her.

Her mother, Emma, left her a few days ago, but I've only just got time to run her today. More updates when I take her off pause and name her!


And then a hero comes along...

December 23, 0 years old

9:49am: Hero born.

She's such a cute little Teletchi. She's only a baby so obviously she's needy, but no more needy than other babies. She doesn't need that much care, which is helpful because I can't pause her! I want her to be an oldie and beat the current record of 145 years, so I have to let her age one year every day.

I might be taking her to TamaTown later, so just keep reading!



10:49am: Hero evolved.

I have an adorable Tamatchi sat here next to me. She is getting rather fat, but I now have the game bump so I can sort that!

Name: Hero

Age: 0

Weight: 30lb

Money: 2750p

I'll just see what baby number she is.

Ok... Emma was 295... she's 296! Very close to 300.


Merry x mas!

No updates for a while, sorry about that (I do have a genuine excuse this time: I was ill). Hero grew into a Nikatchi (where did I go wrong?) on Christmas Eve. She then became a very cute adult character yesterday morning. I don't know the name of it. I'm not very good with the V3 characters as readers of my old log may have guessed. I'll look it up in a minute.


Wow... It's been ages since my last post!

No excuses, no excuses. I haven't had Internet since the day I submitted my last post. So I've been lazy and abandoned my log.

Hero is 38 years old now. She is an Otokitchi of course, and weighs 30lb (perfect!). She has a lot of points. Sorry if this post is kinda boring, but it's getting late! I gotta go to bed!

Angel, and cute little Hero

February 1, 39 years old

I noticed Hero had aged at lunchtime today (I leave her in my bag at school but play with her at lunch). She's now the same age as my favourite singer and more than twice as old as me! That feels quite weird. :p

Today's been quite uneventful, so far. I know she isn't going to grow again at all, and the shop has only been stocking rubbish for weeks! :angry: A lot of food seems to be there, and not many of the multi-use items I don't already have. I must take her to TamaTown soon!


February 7, 2010

I beat memory (the game) today! :D

I've had my first V3 since May 2006 and I completed all the other games fairly easily. But I just couldn't do memory. I remembered 6 or 7 icons, then... fail. However... today must be my lucky day! Ok, the fishing pole was a giant whale and the shovel gave me a snake. But... the chest, when it turned her into a baby, put her back down to her base weight! She's now only 32lb, and makes me look like a good tama carer, even though I'm not, lol.

I must take her to TamaTown later... I have never been with Hero yet, and she's got a few souvenirs to claim!


Hero's 46th birthday!

As promised, I have been to TamaTown. Twice, actually, yesterday and today. I got some of the souvernirs, see below, but I'm struggling with the others:

1. Passport

2. Key 1

3. Key 2

4. Map

5. Textbook

6. Computer

7. Medal

8. Cell phone

9. Bicycle (BMX)

10. ?

11. Palm tree

12. ?

13. ?

14. ?

15. Ring

16. ?

17. ?

18. Skateboard

19. Balloon

20. Baseball cap

21. Teddy bear

22. Tamagotchi

23. ?

24. Rare shoes

25. Poster 1

26. Poster 2

27. Poster 3

28. Bandai

29. ?

30. Suitcase

31. Trophy

32. ?

Number 10-14 are the travel souvernirs, 16 and 17 are the two king ones I don't yet have (cape and crown), but I don't have a clue about 23, 29 and 32. I'll have a look in the forums, but if you can help by PM please do!


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Woohoo! I got no. 32! I don't support cheating, but I couldn't resist using D-Best's hack (link in the TamaTown forum). So now there's just the two king, four travel and those random other 2 to go.

Hero's 50th birthday!

I can't believe it... my tama is half a century old! :lol: No other real news, apart from she now has 31 items. I'll try and get a few more, then I'll post a list tomorrow!


February 15, 2010, age 53

Hero is just chilling out right now, she has such an easy life! No school or work, and food about every half hour, plus games! Wow, I wish I was a tama!

Anyway, as promised, here is her item list:

1. Sunglasses

2. Ball

3. Doll

4. Music

5. Bldg block

6. RC toy

7. Cap

8. Tv

9. Shirt

10. Drum

11. Throne

12. Umbrella

13. Music disc

14. RC car

15. Trumpet

16. Rollerskate

17. Drum

18. Ticket

19. Bow tie

20. Bow

21. Ticket (Hawaii)

22. Gramophone

23. RC car 2

24. Stuffed animal

25. Cuckoo clock

26. Honey

27. Costume

28. Pen

29. !!

