Any Tamas you waiting for?


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ALRIGHT! :lol:


I'm now waiting for a Super Gyaoppi 9-in-1, in an odd metallic colour that I've never seen them in before, which I absolutely love. :wacko:

I can't wait to get this one - it'll be my first good multi-pet, and as an added bonus, the penguin that's included is apparently different to the Gyaoppi-based Penpy that I recently bought.

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I'm waiting on a v4 Digimon vpet from JYW!

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I'm waiting on a v4 Digimon vpet from JYW!
Awesome! Congratulations! :D

Funnily enough, I saw those go up a day or two ago (I check the Other Virtual Pets section pretty regularly), and I knew that at least some of them would find a home with people from TamaTalk. :lol:

I ALWAYS look for cheap digimon when I get at least a bit of money, and I think a v4 for 39,99$ was a very good deal, considering these go for over 70$ on ebay. Even if I have a 20th edition already I think owning an actual original will still be fun, especially since there are some differences, plus I'll be able to connect them! So that's very exciting.

I'm really tempted to get the other two too...

I'm now waiting on the last-but-one of my current virtual pet grails - a Toy Story Virtual Friends Space Explorer.

I knew someone who had one of these Toy Story virtual pets back in the day, and I remember them being pretty neat. I just never got around to getting one of my own! Well, now I have. :lol:

Tamenagerie has a write-up here. There's also a video of the US TV ad for these

My other current grail is the MGA Penguin, but I suspect that I'll be playing the waiting-game for a while with that one...

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Got a bonus at work and my wife grabbed me an action figure that I was saving up for, so I had a little extra scratch and grabbed some stuff from JYW:

Mothra Tamagotchi

20th Anniversary M!x

and on the non-tama front:

Raku Raku Dino Kun

Dragon Quest(Warrior?) Slime V-pet.

Otoizm (They were $10 and they're weird)

I recently ordered myself a pink angel gotch off of jyw, but my girlfriend is planning to get me a blue and pink american mini for my birthday! I cant wait for them to come in (▰˘◡˘▰)

I had thought it wise to not try to buy any Vpets till after I finished my drawn-out geology course, predominantly because my father handles all my purchases. As I was finally free of that, I swung around to Japan You Want to see if they still had any more of those Dragon Quest Slime Vpet Pedometers because it was on the top of my odd-pet wishlist. Sure enough, they did and I bought one along with a Petogotchi because it was cheap and I was familiar with it as well as I would love to add more oddpets to my collection.


Now I really, really wanted to get that Dragon Quest pedometer after reading this and seeing that it struck a nice balance between a regular Vpet and a pedometer pet (and being a good introduction to pedometer pets too). Furthermore, I was familiar with those slimes from the Dragon Quest series because I had gotten Dragon Warrior Monsters for my Gameboy Advanced (a game much like Pokemon where various monsters can be raised, including several varieties of slimes). Originally it was never going to be on my wishlist because I saw the few available on Ebay had super jacked up prices and I thought I would never be able to afford it. That's why when I saw Japan You Want had them in stock and several of them - 17 at one time - I got so excited and I put it at top priority. I could have bought the cheaper Dragon Quest pedometer in a clear blue shell without its box but I thought the in-box shells looked more appealing with all those characters. As for the Petogotchi, price and its oddpet status were the reasons I wanted it as I'm a total cat person.

I feel really happy getting these Vpets, likely because oddpets have special feeling of rarity because they are not as plentiful as Tamagotchis.

I'm waiting for my iD L princess spacy and a fake +Color.

I guess they aren't talked about much here, but they are a hit on Tamagotchi groups on facebook. It's a pretty interesting fake, it has some features from +Color but also a lot of it's own. It's also in English!

Ra has made a review on his youtube:

And here is where people buy them:

(in the item description it shows what characters are available)

Thanks Jhud - I'll give that video a watch now!

EDIT: The text for losing at the games is hilarious. :lol:

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Told myself I wasn't going to get any more since I'm starting to build up a backlog, then I saw a v4.5 on ebay with sick red flames on a black background for a good price and bought it. I'm glad that my wife accepts that I have a problem. XD

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With my sincerest thanks to Porg, who informed me that this auction had been listed, I am now waiting for the last of my virtual pet grails! :D


This is "Penguin Time" - basically the MGA Penguin by a different name. :D

Thankyou so much for your help, Porg!

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Yay! I am so, so happy that you won it- huge congratulations to you and your virtual pet family! :D You are more than welcome, I am just glad that that I could help you in return, as you have been so fantastic! :wub:

I can't wait to see it in your log, its such a cute looking pet! :D

On a side note, I am currently waiting on a Tama-Go (I think thats what its called, at least, thats what its listed as :lol: ) to turn up. I don't know much about them, but I thought the charm things you clip into them were a super cute idea. :lol:

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After the feedback I was hearing about V5's and the recent 20% off discount on ebay, I pulled the trigger on this V5:


....It was more than I like to spend on Tamas, but the discount made it palatable. That deco, man... that and the Gozarutchi charm... I saw it, and my wife was like "Yeah, you're gonna need to get that"

So I did. :D

Hasn't shipped yet, but it looks to be in great condition! Also, I could specifically find what region the charm ones are from. This was from a Portuguese seller, so I'm not sure exactly what I'll be getting, but I can stumble through menus if needed! :D

That's an European shell! European shells are often lame but this particular one is quite decent.

These are the European shells:


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