Antenna Tamagotchi?


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Jun 23, 2005
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i see antenna tamagotchi in 23th june at toyrus store seattle

it has antenna like keitai but in english language

Could you perhaps describe it more? Color, package, name, etc. Next time you're there, please buy one or take pictures, as I'm sure we're all very curious!

That's not possible. We haven't gotten ANY info about english keitai from Bandai. Still they could be selling a japanese keitai (with english manual) or a fake keitai (english menu).

Oh it's release now!! at23th June!! at toy r us!! (Sorry, I don't have some pictures. but it looklike keitai! and I spell wrong.... sorry

It's name Attenna Tamagotchi he he.

That's not possible. We haven't gotten ANY info about english keitai from Bandai. Still they could be selling a japanese keitai (with english manual) or a fake keitai (english menu).
er.... I don't know anything much about this.Sorry, I didn't see it myself

My aunt is live at seattle. and she told me... If anything wrong.

I apologize about that.

And she will sent Attenna Tm. to me in7-9days. I will scan it here.

And she will sent Attenna Tm. to me in7-9days. I will scan it here.
Yippe! But something caught me. You didn't see the package? Then it could be a tama with just an antenna.

whatever it is it souns really coll and i'll get like every american 1 :angry: :unsure:

I suppose because Seattle is relatively close to Japan (in comparison to other parts of the US), some Keitais could have been imported to the store. But that just seems very odd...Usually if one Toys R Us store gets something, most of the other stores will get it as well. It could also be a knock off, but I have never seen a major store like Toys R Us or Walmart sell virtual pets that are obviously knock offs. However, we'll only know for sure when you get a picture.

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