30. RC toy

31. Shoes

A few are duplicates as you may have noticed. I keep forgetting what she has and buying everything in the shop, so she's a bit spoilt!


Ps. Hero and I just listened to Vision of Love backwards on Youtube. It's hilarious (but sounds darn good)!

No real news, but I must start posting in my log every day.

Hero turned 54 today! She is a good little tama, although I have to watch her because she weighs 60lbs! ^_^ I'll have to fix that.


Ps. I'm listening to Joy Ride right now, I love it! I might call my next tama Joy.

Hero is a fighter! :furawatchi:

She just beat 8 rounds of bump, she's so strong! Then again, she did weigh 90lbs, so it's not exactly surprising! She has 9900p, I'm proud of her!

Wow, a lot of exclamation marks. Sorry this log is so boring, but Hero can't evolve or have a baby (well, she COULD, but I wouldn't let her). So here's her status:

Hungry: 4

Happy: 4

Training: 9 :furawatchi:

Age: 56 years

Weight: 88lb

Name: Hero

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3

Point: 9900p

User name: Frog

I must change her battery soon, too. The warning hasn't flashed up yet, but it's been three months so it won't be long.


:( :furawatchi: :furawatchi:

Hero's 63 years old and still going strong!

I never expected her to still be alive, I thought she'd die at 30 or something! But no, here she is more than two months after the day she was born! ;)

And today, I got an unexpected PM in my inbox, marked 'Hero Fan Mail':

My Music Star V6 Tama, Sandra the Hitodetchi, was reading your V3's Log and wanted to send some "Fan Mail!"

Dear Hero,

I was reading your log, and it is so cool! My name is Sandra. I'm not even 1 year old yet! I hope that you can beat the record and be the oldest Tama ever. I just wanted to send you a note!


I had to help her write that since she's still a Tama Toddler!
Thanks to PonytchiLuv (sorry if that's spelt wrong) for the encouragment! Hero is so happy, she may be 63 but it's her first piece of mail ever! I guess the next thing to do is to keep raising her and wait until she reaches 146 years. But I won't stop running her, ever, 'til she dies!

Angel, writing for Hero

Hero's 70th b day!

I'm so shocked, I never expected her to last so long, she's now older than my grandma! But of course it's a happy shock, and I hope there's many more happy shocks too!

She weighs 99lbs, I never play with her because I'm worried about her battery. I must change it on Saturday. I keep saying that. But I must!


Panic over! :huh:

You probably guessed, I changed Hero's battery yesterday. She is bobbing up and down right now, with a shiny new battery, ready for at least another 3 months of playing! Well, the shop owner said it would last 2 years, but I'm not sure how far he's telling the truth on that one.

Just one problem: her ageing's slightly screwed up. She was 72 before I took the battery out, and when I downloaded her, she went back to 71. I wasn't worried because I know it's normal. But, 20 hours later, she hasn't had her birthday yet! She's still 71. Maybe she'll stay 71 forever, never ageing and never dying. I so wish that could be true. If she dies, then a part of me dies too. If only she could live forever. Then I would never have to worry about her again, it would all turn out alright. Whatever could happen, it would all be okay, because I'd have Hero forever.

But, of course, I won't. I know that one day death will take her from me. Until then, I have to love her as much as I can.

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Hero's not immortal after all... she turned 72 just a few hours after I submitted my last post. She's now 79, turning 80 tomorrow!

I have made a Facebook page for her, I will put a link in my siggy later (can't post one here ast that would be advertising).



Come on, people, become a fan of Hero on Facebook! She has 0 fans, and her page has been up several days. Please click that 'become a fan' button!

No real news, other than she's just turned 81! Happy birthday Hero!

Sorry for the lack of updates, but it's a lot quicker just to use Hero's Facebook (which hardly anybody ever reads). Her fans will know that she turned 95 today, I'm counting down the days 'til Sunday when she'll be 100! I'm holding a party for her when she's 146, 'cos that'll make her a record breaker! So exciting!

I haven't been to TamaTown in a while, I must go now, Hero has donated 11,999 points to the king so I must give one more and go and get my cape!
