any tips for sneaking my tama music star to school?


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Nov 7, 2011
Reaction score
just tips and how to turn off sound and where to hide it and stuff like that. thanks! ;)

Press and hold 'A' then press 'C'. Select off. The sound is now off. You could hide it in your boots, pants pocket, on a keychain under your shirt on your belt loop, on a lanyard under your shirt, in your purse, backpack, lunchbox, (but not in the same pocket as anything that would ruin it), instrument case (if you play one), or in a jacket pocket. If you have storage desks, in your desk under something, (be careful pulling it out), in a locker, cubby, pencil case.. etc.

Need more help? PM me. :)

Well, my friend and I both use the same routine. She sneaks one V5 in and I have a V5 and V2, and we've NEVER been caught. Here's how I do it:


1. Put your Tama in a glove, then put the glove in your coat pocket BEFORE school.

2. When you arrive at school, go into the toilet cubicle and check it just before lessons start.

3. Put your coat away, then go to lessons normally until morning break. Then repeat what you did when you just came to school.

4. At lunch, repeat what you did at break.

5. At the end of the day, repeat what you did at lunch.


1. Put your Tamas in seperate gloves, then put each glove in seperate pockets in your coat.

2. When you arrive at school, go into the toilet cubicle and check them just before lessons start.

3. Put your coat away, then go to lessons normally until morning break. Then repeat what you did when you just came to school.

4. At lunch, repeat what you did at break.

5. At the end of the day, repeat what you did at lunch.

It's a surefire way of taking care of Tamas during school and guaranteeing you don't get caught! Just don't try and play with it during lessons! I did it and got caught! (By my friend hehe. She didn't tell on me of course). If you don't like my method, and want your Tama on you all day long, put it in your shirt/skirt/whatever you wear all day pocket and check it at the times I said. Putting Tamas in gloves is protection from them being found or stolen. I have come across several people who said they were caught during a "spot check" at school, but the glove method keeps you safe from that, too! Try it!

:furawatchi: ~ Dazzmina ~ :chohimetchi:

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You're not the first or third person to bring this up. :babytchi:

Check out this thread.

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i always just turned off the sound, and put it in my pocket, then i'd go to the washroom from time to time so i can check on it.

here is what my friend did, she put it in her bra :mellow:

but of course this would only work if your a girl.

EDIT: some spelling corrections

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My tip is to read TamaTalk's Tips & Tricks forum :)

You will find at least two useful topics to help answer your question:

Sneaking tamas into school:

Keep Your tama from the teachers:

I hope you don't mind but since this question has already been asked and answered in existing, active threads on the TT forums I am going to close your topic.

I can see you are a new member so it's understandable that maybe you didn't yet realise that we all try to avoid making copies of topics that are already posted on the forums (it keeps all the useful / interesting info in just one or two easy to find threads for everyone to check). It's nothing personal ;)


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