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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2006
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A young mametchi named Tori was sitting on a cloud in Tamagotchi hevan she sat wondering what became of her owner after she had died, her owner had been whatching TV and Tori had gotten sick she called for atention 3 times and then floated up to tama hevan she never saw her owner again, and she was kindof glad but she wouldn't tell you that she was. Then got the urge to fly beyond the gates of tama hevan she planned to leave at midnight but first pack up. Back to her little house she went where she lived whith three other tamas a nickatchi named Dan, a tamatchi named Flower, and a mametchi named Wilfer she whished she was a mametchi so many times but tamagotchis who have died can't grow or evolve they stay the same forever. She was very quite and tiptoed up to her room packed a couple things a toothbrush some toothpaste, feather for good luck and some gotchi points she had 100p and of corse her blanket. tiptoed downstairs and packed a couple things to eat:bread,cheese,sausge,riceballs,and a slice of ham. tiptoed up stairs and put the backpack under her blanket and set her alram clock for 12:00pm sharp she needed slep for the long jorney ahead.... (continue the story just stick to the topic plz.)


Tori's alarm clock rung.

"Huh? What is happening, Anne?" Tori asked her owner, rubbing her eyes.

That's when she remembered.

"Oh yeah, it's 12:00am at night and I am going BACK to my owner.

She jumped out of bed and grabbed her suitcase.

"Well.... time to go on the catapult desguised as an egg," she said.

She checked the eggs.

"Ohh.... there are addresses on them. Okay, so I need the address 29 Hamster Avenue.... aha! Here it is. Now to switch me into it and the baby out...." she put herself into the egg. Then she was was catapulted.

"Whoaaaaaa!" she cried. She'd never experienced flying through the air as an egg before, and it was fun.

Suddenly, there was a crash. BAAAAMM!

Tori blacked out and when she woke up she found herself in her old case with another Tamagotchi. Her owner was looking through the glass that seperated her from the party room the Tamagotchis lived in.

"Tori? You've come back! But I'm afraid I can't keep you. I must take care of this other Tamagotchi that came to take your place. I'm sorry," said her owner, Anne, and Tori got angry and sad at the same time.

"No! You have to keep me! I missed you so much! You can take care of us both. Flick that switch that is on the side, please," Tori beeped back.

"Well.... okay," Anne said, and flicked it.

And the Tamagotchi case became surrounded by a cloud of fog.

When it parted, there was a Nintendo-DS-like case, only it was still an oval. But it had two screens and, like in Nintendogs, you could choose between which pet you wanted to take care of.

"Wow...." Anne breathed.

That's when Tori remembered she hadn't been able to introduce herself to that other Tamagotchi in that case!

"Hi, my name is Tori," she said.

"Oh hiya there, my name is Lynne and this is my brother, Tom. As you can see, I'm a Tamatchi and Tom is a Teletchi still. He liked being a baby so he's going to evolve yet," Lynne said.

Tori:your brother is very cute! just then Lynne was in a flash of white light and she came out as a hashitamatchi! Lynne:whoa i feel weird.... Tori:you look wierd,i think you evolved! *gets mirror* *Lynne looks in mirror* Lynne: yay i turned into the cuteist thing a hashitamatchi! Tom: whoa sis you look grate! how do you feel? just then Lynne fainted....

Tori: okay okay gotta stay calm! Tom: should i see if the store keeper has some ice for her head i think she might of bumped it falling down.. Tori: okay but be quick!*faits again* Tori:Tom call the docter!

Tom evolved, rushed out from behind the curtains, and then yelled, "OWNER! LYNNE BUMPED HER HEAD! CALL THE GOTCHI DOCTOR!"

Anne grabbed her stylus and pressed the medicine icon.


Which Tama?




Anne, "Lynne." She clicked Lynne's name.

"What happened?"




Anne, "Fainted." She pressed that.

"You need:"



Anne, "Ice." She pressed it and Lynne came out with the ice in a plastic bag on her head!

"Thank-you, Anne!" she cried.

Tori: Tom come here and hold the ice on her head *TOM walks in* Tori: whoa you...your a mizutamatchi! Lynne: ugh...... Tom: i am?! Tori: stay here whith your sister! *runs to get mirro* Tori:toda! Lynne:........

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