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Nov 1, 2008
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My friends are always telling me I'm anti-social.

I avoid talking to people as much as I can. My best friends are really the only people I socialize with.

When I try socializing with people I have a hard time. Some people have told me (in real life) that I act really mature for my age and that I'm no fun too hang out with. I don't believe them though, I'm just as mature as anyone else my age.

I don't socialize with anoyone except 'A', 'A l', and Naynay without being forced. I usually am forced into socialzing.

Not to mention I hate the 'outside' world. My life pretty much consists of the computer, anime, manga, reading, eating, and photography. When I'm forced to go outside, even into my own backyard, I find it to be disgusting. It's so..dirty? I'm not sure if dirty is the right word. I'm a germ-phob so that is just a 'bonus'.

Also, I've been really down lately. I think I'm depressed again.

I don't think this is what you'd call 'anti-social' but just to make sure I would appreciate if you'd tell me if this is.

How do I get over this 'problem'?

Thank you.


I'm the opposite. Very social and often called "annoying" I also like the computer much more than real life because i have much more friends. If being not so social is you, it's you. There's nothing wrong with keeping to yourself. It's who you are so don't let anyone say it's bad ;)

You sound exactly like me.


These are my exact habits.


I don't personally think there's anything wrong with it, really.

If there is, I'd like to know, too O___O

[SIZE=8pt]I'm often called anti-social, just because I like peace and quiet when I'm reading, and just because I spend alot of time on the computer, in my room, alone. ;) [/SIZE]


But I'm perfectly social. I love my friends and see them often. I chat 24/7.


Anyway, it's not exactly a problem in my eyes.

More like a...personality? :unsure:

Thanks everyone. :furawatchi:

Just to avoid confusin, by problem I meant how I have trouble socializing with others.

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I'm anti social.

I never talk to anybody who isn't close or my friend unless I have to.

But like Near, I'm quiet and peaceful.

In others eyes, I'm that quiet and shy girl.

BUT, in my friend's eyes, its talkative.

I'm also a germaphobe. C= I always have purrel with me.

But I'm sorry, I have no way to cure you anti socialism

I have a sort of social anxiety though this is a bit different.

You don't get extremely nervous while at school or at social events, you just don't like the situation to begin with, correct?

It's okay to not be a total social butterfly. I am a bit of a homebody myself. I love to just spend my weekends at home, with my family, chill'n with my cat, dog and my computer. I do enjoy hanging out with people, but like you, I only have a close few friends I do hang out with regularly though honestly, I wish I could grow that group a bit just because I actually do like people.. sometimes. lol! :rolleyes:

If you are okay with having a few close friends and you don't feel 'held back' because of that, then that's okay. If that works for you, that's great. Some people like to hang out with many friends and if that's okay with them and it's not hurting another area of their life, that's cool too. It's good to get out there because in life, you just have to deal with people. But if you like where you are at then that's what I would consider normal. :furawatchi:

That sounds like me.

I hate the outside world, and I'm usually forced into socializing...I'd much rather be indoors, locked in my room on the computer and listening to music then out with my friends.

I think we all have times in our lives when we just want to be left alone to think, and do independent things.

That doesn't sound like a problem to me. :D It's a personality trait. Read the posts so far and at least four people so far have said they are like that as well! It's not unusual, and you don't need to worry about it. The only thing that would concern me about this is that you've mentioned feeling depressed recently. If that is the case, a little more friends couldn't hurt. And if you're really uncomfortable with meeting new people, have a get-together with 'A', 'A l' and 'Naynay'. Sometimes a night with your best friends can make all the difference. ;) Good luck!


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