Anybody likes Rabits?


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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2006
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Who cares?
EDIT: I meant Rabbits, sorry I thought I edited that before I made the topic!

I adore them! there sooooo cute <3

Anybody else agree?

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I like bunnies =]. i used to want one, until I saw how much work they are. Plus, my evil cat would probably kill it.

Same here but my parents wont let me!
Well...are dog would attack it. And plus, he's enough of a handful as it is. A bunny would be a lot of work.

I have 5 rabbits, I used to have 11. We have four cats, and two dogs, and they get along fine :p .

They are so cute!!!!


Well...are dog would attack it. And plus, he's enough of a handful as it is. A bunny would be a lot of work.
Ya I also have a big dog who would EAT that bunny.

Yes, I love rabbits. I was planning on getting another one, but then I decided to go away to school next year. I'm going to try to bring my bunny with me to school next year.

I have a Holland Lop (rescue) named Kanin.

Yes i loooooooooove em! I have a pet bunners! it's a boy named Boos. (pronounced booz) and no, it's not like the beer. I just thought it was a cutsy name! ^0^ (He's a lop eared bunny)

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Yes i loooooooooove em! I have a pet bunners! it's a boy named Boos. (pronounced booz) and no, it's not like the beer. I just thought it was a cutsy name! ^0^ (He's a lop eared bunny)
Awwwwwwwww! Your soo lucky!

I hate to break the chain, but I'm not a fan of rabbits. I've thought of them as awkward ever since I watched Watership Down.

Plus...they don't really do anything.

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