Another Drawing


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Well-known member
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
My Vamp

I drew this one a long while ago so I hope you like it!

Feel free to critque... not to insult... but to tell my your opinion, nicely

I won't jump down your throats, just please don't be too harsh lol

I positively love how you do hair and eyes D: I want you to teach meee xD I give it a 4 :D

awesome but creepy...But mostly awesome! Cause vampires are supposed to be creepy, right? AWESOEMS^.^

You have come upon a great day my friend.

I see no reason to give you any critique; It is simply perfect.



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Aww thank you! you are all are the greatest.

I had to stand infront of a mirror and make that face so i could draw it. Needless to say, my jaw hurt for opening it really wide and locking it.

Lol No the picture doesn't look like me but the eyes are similart to mine. hehehe :blink:

Wow that's really realistic. (Except the vampire part! :blink: ) 5/5.

(Art sharing goes in fun stuff.. Usually I don't ever say this, but people never can seem to remember...)

I like it. If I may point out a few things:

1. I believe the ears should go a tad lower.. they should line up with the eye, right? Unless your perspective was on purpose.

2. I find the shape of the eye awkward.. Again, it's not a matter of urgency.

That's it, really. I won't give you a "rating" because I don't believe in "rating" things. I find the whole idea rather stupid and for people unable to come up with an intellegent thing to say for themselves- lazy people. I don't believe in voting without leaving a comment, seeing as "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and somebody could hate it just because they hate everything.

[SIZE=21pt]its was so realistic i almost jumped in my seat!!!!!!!! (in other words AWSOMENESS!!!)[/SIZE]

You are my critic aren't you pyonchit? ^,^ I don't mind

No one's told me that it goes in fun stuff. Sorry, even on my last art pic no one told me

The tip of the ear goes a little above the eye so the ear placing is correct it's just not drawn correctly. And i was looking in the mirror and I made that face so the eye shape is actuall my eye shape with a little exageration. It's drawn a little dramatically because of course it's a vampire!

Sure people can hate everything but i just ignore their comments. And sure many are lazy (just like me) but i like the way i have my topic set up for people to rate. I just ask please in future references keep all opinions focused the picture, not about rating or the topic please. Thank you very much

Thank you guys so much for the comments! I'm glad so many of you like it!

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