anybody wanna start a group hatch with me?


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I will. Tomorrow will be the 11th right? and my tama just had a baby yesterday at 7.00 so we can start tomorrow! Well... Only if you want to

ok im so retro wat day is it LOL sure but im getting mines today is that delaying

I'm definitly in, lets set up a time, I also wanna get another Tama Conn because I am a 15/m and the only one(guy or person for that matter) I know that has a Tama Conn in my area, so I gotta get one to breed with. I have an orange with yellow 'mod rods' (like bubbles on a stick) , purple screen outline and yellow buttons. I currently have an Ichigotchi (male) by the name of Roman, and a little over 2 days as of now. But I'll reset for sake of group hatching, but i'll miss him...

PSYCHE! I don't wanna erase him, but I really just don't know what to do, can I keep my guy or should i stick with actually hatching a new one? advice please!

My baby is already started and i feel bad. Is that ok if i started a little earlier? Today is the 11th.

I please tell me i cans still be in it? :eek:

i guess this isn't exactly an official group hatch but as long as we start aroudn the same tiem right? (same time aroudn days?) tat way those who started it earlier can give advice to those sho started later?

i started my tama. .. .but m confused about if we were doing this too. . .what do u ppl say??? :D ibut anyways. . .i currently have a marutchi girl named rex. . .weird name huh?

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ok, lets just start, i got a new one earlier today! woo! my signature has their new stats and will always be updated. monky (brother named it) went to bed at 8:30 instead of 8. My baby girl is an angel. My guy, I might have to watch a lil closer, they are sleeping.

By the way Roman died somehow but he did finammy become a Tarakotchi before passing. I like the way he moves his hips and he kisses the screen, freaked me out when it happened. also, he takes on his old habit from being Ichigotchi, which was running and falling on his face...

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