Animals - How much do you care for them?


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Would you eat meat?

  • No way I would never eat a loving animal

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  • My parents make me eat some meat

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  • I love animals but I don't want to eat all vegtables

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  • I care for animals so much but they taste so good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I try to eat little meat

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  • I can't think!

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  • Other

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Me, I eat lots of kinds of meat, but I wouldn't eat rabbit, cat, dog, or bushmeat. I also wouldn't go hunting unless I was starving. For obvious reasons.

Well it depends on the type of meat, like last year during Hunting season (i went hunting with my neighbour) We caugt a few deers (bucks) . thats pretty much the only meat i eat other than chicken
exsuse me but u miss spelled "deers" because there is no "s" in "deer",and there is a doe which is a female deer and a buck which is a male deer ;)

*unkind - removed*

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Excuse me but you mispelled, "deers.There is no, "s" in "deer." There are doe, which are female deer, and buck, which are male deer. ;)
*unkind - removed*
Do you really want to be correcting people's grammar?

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OMG! it's so entirely WRONG! but my parents make me eat meat even tho i refuse. they're like "you need protein" and i'm all,"i'll just have some peanut butter!"

they're like no.

i'm like shoot.

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Animals are just like us! But it is hard to be just a vegaterian too! It is your choice on what you do! I LOVE animals! But I am not ready to just eat vegtables. Do what you want!
I think you are a bit confused, a Vegetarian doesn't mean only eat Vegetables! :) It just means you eat anything, minus meat.

Some Vegetarians still eat some meat: Like Fish, and Chicken. ;) And they are still a vegetarian.

I am a vegetarian, but I eat chicken. ONLY chicken. And It's not like I have a chose either, my parents force me.

Before you decide if you are going to be a vegetarian, check out some websites with information. :D


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I think you are a bit confused, a Vegetarian doesn't mean you don't eat Vegetables! :p It just means you eat anything, minus meat.
Some Vegetarians still eat some meat: Like Fish, and Chicken. :) And they are still a vegetarian.

I am a vegetarian, but I eat chicken. ONLY chicken. And It's not like I have a chose either, my parents force me.

Before you decide if you are going to be a vegetarian, check out some websites with information. :wub:

I think she meant that she wants to be a vegetarian and not eat meat, but it's really hard for her to stop eating meat and just eat veggies.

That's what I got from it anyway ^.^'

I think she meant that she wants to be a vegetarian and not eat meat, but it's really hard for her to stop eating meat and just eat veggies.
That's what I got from it anyway ^.^'
Sorry, I'll edit my post, I meant to say "Being a Vegetarian doesn't mean you only eat Vegetab;les"

Here is something I say to people who don't eat meat ""SOme animals you don't eat, like dogs, some you do eat,like cows.""

About a week later, They're eating chicken. XD XD XD

Well I think it depends on where you live. In the US, people raise cows. Therefore, we eat cows. In South America, they raise Guinea pigs. Therefore, they eat guinea pigs. We think its wierd that they eat guinea pigs, they probably think its just as wierd how we eat cows.

I personally believe our bodies need to eat meat to survive along with veggies of course. Though I don't believe in not eatting meat doesn't mean I have a problem with other people not eatting it. In the end it all goes down to personal choices. You can't make someone not eat meat, just as you can't make someone eat meat if they don't want to. I personally am trying to eat only one meal containing meat per day because I do feel bad that animals aren't always treated right at those places. Free-Range meat is just to expensive for me to be able to afford. Plus as I said before, I believe we are meant to eat meat so I wouldn't give it up altogether.

If you do decide to become a vegitarian you can't just live on veggies alone. You have to find another source for your protein to stay healthy. Some stuff thats got protein in it: Tofu, beans,nuts, other soy products besides tofu.

Some people just eat eggs and dairy but I forget what they are called.

I love Animals! As with my love of all horses but I do eat chicken, Beef (Only mince) And turkey. I hate Lamb! But I love the real animal.

As someone mentioned earlier, eating meat is the circle of life. Lions eat meat, wolves eat meat, and I eat meat as well (with other things like veggies fruits etc...).

like i eat cow ,fish,chicken and all the regular stuff but i would never eat like a horse dog or cat or any house pets like that

I really do Love animals, with all my heart! But meat is a part of our diets that keeps us healthy too. I'm not full vegetarian, but I try not to eat any more meat than I need. But I'll tell you one thing: I really do think that eating cats in China and Dogs in Mexico is WRONG! That's just sick and wrong... :mametchi:
Exactly. :mimitchi:

I love Animals! As with my love of all horses but I do eat chicken, Beef (Only mince) And turkey. I hate Lamb! But I love the real animal.
I could never eat lamb because it's a baby x.x' I don't know why, but I think it's gross to eat a baby-anything. I can't eat small animals either, except for poultry.

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