Animal Crossing!


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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2005
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My house ;)
My last topic just disappeared! B)

This is still a cross between GameCube, DS, and now Wii!

I woke up, and groaned. Today I would be leaving Mom and Dad to go to a village on my own.

I looked out my window. There was a pleasant little garden around it. It had pink pansies and purple roses, along with other assortments of cool flowers and trees. I looked to the left of the yard. There was my tree house. The other kids in the neighbourhood were friends of mine. In Violet’s backyard there was a tent. In my backyard there was a tree house. In Tom’s backyard there was a little cave. We once found a skinny kitten in Tom’s cave. It was so cute!

But the time had come. I was old enough to live on my own. I just hoped that I would be alright. Though I heard that a lot of animals lived in the different towns. Hmm, would I meet a nice animal? I sure hoped so!

I got out of bed and pulled on my citrus gingham. A hat went with it, my hat is cone-shaped. I have big brown eyes and short dark brown hair.

“Mom, what’s for breakfast?” I asked when I had run down the stairs to the kitchen.

“Pancakes, your favourite, dear,” Mom told me.

“Oh, yay!” I cried. I ran upstairs and took my hamster out.

“Oh, Hami, I have to take you with me!” I whispered frantically. I put her back into her cage and put it on my bed. Next, I packed my teddy bear, pillow, blanket, clothes, hats, shoes, toothbrush and hairbrush, toothpaste, stationary, a pen and other little important things like hamster food and bedding into my suitcase. Then I ran downstairs.

“Mom, I’m ready!” I shouted, putting the hamster cage and suitcase by the door.

“Okay, come eat, Hammy dear,” Mom said from the kitchen.

I ran in and grabbed a plate. I put 3 pancakes on it and just poured on the syrup! While I ate Mom and I talked.

“Mom, you will write me, won’t you?” I asked.

“Yes, of course I will, dear,” Mom said.

“Okay,” I said. I was finished so I pushed back my plate. Then I glanced at the time. “Mom! My train leaves in 20 minutes!”

“Okay, I’ll get Dad,” Mom said. “You get ready.”

I jumped up from the table and ran into the hall. I pulled on my pink jacket. I took my stuff and went outside.

I climbed into the car.

We went to the train station and Dad got my tickets. Mom and Dad were super-nice to me before the train ride. I got a hotdog and a Coke and strawberry and vanilla chip ice-cream! Yum!

When the announcement for train 11 came on, I picked up my bags and jumped on the train. I watched Mom waving from the window until she was out of sight. Then I watched a big, dark, tunnel pass and suddenly we were in the station. Had the train ride really been that fast?

“Time to get off,” I heard the driver saying.

A girl got off with me. So did a boy.

"Hammy," I said.

"I'm Violet," said the girl.

"I'm Genis," said the boy.

When we got off the station, a raccoon called Tom Nook met us and said, “You are Hammy, Violet, and Genis, yes? You moved here? I am Tom Nook.”

“Well, now I shall show you some houses. Care to look?” Tom Nook asked.

I nodded. “Okay. Hope I like the first one!” We hurried after Tom Nook.

A minute later we were at the houses. I chose a red-roofed house.

“Go in! Check it out!” said Tom Nook.

I went in. “Ahhhh!” I cried.

“Well, is it good?” Tom Nook asked.

“Yes,” I answered breathlessly. “I’ll take it.”

The house had a lovely carpet, a lovely wall, a table with a diary on it (ooh), and a tape deck.

I entered the house again, put my dresser in it, and put all my clothes in. I put in my bed and Hami was the last. She got a place on my floor, too.

When I left I started work. Genis had a blue-roofed house with his blue dresser, tape deck, diary, and bed and his goldfish in it. The floor was a blue floor and the wall was a blue wall too. Violet had a yellow-roofed house with her argyle knit, diary, tape deck, basic green bed, exotic chair and retro TV.

We put on our workclothes and headed in the store.

(So? Mimitchi&hanatchilover asked me, not you. Reply to your own questions, not do it for someone else. Sides, I'm a tomboy. And there already is a squrriel living in our town called Sandy. I don't wanna put up a fight and get this topic closed, so just keep it like this and if you don't like the name, make your own charecter in this story named Sandy, OK?)

Tom Nook let the three go free. TIME SKIP! 1 year later, it was like the old topic. Hammy was bored to death cause it was a terrible blizzard outside. Of course Genis and Violet were the same. Finally Violet and Genis knocked on Hammy's door. "Come in." Said Hammy boredly. Then to Hammy's surprise, it was Genis and Violet. "How'd you get over here???" she asked them. "well we put on 10 coats, 5 sweaters, 10 socks, 10 pants and 5 hats and had matches in our pocket so we could burn the snow and the icicles." explained Violet. "sides," added in Genis. Your house is only 10 inches away!" Then Hammy fell over laughing and laughing and an hour later, tears were coming out of her eyes. She was still laughing! "Oh my god. When is she going to be done...?" asked Violet.

"Oh!" she stopped with a start and sat up. "I forgot you were watching me, sorry!"


It was 2007 again. The snow had all melted.

They were all free from work.

NOTE: When the story disappeared, they were escaping from Sally and her gang.

Humans: Violet, Genis, Hammy

Animals: Chevre, Tabby, Daisy, Punchy, Queenie, Drake, Friga, Freckles, Gladys, Walker, Agent S and Bob this time!!

In the inflatable umbrella-and-blanket shielded pools, everybody was so happy. They were finally away from Sally and her big, bad, gang!

