Animal cruelty!


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Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
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ontario, canada
hi i am 100% against animal cruelty, i am saying this now because i saw my neighbour beating his dog! I yelled out my window "STOP" but he just looked up at me and hit his dog again! then he went back inside. now his front lawn has a for sale sign, so hes moving and i dont want him to have that dog, he doesnt deserve it! i called the police and they went to his house then to mine and they told me that he doesnt have a dog!


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We can't really email you support because we don't know for sure if your story's true. I find it sad that the dude's beating his dog. You should tell your parents about it and maybe they can help get that dog away from the guy and to a shelter or something.

We can't really email you support because we don't know for sure if your story's true. I find it sad that the dude's beating his dog. You should tell your parents about it and maybe they can help get that dog away from the guy and to a shelter or something.
*nods* We aren't witnesses so the only thing we can do is offer you some advice.

Are you sure it's his dog? It could have been a stray that wasn't his. I would say contact your local ASPCA and report the inccident.

People like that need to be caught because his horrible behavior might spread into hurting humans too.

srry i got it mixed up! i eddited it, i meant one thing then i typed another. anyway, it turned out that it was his dog and the spca took it away! YAY! im going to ask my mom if we can adopt it (its a cute little golden retriever)

Oh good. You should probably wait till after he moves to get the dog [if your mom lets you] so there's not feud and your dog potentialy being hurt again- unless he's going to be put down or something. Check with the shelter about adoption. :]

Oh good. You should probably wait till after he moves to get the dog [if your mom lets you] so there's not feud and your dog potentialy being hurt again- unless he's going to be put down or something. Check with the shelter about adoption. :]
okay i will, thanks for reminding me to wait untill he moves! if we had adopted the dog before he moved the dog may get hurt. oh yeah how does this dog adoption thing cost? cuz if its alot my mom wont let me adopt him

I used to be big on stopping animal cruelty and such, but now.. Well, when I look back on some of my older 'Animal Cruelty' posts, most the time I was just venting general feelings.. And not looking at other facts. Which now I think is stupid and ignorant of me..

Anyway.. Animal cruelty is something that 'animal cops' are working to stop. It's all nice and good that you'd like to support stopping it, but we all know it happens, nobody really enjoys being preached to about how it needs to stop, and the best thing you can do for now is report any cruelty to animals you've witnessed..

Abused animals are fragile, cautious around others, after what they've gone through most the time. You shouldn't just go off and adopt one because you feel sorry for it because it was abused. You've got to understand more than that. You have to have the time for it, the space, the money, and the affection to give. You've got to be gentle and patient and understanding.

Adopting a companion means you are responsible for it, its health, its actions, up until the very day when it passes away.

If you aren't able to adopt it, you still did a good thing by getting it taken away from the guy that beat it. Good luck...

it will probably cost 50$-100$. it depends how good the dog is. :D

IT NEEDS TO STOP NOW!!!!! I have adopted 3 cats from a shelter who had been abused. I'm proud of myself for that and I ahve already started up a trust fund for myself because I have a house in my inheritence and i'm going to make use of myself and adopt abused animals and get them back up to good health and find them good homes. I'm not taking any chances when it comes to the well being of animals. I'm also a breeder so i'll carry that on.

I am against it, but really, it'snever going to stop. Ever. I personally think people should just quit saying things like, "lolol stop anamil creultey!1!!1". It's fine to state you're against it, but really. It never will stop, so quit trying.

Don't bother flaming me, you'll only be wasting your time.

I am against it, but really, it'snever going to stop. Ever. I personally think people should just quit saying things like, "lolol stop anamil creultey!1!!1". It's fine to state you're against it, but really. It never will stop, so quit trying.
Don't bother flaming me, you'll only be wasting your time.
she can be againest animal cruelty its

her choice.anyways i feel so srry for the

dog,oh poor thing :D .im glad u ar going

to adopt it.let some of the tamatalkers

said adopt once he moves.ur heart

must be in the right place. ^_^

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Some people are mean to animals. The poor dog. If it were my dog I would never beat it.

