Another v5 question


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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
I have responded to the ? icon twice today and nothing has changed after selecting the I also chose the item that is supposed to raise their points as well, but it didn't I supposed to do something or just watch while they play the bond things? Im confused once more.

Your tamagotchis bond won't go up everytime you train them. It only goes up once a day when you train them by 10%. And when you use certain items to get the bond up, try using the items 3 times and see what happens. Hope I helped! :D

Use the Unchi-kun, Gotchi King DVD, or magokorotchi for 34 time to increase a 10% to their bonding, use it 334 times to make their bonding at 100%.

Thanks guys! I will try doing these things tomoRrow when they wake up. I don't have the lights on in my room so it would be hard to try waking them up lol. I will let u know how goes.

Once in a while it will increase. it increases by 10%. When you play with the toys that increases their bond % those go in steps of 0.3% so you will have to do it.. uh.. about 34 to 36 times to get 10%.

Your bonding percentage can only go up by 10% every time u train your tamas THREE TIMES.

And when u use the items that can help bonding go up,


King DVD


the heart thingy

you must use it THIRTY - FOUR times to make ur bonding increase by 10%

if u use other items like text book / campfire, u need to use it HUNDRED times to make ur bonding go up by 10% XDXDXD

i know, it will be VERY tiring to use it 100 times!!!

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