Any iPod experts out there?


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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2006
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I have a blue nano, and no matter HOW many times I sync music, my songs disapear! I had a CD on there with 11 songs, and there's only 3 left!

On iTunes they're checked to be synced, but they just won't go on. I reset my iPod and everything and they keep disapearing!

Can anyone help me?

Is iTunes on AutoSync? If not, you'll have to click 'sync' in your iPod in iTunes.

And what version of iTunes are you using. Try and get the latest version. You can get it from

If these aren't the problems, then I'm not sure whats wrong. Usually Apple products 'just work'. So maybe there is an internal problem with it and its worth taking to an Apple store. :)

I have the latest version, and when I plug my iPod in, it syncs what it checked, which is nearly everything.

I'll go see if Apple has it on troubleshooting, but that site loads so fast, I didn't want to go on it. But that's ok.

So it says its syncing?

And then what happens? Does it say its all synced but when you look on your iPod its not there? :eek:

Thats very odd. Sounds like something wrong with the insides of it.

My guess would be to take it to an Apple store. Unless someone else has an idea. But yeah, I'd take it to an Apple shop.

Good luck, let us know how it all goes. :eek:

Ok. Usually when I open my iTunes it says their is a new version, so I'll download it and try. But I didn't think it would make much difference, because when I do sync it, it says that my iTunes is up to date.

(I'm in love with your magical avvie)

OMG. okay

if you have mp3s

on there and them put i tunes it will erase everything okay=]

Google is your friend.
No, Google is my best friend. I swear I use google 80 times a day.

I tried the mp3 thing. My friend wanted songs from my iTunes, but when I put mp3s in my iTunes, nothing happens. It won't put music in them. Only on iPods. Then Windows Media Player pops up, and I never use it anymore, since I've gotten my iPod, because if I try to put music on my iPod with Windows Media Player, it doesn't work.

I'm gonna go google...

I asked my mom and she said to wait untill the songs are done loading and If that does not work have someone formatt it.

Goodness...that's really weird. Did you try to reset it to Factory Settings? (How it was in thee very beginning, they ask you what language you want)

But I hate going to the apple store. Ugh. I told the lady I didn't have a back-up on my drive for my songs and what not but she still deleted everything on there. UGH.


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