1st pool: Hammy, Chevre, Drake, Queenie, Daisy

2nd pool: Genis, Punchy, Tabby, Walker, Freckles

3rd pool: Violet, Friga, Gladys, Agent S, Bob

Soon enough, Sally's yacht was folling them! "Crap!" said Genis. "How'd she get so rich?" Violet asked Bob. "Well.." said Bob. "She saved up money ever since she was 4. When her mother and father died, she got 1,000000000000 bells. She saved up and left her house dusty and yucky. Then I think she bought that yacht!

Yeah, why not? Maybe it was just a problem with the server, I've seen other topics just disappear, never one of mine though!

"Oh no!" Hammy cried. She pressed a button on her remote controller and all the pool-boats started moving SO fast!

Soon they landed in the nearby town of Nesstown.

"Hey," said a girl named Nessta. "I'm Nessta. Who are you? I live with Lightsup, Rockin' and Sparkles."

"I'm Hammy, and these are my friends Genis and Violet. We're escaping from Japan, where evil Sally the squirrel killed Tortimer and became mayor. She was following us in her yacht!"

Hammy didn't see the yacht when they floated in, so she made all the pool-boats fit into her pockets and the animals all ran off to build houses. Now there were 27 villagers + 7 humans, so there were 34 people in all. 3 extra houses were built so Hammy, Violet and Genis could live there. Sally never found them ever again.

However, they found that they had bigger problems to endure....

When a sea serpent came and wrecked the whole town. Luckily 30 minutes before this happened, Hammy and Violet felt a bit sick of living on a giant dock. They packed up in 10 mintutes and within 20 minutes, they were waving to Nessta. Then they disappeared from the dock's shore. Suddenly the serpent came and destroyed the town. Neesta had saw it jumping toward them and she called in the announcer for villagers to evacuate in less then 20 minutes, giving the villagers time to pack. Then they all took the bridge to the main island. Then within the blink of an eye, the giant dock broke and with that, all the houses. Hammy, Violet and Genis were now 45 miles away from where the giant dock once was. They didn't know a thing about it. Hammy was just humming merrily, Violet kniting a coat and Genis just sitting back and reading a comic book.

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saw Nessta and her friends swimming towards them in the water. "Hey," said Hammy. "We're going to the nearest town to make an omelet."

"That would be Forest," said Lightsup.

"Yes, let's go," Rockin' cried, and jumped into one of the pool-boats.

"Well, all of us 37 can live cramped for a few hours. The most is a few days," said Sparkles.

"To Animal Island! My hut is big there," added Hammy.

Finally they arrived. There was a big island next to the island they landed at. Nessta said "Ok thank you for your help." She pulled all her friends Out of the boat and pushed the boat with everyone who started the journey toward the bigger island. When they landed, they began to build houses. Violet calculated how many miles they were from Japan. "1000." She said. They finally placed their furniture inside. Meanwhile at home Tom Nook, Pete, Pelly, Mr. Resetti, Copper and the other dog police were in rags and moving around furniture while Sally was sitting with Copper and the other policeman were fanning away. That night..

Sally began to wonder if she should make Pete fall in love with her instead of Pelly.

"Those two are always kissing and hugging, I'll steal Pete from Pelly!" said Sally, and she began to brew up a love potion.

On the island it was 5 acres wide and 4 acres long. Agent S stepped out onto the beach to collect shells. She found a scallop, which was very rare and could only come from Pascal. 'He must have dropped it,' she thought, and ran inside the hut to everyone, waving her treasure.

"Guys, everybody, look what I found!" she cried.

"Whoa my gosh! I-is that a scallop?" Hammy and Genis asked at the same time.

"Why, yes, it is," Queenie said. "I used to have one like that myself when I was younger."

Suddenly a guy named Rowan came up to them. "Hi, I'm Rowan. I used to be the islander on Hammy's island, usually alone, until you guys showed up! And, just for the record," he added, looking around at all of them, "Why are you here again, all of you?"

They told him the story.

"Oh, that's bad," Rowan said.

What he did to help was....

there is an AMimal crossing FOR WII!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! N E way i was in the other animal crossing forum too and my name was Charlotte in it and i wonder why it disapeared i was looking for it all day yesterday!!

(Shadowprincess please do the story, not chat.No offnese. BTW Mimitchi Pete is married to Pelly already..)

Polish the scallop. The dirty scallop was now glittery, sparkley and not a germ was on it. Then they went diving. While diving they collected all kinds of treasure. Then Genis said he found this really clear blue stone, Hammy had found some gold powder and Violet had found a giant dead whale they could use for meat and blubber. Suddenly they looked into the crystal and saw Sally whipping Pelly to make the potion. They..

ran for Daisy and Walker.

"Guys, we need you to paint yourselves and customise yourselves to look like Copper and Booker," said Hammy.

"Okay!" said Daisy. "I'll be Booker. He doesn't talk very much.... and.... well.... I'm a girl."

"Okay, then in that case.... I'M COPPER!" cried Walker happily, throwing his hands up into the air in joy as he tried to express himself properly. "YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!"

Then Hammy looked at the dock. She could see Japan in the distance.

"Look, there it is!" she cried. Then she squinted. "Oh no! Look! They're sailing away in that yacht! We've GOT to go after them!"

They all piled into the pool-boats. "After them!" she cried. Then she noticed Lightsup was missing. "Lightsup, where are you?" she called. A girl was sitting in her usual place.

"Who are you?" she asked.

"She left. I came. By the way, I'm Robyn," the girl said. She had dark brown hair and blue eyes.

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