And then a hero comes along...


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Hungry: 4

Happy: 2

Training: 9

Age: 106

Weight: 33lb

Name: Hero

Gender: Girl

Generation: 3G

Point: 8425p

User name: Frog

There you go. Hero has turned 100 since I last updated (no internet, due to travelling around most of Britain). No real other news on her, other than I bought a phone sock with a charm to put her in today. They didn't have one saying 'Hero', so I got one with 'H' on it instead. It's red, orange and purple, and should clash with her green shell, but oddly enough, it doesn't. So I'm keeping her in it for a while!

I finally posted an update to my original log, here it is:

Angel and Hero

April 11, 2010, age 107

Hero turned 107 1 hour and 21 minutes ago! Since she turned 99, I have counted her 1 year older at noon every day. So, yeah. She is fine. She's got all 8 hearts full, although she's in a different room to me now, as it's a little hot for her in the living room (where I am now). So she's caring for herself in the dining room! I must go see how she is.

Ok, that's it for today! Come back tomorrow.

Angel and Hero

PS. My PM box is getting very full. Please send all fan mail questions, etc, regarding Hero to this email address: [email protected] . Thanks.

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Oh, I took some photos of Hero, you can see them on her Facebook page (signature). It doesn't matter if you don't have an account, you can still view the page, you just can't interact with Hero.

I only ever come on TamaTalk for the logs nowadays!

April 14, 2010, age 110

Actually, Hero isn't 110, she's yet to have her birthday as it's only 10:36 am! But yeah. It's only another hour and half 'til she enters her 12th decade! I can't wait.


There's a hero

If you look inside your heart

You don't have to be afraid

Of what you are

There's an answer

If you reach into your soul

And the sorrow that you know

Will melt away

(All credits to Mariah for writing those lyrics)

Angel and Hero

Hero is 111 right now, turning 112 today! No real other news, apart from she now has 27 Facebook fans! This means I can customise URL, so I did (signature).

I've got a confession: I've cheated slightly with her ageing. I was going on a 4-hour bike ride yesterday, obviously I couldn't keep her in my hand while I was riding, so I left her in the car. The think is, I couldn't just leave her. So I put her to sleep. I'm sorry to everybody, I know you're not meant to change the time, but sometimes you have no choice. I'm a cheater, I know, but it could have been worse, I could have paused her. Anyway, the time it takes to reset the clock and back again is tiny, so it really makes no significant difference. She's still turning 112 at noon, I'm still going for the record!

Angel and Hero

PS. I didn't mean to sound defensive if I do, I just wanted to get my point across, that changing the time once in a while is okay.

PSS. I might be changing my username soon!

Oh, Hero...

I hate to say what I have to say. Hero and I have spent many months together, been through so many storms together, walked so many long roads together. Now, to cut it short, I have to do all those things alone.

Hero is NOT dead. However, she is no longer with me. On Friday, she started acting weird (there is a topic in the What Happened to My Tamagotchi?! section). Today, I placed her battery back in. The reset beep sounded as normal but, when I turned her over, the screen was completely blank. None of the buttons were functioning. I tried a different battery, the same thing happened. I have even removed the small screws holding the tama together, frantically, but I can see no signs of damage. It looks to me as though she has been internally harmed - by, I assume, water in the hosepipe I was sprayed with on Thursday evening. I am shocked inside and truly devastated, left with a void nothing and nobody could ever fill.

I don't know if I will ever be truly happy without Hero again. However, there is one thing that comforts me. When she was first born, I believed that, in some way, under some circumstances, she would die. Now her time with me has come to an end, I think about that. Hero is not dead. She has never been ill, never suffered. Her time with me has been short. But I have memories. My final one of her is turning off the lights when she fell asleep for the very last time. She has had no angel, showing her to be dead. She is very much alive, literally, but also figuratively, inside my heart. And that is the way I will always remember her.