I really would like to do something about animal cruelity, but my dad is an animal hater. If I did try to do anything, He'd just get disappointed and mad.

It's nice to adopt animals from the pound or SPCA. It's nice to gie animals a better home where they know they are loved and do not get beat. Animals are alive to, so we have have to treat them like they are and don't abuse them.

she can be againest animal cruelty its her choice.anyways i feel so srry for the

dog,oh poor thing :D .im glad u ar going

to adopt it.let some of the tamatalkers

said adopt once he moves.ur heart

must be in the right place. ^_^
I never said she couldnt be against it. I just said people should stop trying to end animal cruelty. Re-read my post.

I never said she couldnt be against it. I just said people should stop trying to end animal cruelty. Re-read my post.
So in other words Animal Investiators should stop rescuing abused animals from unfit owners?! Let them be abused because you can't stop "Animal Cruelity" Sorry but your post just rubbed me the wrong way. No you can not stop Animal Cruelity but to stop trying is an insult to the animals who have suffered from it. I will never give up on ending it even if it is hopless. Even if its just one animal that is rescued from cruelity.

srry i got it mixed up! i eddited it, i meant one thing then i typed another. anyway, it turned out that it was his dog and the spca took it away! YAY! im going to ask my mom if we can adopt it (its a cute little golden retriever)
I'm glad the dog got taken away from him. And you should give yourself a pat on the back - you noticed it then did something about it.

Personally I think if your going to abuse an animal there's no point in getting one.

People, please read the rules and guidelines before you post (yes, I'm talking to you, n00bs). This type of topic has been banned for a long time. Sorry to say this, but it was my fault they got banned, because people kept making duplicates of my child abuse topic.

Please, just take a couple minutes to read the rules.

Well there was obviously a good reason why he spanked his dog.. It's called "Discipline", and *mumbles a bit angry* once again, if feel so hurt, and so bad about Animal Cruelty, *smiles fake* please make a protest or a debate, or anything in the real world, besides the internet..

Oh, no offense but you're overreacting a bit. o.o' I spank my dog, like do a hit on her, but that's not abuse.. I usually do it when she acts up. Same thing what you do a little child when they act up in public. :blink:

Oh? Well yes. Dicipline is good! But when they are YELLING?

The other day my puppy wanted to play and he was biting my dad to get to play, my dad shoved him into a REALLY sharp table. I yelled at him, and he said 'WAS I TALKING TO YOU?"

I said "NO! BUT NO ANIMAL DESERVES TO BE ABUSED!' he stopped talking and sat down. I was PO'ed

So in other words Animal Investiators should stop rescuing abused animals from unfit owners?! Let them be abused because you can't stop "Animal Cruelity" Sorry but your post just rubbed me the wrong way. No you can not stop Animal Cruelity but to stop trying is an insult to the animals who have suffered from it. I will never give up on ending it even if it is hopless. Even if its just one animal that is rescued from cruelity.
Am I the only one who understood what she was saying?

Animal Investigators shouldn't stop. It's their job.

Civilians should stop. It's not their job and they're not going to get anything done. It's good to try and save animals if you witness it. But stopping it in a whole is impossible.

If you witness an act of cruelty, go ahead and report it. But forming, protests, riots, petitions, etc wont do anything.

Help one at a time. Don't try to help all at once. It wont do anything.

Can I just say that what the first post in this topic said it doesn't sound like this man was smacking his god to discipline it. Actually, it DOES sound like he was being abusive.

I never hit my pets even when they are naughty, bite and bark. I don't even yell at them. I know that yelling with either frighten them or make it sound like you're joining in when they're barking.

I agree that animal abuse needs to stop but I seriously doubt it ever will.

It just seems like no one cares anymore.

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