Animal Crossing city Folk Name Change in UK and AU


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Mini 500

Well-known member
Dec 29, 2007
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The United Kingdom and Australian Versions of animal crossing city folk have had their names changed to Animal Crossing:Lets got to the city. Here is the official Nintendo link to Animal Crossing:Let's go to the city.

Animal Crossing: Lets go to the city

America has yet to be affected by the name changes and the american version will still be called animal crossing City Folk. Due to these name changes Animal Crossing: Lets go to the city has pushed realease dates in Australia and the United Kingdom to the 5th of December 2008. Just in time for chirstmas!

Ask me for more info about animal crossing Lets go to the city on this thread.


I know and it sucks.. it said on animal crossing commnuity that they changed it because the UK and AUS people wouldnt know what "folk" ment in city folk!

Wow that could be seen as offensive.

Im british and I know what folk means.


Im sure they must of made that up or something, we know perfectly well what folk mean.

I know and it sucks.. it said on animal crossing commnuity that they changed it because the UK and AUS people wouldnt know what "folk" ment in city folk!
Actually they do. I think that city folk is a better name. :( :angry: I'm complaining and I don't even own a wii, so I can't get a copy.(I don't want a wii either!)

:eek: TamagotchiGirl2007 :p

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