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Pikachu Lover

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2008
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Does it annoy you when girls under 16 who have a boyfriend say "oh I love him so much" or when boys say "oh I love her so much" when they've only been dating a couple weeks or months? Especially when they're young pre-teens?

I don't know why, but it annoys me SOOO much. >.<

And what annoys me more is all these stupid Jonas Brothers Fans (...what you think I was going to say 'no offense'? HA!) I've seen so many fans who always shout out to ever one "I love *name* Jonas!" when, I know, they AREN'T. It's just a crush. They've never met them and most likely never will. if they DO meet them, they certainly won't start dating, like many fan girls fanticies (sp?)

I don't really know why, but it just annoys the living crap out of me! >.<

What about you?

The young have as much a right to love someone in a relationship.
No no no I mean saying they're IN LOVE.

I must have not worded that right.

Many adults don't realize this, but teens have the same rights to love someone as much as adults do.

It does not annoy me that much, no. :/

Hmm. Well, as far as I'm concerned, if they believe they're in "love", then they do. It's not like they aren't going to be allowed to make mistakes.

[i quote love because I don't actually believe love truly exists. Long story.]

Well I don't know why it annoys me. Probably because alot of my cousins friends (he's 12 and his friends are 9-12) say they love each other after 2 days. I have NO idea why it annoys me. It just does.

Well I don't know why it annoys me. Probably because alot of my cousins friends (he's 12 and his friends are 9-12) say they love each other after 2 days. I have NO idea why it annoys me. It just does.
Well in that case it is a little ridiculous. You can't love someone in a few days.

Well in that case it is a little ridiculous. You can't love someone in a few days.
I know! And it just annoys me. I even tell them they're not in love. But they go on saying "yes i am i love her so much were getting married!" then the next day they "break-up" and they;re not even sad, which proves they weren't in love for real.

It doesn't annoy me when I see young couples at all. I find it quite cute actually. But if they're gonna start making out and having sexual intercourse and they're like...12..then that's a big no no.

I mean, I'm in love right now. I would cry if he were to dump me or whatever. I'm not gonna sit here and be a hypocrite and say that I hate it when people say I love you to eachother because it may be true.

The thing that annoys me the most are younger people disrespecting adults - such as teachers.

Love. Has. No. Age.

I understand your point, after two days, whatever.

I loved someone, we were never dating, ever, I never told him, I was upset for a long time, but I moved on.

Change is good.

Now, the relationship I am in is a 1 sided-desitined-to-fail-love-story. Maybe not one sided, but from what he has told me (coughnothingcough) Yeah.

Last time he told me he liked me, he asked me out, I said "Uhh sure?" (coughstudycoughdatecough) and he threw up from being nervous.

There you go.

Yes, love has no age, BUT:

Some younger kids (like me) seem to be dating because 'it's cool' When you date someone, you're meant to like them for who they are, not because it's 'cool'

Anyway, when you're younger, you should be focus on more important things, and leave dating for later.

It drives me crazy when people my age and up claim to 'love' someone after a week, let alone younger kids doing it.

Younger kids (under 16) it more just disgusts me.

I don't care what anyone says. If you've only known someone for a week, you don't, 'love them'. And if you're obsessed with a celebrity(aka jonasbros), you don't love them. You're a fangirl who has obviously never experienced real love so they assume their obsessive feelings ARE love.

You CANNOT actually be in love with someone you've never met.

Haha, Sweet Kandi, you don't want to meet the kids I went to school with once. There was this nine year old girl who had sex already.


:D I think it's less about the right to love and more about the correlation of inability to distinguish between like and love and being under 16. Younger people tend to not understand the differences in extremes of diction; for example take "like" and "love" and for contrast "disinterest" and "hate" -- if one uses extreme words one starts to convince themselves that the extreme is true. People under 16 are the most likely to not see the differences immediately of extreme situations because they haven't likely had an extreme situation before. Having a crush on a guy, thinking he's "cute" is not "love" it is more a form of "interest" if anything.

