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:furawatchi: I love anime to! Though they do poorly make some animation shows like DragonballZ or or other really stupid shows.



My favs


Rouroni Kenshin (hes been thrown off the air)


InuYasha(my ulta fav)



I can draw real well (from what my friends say) Espcially Inuyasha Ican't draw boys well except inuyasha i can usally draw girls really good.


*** not trying to toot my horn :furawatchi: [/color]

if anyone can show any of their drawings, on a website or whatever, then i would be delighted!!!!!
here u go

My Webpage

i have drawings there that u can see...sign the guestbook if u visit...

like anime like:

-Marmalade Boy

-Sailor Moon (sort of)

-Escaflowne (the Movie)

OH ..and

INuyasha ( i have the main action figures of that series: Inuyasha (halfdemon), Inuyasha (human form), Kagome, Sesshomaru, Kikyo, Miroku, Sango)

and i also like full metal alchemist..

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I can nevr stop obsessing over anime. I know I already posted here, but I'm posting here again... My favorites:


~Inu Yasha

~Ruornoi Kenshin (I think)

~Tokyo Mew Mew/Mew Mew Power


~and there was 4 more, but I forgot thier names. If I had a scanner, I would show you guys my "art"... ^^;

Anyways, I absolutely LOVE anime. I can't get enough of it. It's all so wonderful. Anyone here ever read any of the mangas? I have! They're GREAT!

I love to draw anime and manga, but I don't watch any shows that use anime drawings

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I love anime i cant draw it but i like the shows i used to watch some when i was little but then they got canceled so i couldnt

I don't get anime. It's so confusing. A popular one at my school is Fruits Basket.

me too!!! i love it!!! wouldn't it be cool if they did a tamagotchi show?

They did. They have it on VHS on Amazon, but you can only buy it used. It's from the original tams back in 1997.

I LOVE ANIME! But I don't get to see much of it. :D I mostly read manga. I like less mainstream stuff too, the mainstream stuff is usually cut for american eyes (Mew Mew Power is actually a not-so-childish series called Tokyo Mew had nice japanese names and was so cute and nice...then they dystroyed it and stripped everything to do with asian culture out of it, gave out new names, and took out tons of stuff. Grr. It sucks they dystroyed it like Pokemon...), some of the best are Pita-Ten, DNAngel, Mink, Kamichama Karin, and Dramacon... most of these don't have animes in america yet and aif any of them get messed up by 4kids I'll scream. (Mink, if it gets an anime, probably will because it's childish...Dramacon won't get one prolly because it' from america...)


Anime is cool, but i don't like the really HUGE eyed kind :angry: where they are like MEGA hyper soo they sound ridiculous!

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