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Feb 22, 2006
Reaction score
well, I kept donated untill on top of the donation rate to the king I guess which is worth 30,000 points and I've tried to donated more but I couldn't do so anyone know about this plz tell me and if its like I guess then what's next? I got only Cape and Crown (I couldn't have the ring cos the first password was gone while i was looking for a pen)

now my tama is 3 yrs already and I got a points till 9999 and seem couldn't get anything more from the tamatown shop like boombox or anything else cos it said list is full after I gave password of anything so what should I do? and the training scholl is full scale also so I wonder what to do with it next?

I have lots of souvenir and item but can't use some of them yet so I guess because i'm still young? when will I be able to use them then?

ok enough question for now and thank you so much anybody who can helps me out :D

Ok I see that you have more than one question mrs_torres, so How about you pm me and I will tell you what you need to know. I hope I will be of use. :lol:



well, I kept donated untill on top of the donation rate to the king I guess which is worth 30,000 points and I've tried to donated more but I couldn't do so anyone know about this plz tell me and if its like I guess then what's next? I got only Cape and Crown (I couldn't have the ring cos the first password was gone while i was looking for a pen)
now my tama is 3 yrs already and I got a points till 9999 and seem couldn't get anything more from the tamatown shop like boombox or anything else cos it said list is full after I gave password of anything so what should I do? and the training scholl is full scale also so I wonder what to do with it next?

I have lots of souvenir and item but can't use some of them yet so I guess because i'm still young? when will I be able to use them then?

ok enough question for now and thank you so much anybody who can helps me out :wacko:
30,000 is the highest donation I've seen you can make.

9999 must be the highest amount of points you can have I guess. If you can't get anymore items because your list is full, you should get rid of some things, or give some away to friends in order to free up some slots.

Training bar just means that is is now a well behaved Tamagotchi, and that it won't give poo to other gotchis as presents. It also means that you have taken care of it well!

I don't believe you can use souveneirs, they are just that, souveneirs. Proof that you've put in work to get them.

Hope this helps :lol:

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