Do note that people under the age of 16 are simply "more likely" there are very many adults (many of whom have relationship problems) who also veer to extreme phrasing, convincing themselves irrationally of a false truth. Is it for attention? Is it to add cheap excitement to life at the cost of actually doing something about it? --

I usually assume, yeah, it's 'cause their too pathetic to actually act upon their feelings of weigh the facts and move on to do something. That alone really, really annoys me.

So yes. I am annoyed by it. :D

Oh. ILY babe.I wanna be with you forever

Love you forever.


Its puppy love. Hardly anyone ends up marrying their teen partners.

It annoys me heaps. Can I slap them???
My friend's parents met in Primary school, dated in grade 6 and got married.

It doesn't annoy me.

1. Does it annoy you when girls under 16 who have a boyfriend say "oh I love him so much" or when boys say "oh I love her so much" when they've only been dating a couple weeks or months? Especially when they're young pre-teens?
I don't know why, but it annoys me SOOO much. >.<

2.And what annoys me more is all these stupid Jonas Brothers Fans (...what you think I was going to say 'no offense'? HA!) I've seen so many fans who always shout out to ever one "I love *name* Jonas!" when, I know, they AREN'T. It's just a crush. They've never met them and most likely never will. if they DO meet them, they certainly won't start dating, like many fan girls fanticies (sp?)

I don't really know why, but it just annoys the living crap out of me! >.<

What about you?
1. I hate it when people think you can't be in love just because your young. Love has no age. It doesn't matter if your 95, or 12. You can still have true feelings of love. Sure, some young people confuse a crush for love, but not everyone.

2. Someone could truly be in love with a Jonas Brother. You never know. Yeah, they may not be in love with them fully, but they could be in love with the image they represent. I think it's cute when someone is actually in LOVE with them. I know I secretly am....but, then again, it's probably just a crush. Who knows?

I don't really care :blink:

It's their business, not mine. It won't annoy me unless that's what s/he starts talking about every 5 seconds. In fact, I think that young couples are quite cute.

As for celebrities...

You don't actually LOVE them at all. In fact, I'm 100% sure that 99.9% of lets say....JoBros fangirls, only care about the looks. In my opinions, your not officially in love with ANYONE until you know them well. So, if you *say* your in love with the Jonas Brothers, your actually *crushing* on them. You don't love them at all. Not unless your like, their best friend or something. In many cases, some fangirl is in love with their LOOKS, not their attitude, since 99% of fangirls never even met whoever they "love". I actually find that slightly shallow to say that you love someone when you don't even know a hair about them how they act and only go for how they look ^_^

So, no, I'm usually not annoyed by young couples. FANGIRLS are a different story.

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It annoys me a little. Pre-teens are aloud to have crushes and dates, but they don't need to rave about them. It's nice that they like someone, but I don't think they "love" each other that much.

It's more of "puppy love". They will date for a couple weeks/months, and then break up sooner or later. There are never any long-term relationships. It really doesn't annoy the "living crap out of me".

I do really hate people who claim to "love" the Jonas Brothers. Most of them don't even know them, and just like how they look. Everyone has crushes on movie/singer stars, and that's not a problem. It's them claiming to really "love" the Jonas Brothers. Like Leafpool says, usually most of these "Fangirls" go for the looks not the personality. Who knows, the Jonas Brothers could be mean and obnoxious.

If they are going to make the choice to say I LOVE SOANDSO, it's their problem. They are seeking attention, and you shouldn't give into that. I would just let it be.

But, I have to admit, when people type stupid things in their signature like:

I love you so much,

We could never be separated.

You made me cry.

Now I hate you.

Go and die.

Most people don't put any dying in there, but people mention cutting themselves and bleeding. I just added dying because it rhymed. :p (Sorta xD) Thanks for listening to my bad impression about those poem kind of things people do. I don't think it's right. Most signatures on TamaTalk have that kind of junk in it, but it's, once again, their choice. I don't read many signatures, to be honest. Just most of them I see are things I don't like.

So, that's my opinion, I guess. :p

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